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So what does a young feminist do when she mysteriously finds herself knocked up and she hates all men, even those she chooses to rut with? And, horror, the baby is a boy.
Well, abort it, of course.
From HuffPo/UK edition… because the blog post in question is on a craptacular website and only intermittently available. Lana’s tale of woe begins on board an airplane heading for and Occupy Wall Street demonstration in San Francisco:
The story begins aboard a plane on the way to an Occupy Wall Street rally in San Francisco. A man sat next to her upon discovering where she is going says: “B****** like you need to learn their place.”
Lana screams “assault” and a male attendant rushes over but refuses to do anything as no physical contact was made.
She then admits considering lying but won’t move to one of the only two spare seats as they are “both back in Economy”.
She adds: “I was flabbergasted, and then betrayed as they recommended that I move to one of the empty seats. This left me in tears.
“I knew the only way to get away was to move seats so I did so tearfully and having felt as though I had been verbally and emotionally raped.”
Lana then goes on how pregnancy made her feel her body had betrayed her so much she experienced “crying, sobbing, uncontrollable weeping, mental anguish the likes of which may only be experienced by those who have had their lives destroyed by war”.
This trauma caused her to decide the world was better off without men:
That flight, according to Lana, left her forever changed. “By the time we landed, my outlook had changed, I could no longer depend on men to be an ally of the cause,” she wrote.
Lana was pregnant at the time, and thought she “had a good idea” who the father, or as she puts it, “the donator” happened to be. She was convinced she was having a girl because, well, she wanted a girl. Or at least a baby with a vagina, the “gender” part would be up to the child. “I had already started buying gender neutral clothing since I did not want outside influences affecting what gender she would ultimately become,” she writes.
After researching all-girl daycares and schools with the plan to make sure that “No man will be around to hurt her progress, no boys there to demean her or call her names,” Lana got horrible news from her doctor – her baby had a penis.She spent the next two days in fit of crying rage. How could this happen to her? She says, “My home became my prison and my fetus became my warden.”
Within a few days she had aborted the baby. “My body’s betrayal was no more, I was free, and for the first time since the airplane incident, I felt strong,” Lana claims. “I had done something positive, something that would actually make a difference, something good.”
This blog post has been mostly ignored by pro-aborts, except for the good little lefties at who have rated the story “probably false” because they hadn’t heard of the website until that blog post appeared. There is good reason why there have been no objections from the pro-aborts over this. If you take the position that a woman can have an abortion for any reason at any time, which is the most conservative position you’ll find among pro-aborts — many would favor mandatory abortions for undesirables — this woman has the right to abort a baby boy because she doesn’t like boys. She has the right to abort the baby with dark eyes and hold out for one with blue eyes.
In the words of the woman in a follow-up post, expressing shock at the criticism she has received:
To me, the experience was liberating, the emotions I felt when deciding what I should do, and after learning my fetus was male was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Coming out of it a liberated woman though was more than worth it. If I had to do it all
This is the face of the pro-abortion movement. Kill any baby, any time, for any reason.
And this is the face of feminism in post modern America, when the struggle for equal rights has been supplanted by a vicious and mindless misandry that believes young men should be prosecuted for rape on general principle and a mother’s inability to have a fulfilling relationship with a man justifies killing a child
The post Feminist aborts baby boy because patriarchy appeared first on RedState.