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The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, obtained a majority support in Parliament to implement his governing plans, whose immediate priority is to renegotiate the debt and rescue programs, and to end poverty, which has increased after six years of economic crisis.The Executive led by Tsipras gained support after a vote of 162 deputies including those from SYRIZA and Independent ones, who form the government coalition. The remaining representatives in the opposition parties voted against the plan.In his speech to Parliament, Tsipras reiterated that the main concern of the government is “time and space” to achieve a bridge agreement in the “short term”. That bridge must be adequate to withstand the “obligations so far that we will achieve global agreement “. He stressed that this covenant is not an extension of the bailout program or implied “austerity conditions”, and that there is not a “new loan”. Instead, Greece is requesting that the European Central Bank provides 1,9 billion euros from the performance of Greek bonds. The Government also requested as a method of financing to raise the emission of Treasury paper to 23 billion. Currently the limit is at 15,000 million. The intention of Athens is to secure funding for the time after March 1, when the extension on the second bailout will be over. This funding would be good up until August, when they are expected to reach a final agreement with the European creditors. The Government also thinks it is a good idea to allocate funds for the recapitalization of banks which amounts to 11 billion. The prime minister began the parliamentary debate, which lasted three days, with the presentation of his government plan. Tsipras stressed that his government will not backtrack on any election promises and that the goal is to pay the debt, although in different terms than today. Tsipras has the absolute support from his Finance Minister, Yanis Varufakis, who said before the House that if one is not willing “to contemplate a break up with European partners, it is better to stay at home.” Varufakis assured that the government is “meeting with the Eurogroup head high“, to discuss the situation in Greece. He is aware that it is unlikely that an agreement will be reached that enables the country to leave the impasse it is in, just three weeks before the end of the current bailout extension. Andonis Samaras, leader of the conservative New Democracy, the main opposition party, accused the Government of causing the exit of 15 billion euros from Greek banks after his failed election for the Presidency. Samaras was the man who oversaw the Greek collapse into the hands of the European and global financial institutions. The former prime minister criticized the executive for “discussing again a possible Greek exit from the eurozone, which according to him could cause “financial strangulation”, but reiterated that his party “will not allow a departure from Europe.” Samaras acknowledged that his government rejected some “measures requested by the troika” in late 2013 and still achieved its “objective”. He added that if the Executive needs more time it should ask for “an extension of the bailout program”. The Government led by Tsipras has plans that contemplates a series of immediate measures to assist those hardest hit by the crisis such as food aid, free electricity, universal access to healthcare, reinstatement of public employees, prohibition of forced evictions and the restoration of the minimum wage. Tsipras explained that much of the financing for these programs will come from the exploitation of natural resources. Read the rest below at the source link