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All-Star Golf Lineup for Obama in Florida

Saturday, March 28, 2015 14:34
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(Before It's News)

President Obama today is playing golf at the Floridian National Golf Course with former basketball great Alonzo Mourning, former football great Ahmad Rashad, and someone named Cy Walker.

Rashad, who is now a broadcaster, is dating Valerie Jarrett. Or was. I’m not keeping track of it. Cy Walker is Valerie Jarrett’s cousin. Or was. I’m not keeping track of that either.

The Floridian:

Floridian Golf

We’re just barely out of winter and it was already Obama’s seventh time golfing this year, having played in Hawaii in January, in California last month, and on a warm day near Washington this month. It was the 220th outing of his presidency.


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