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JADE HELM is NOT “an ordinary training drill”
Something is wrong at Veterans Today. A former Marine, who has published many articles here, was slammed by Gordon Duff and by Jim Dean for perpetrating “a hoax” by raising concerns about this mysterious “training op” called JADE HELM. I admire VT and like Gordon personally, although from time to time we have a divergence in our point of view. I have never felt as positive about Jim Dean because, as an old-time reporter and editor, he has come across to me as having an anti-academic prejudice, which I as a former professor have sensed from our initial encounters. But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.
But let’s consider the case of this article and its author, Robert O’Dowd. Although I had not read any of his work at VT before, I thought it was raising a perfectly appropriate issue as to whether or not JADE HELM, which is an operation that covers at least seven states (and now seems to have expanded to five or six more) could possibly be the cover for imposing martial law under the pretext of conducting operations in urban settings, which are meant to train personnel “for foreign operations”, where nothing about this has struck me as right from the beginning. As a consequence, I was glad to see he had published about it:
But I could hardly believe the response from Gordon and Jim. Not only did they “tag team” Robert and imply that he had been played for a sap but asserted that, “We have checked our sources who would be in a position to know if something like this were going on, and it categorically is not.” The problem with this approach is that we ordinary readers are not in the position to verify “their sources”. This is a classic appeal to authority, where we are supposed to take their word for it. And while I might be disposed to accept those assurances on routine matters, in this instance, the case of JADE HELM is anything but “routine”.
Jim Dean piles on It further astonished me that Jim Dean would reiterate his and Gordon’s position in both the facebook and ordinary comments sections on O’Dowd’s article, which you can easily confirm for yourself. This left some readers, such as Bonny Amey, at a loss as to exactly what was going on. And, indeed, others expressed concern, even in the ordinary comments section, where O’Dowd (in my view, with complete justification) submitted his resignation as a journalist for VT on facebook, explaining that he did not appreciate being used as a whipping boy for having published “a bogus story”, especially when the facts are still in doubt: ….read it all here …JADE HELM is NOT “an ordinary training drill”
What is the sense in training the current roster if they will only turn over to an untrained roster? Not only does it not make financial sense, it does not make military sense. There is a reason for everything. One camp might say that they’re trying to condition people to see military personnel et al on the home-front. However, there is also the looming condition of the economy, which is obviously being kept going artificially. That Jade Helm is going on now is entirely consistent with other looming events, the economy being the most significant.
Personally, I find fanatics unbalanced, as they approach everything from a one-sideness that is incomplete and incorrect; missing another side. Mr. Duff has made the impression on me that he is quite the fanatic; will only point at Republicans, ignoring Democratic involvement. FYI: both parties push the same agenda. If one is not looking at both parties in the wrong, they’re probably not worth listening to. And when they pull the “believe me based on my authority” bit, it’s usually a bad sign…one that leads to mistrust. My question is: What authority, Mr. Duff? FYI: authority is an illusion. You have none.
Retired and living in West Texas, I hear things from various professions that work here. I know, for example, that Haliburton is laying off due to low oil prices. I know that towns are bracing at the city council level, for the pending CRUSH of reduced jobs. I KNOW for a FACT that Wal-Mart is aware of this and other financial and economic impacts, and that they are pre-positioning for reduced retail operations as a result.
Simultaneously, we have the industrial military complex hard-selling the government on ‘the best way to come back financially’, and it seems that as usual, the Democrats are bracing to take us to the threshold of another great war to ‘jumpstart the economy’. After all, in only 7-years, we’ve supported the near-total destabilization of the Middle East (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, etc.). I mean, if it was a nation in peril, by the time that Libya fell, you’d think that Egypt would have ran from us like the plague, but they didn’t. Now it seems it is Iraq’s turn again, while we court Iran and ignore Saudi-Arabia.
Meanwhile, we have North Korea possessing far more nukes than we thought originally (we missed the guess by 50-percent, so China says). Russia and Ukraine, well, hopefully someone can truthfully read a play-by-play to us, when that’s over, so we can understand who really wants what, and who authorized it, in the end.
None of this is an accident. This is to script, and is proceeding as it is intended. Jade Helm IS MEANT TO SERVE A PURPOSE, but personally, I don’t think it is what the conspiracists think it does.
I keep hearing ‘deep seated rumors’ that it is about the oil. It’s always about the oil, and it is going to be about the oil when it ‘happens’. When what happens, I ask? When IT happens. So, if you put together a global attempt on all oil interests, global attempt on one government, global attempt on total power – then you put it under the spotlight of ever-reducing natural resources, pending elections in 2016 and a population quickly headed to 8-billion, all the time we repeatedly hear that the oceans are nearly dead of life due to poisons, over-fishing, etc., while we also have proven that solar and wind power alternatives just can’t pan out (again, like we didn’t try this before under Jimmy Carter’s miserable attempt).
You end up with an absolute deadline that is fast approaching for SOMETHING to happen. John Kerry’s little South American friend had said we had 500-days before ‘Climate Catastrophe’, which would have set a date of Sept 20 or so, 2015; for something to happen. Ironically, this is also the date that Jade Helm is supposed to ‘wrap up’. Is it pre-positioning for ‘survival clean-up’ after a major world climate-astronomical-geological event happens? Possibly. Survival rescue after a planned World War via nukes? Possibly.
Is it intentional? Absolutely. BUT, quit trying to turn every problem into a nail so you can use your hammer. Stop, and actually look at the issue at hand. It appears that the coming (guaranteed) event will hurt most of us badly. Kill many of us worldwide. BUT, it also seems to indicate that the military is positioning to hold government power while also serving as an operational rescue force for survivors.
This, in a nutshell, plays into most of their previous ‘sustained Satanic behaviors’ of ‘weeping for the victims’ that they intentionally created as a result of their evil power grabs. This is no different.
Bottom line: Something bad is coming at the start of Fall 2015, order may be lost and they fear the loss of control. America will be heavily affected (that’s why we’re debt-maxed, no gold left, constantly welfare-entitled-public with a focus on continuing the panacea until the last minute for the poor masses, and a constant denial that anything is wrong).
Plan for bad around Sept 2015, avoid troops and enforcement personnel, seek remote locations now, know it will hit this nation, and understand that it may never bounce back. Wal-Mart merely closed as a result of the coming economic impact in those areas that the stores could also be used as command-control military centers for what comes when Jade Helm wraps up. They are trying to ‘up their performance’ from what they saw in Katrina, and I’m not thinking they expect to do any better than they did there. They just don’t want to lose control if it is worse or longer-lasting.