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Google Censors Hillary Clinton Controversy – YouTube
In this video Luke Rudkowski breaks down the latest news behind the scenes with the suppression of independent journalism. Luke shows you how all of the recent Hillary Clinton videos have been demonetized by youtube without notification or explanation when one of the videos went viral and got on the front page of the drudge report. Its important to note that WeAreChange gets the majority of its funding through the monetization on youtube and with these cuts google is sending a clear message that they do not want us to report on Hillary Clinton Honestly.
There are other providers such as videoweed, veo vivo, dailymotion – I suppose the trick is to link from facebook by changing the title on the i.e. if removed search Facebook for alt sources.
Other channels no one watches. youtube is where the sheople are, and that is where Luke needs to be.
For instance: Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds (Video) is removed, The title could state Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney – FourFiveSeconds – alternate at Facebook RhiannaFanSubAltVideoSource