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On behalf of the GOP, I would like to thank the AFL-CIO for NY-04 and CA-07.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 17:09
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(Before It's News)

Basically, the AFL-CIO will be attacking Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) 6% (NY-04) and Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA) 5% (CA-07) for the next year and a half because both support TPP. Speaking as a Republican operative, I think that this is a marvelous idea. By all means, Big Labor: eat your own. I’ll happily pass you the salt. Maybe some pepper?  And a nice Chianti, to wash it all down.

Honestly, the only fly in this particular ointment is that there’s a Vox author who’s worried about this situation for the exact same reason that I’m so cheerful about it.  Which unfortunately needs to be taken as a suggestion that there may be something wrong that I’m not seeing; Vox is not exactly what one would call accurate. Or coherent. Or particularly deep. Nonetheless: even if you are an opponent of fast-track as it’s currently being presented it’s still good news when we replace any Democrat with a Republican.

Moe Lane

PS: The Ami Bera thing in particular amuses. They’re treating this guy like he won by ten points instead of fourteen hundred votes. I understand the need to keep united fronts, sure: but the GOP will just take this seat away and not give it back for a while. And the new Republican representative there will find it a lot easier to be free trade than Rep. Bera is finding it.

So, I guess… thanks?

PPS: As for Kathleen Rice: well, I suppose if Big Labor wants to torpedo the career of the physical and spiritual successor to the infamous gun-grabber Carolyn McCarthy then I’m just going to have to grin and bear it.  What a shame. I am weeping at the thought.

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