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Marine Le Pen slams Hollande, Sarkozy’s policies in Middle East

Sunday, August 30, 2015 10:26
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Marine Le Pen slams Hollande, Sarkozy’s policies in Middle East – YouTube


The leader of France’s National Front party Marine Le Pen has slammed the current and previous governments for their destabilizing policies in the Middle East.

Le Pen says the asylum-seeker crisis in France is the result of what President Francoise Hollande and his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy have done in countries like Syria. She broadened the scope, saying the West is now paying for such policies. The French politician added that the only solution to the current refugee crisis is to stop destabilizing the Middle East. In recent months, Europe has witnessed an influx of refugees who have fled war and chaos in their countries including Syria and Libya. European nations are facing a big dilemma whether to accept the asylum seekers or repel them by harsher border control.


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