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2000 Years of Christianity Destroyed on Obama’s Watch

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 9:45
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Muslims Obama 2

Look at a map of the Middle East on the last day of George W. Bush’s day in office. There was broad peace across the Middle East and North Africa. That doesn’t mean that there were zero deaths, but the region was stable. As I’ve said before, liberals want to make a big deal about how long our military forces would have needed to stay in the Middle East to maintain the stability. Let me ask you this: Does it matter? The United States has 800 U.S. Military Bases Stationed on Foreign Soil Now, and 62 years after the Korean War, there are still 174 U.S. base sites in Germany, 113 in Japan, and 83 in South Korea, according to the Pentagon. We have troops all over the world in historic hot spots, so what was so different with the Middle East?

The difference was that there wasn’t a Communist President in office ever before that the foaming at the mouth liberals could rally around in the past like they have with Obama. Never letting a crisis go to waste, and to appease his America hating base, Obama pulled out of Iraq, backed the Muslim Brotherhood, ousted Gaddafi in Libya, and set his sights on Asad in Syria. Then there was the infamous Red Line in the sand that was trampled, and Obama’s cowardice which allowed those involved to be emboldened. 

So, what does Obama and the “Foreign Policy Dream Team’ have to show for their efforts? Aside from Christian genocide on a grand scale, hear what Colonel Ralph Peters has to say below.



In the second video, take a good look at Assyrian Christians, including Chaldean and Syriac Catholics, Syriac Orthodox and followers of the Assyrian Church of the East who have roots in present day Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran which stretch back to the time of Jesus Christ. While they have long been a minority and have faced persecution in the past, they had never been driven completely from their homes as has happened in Mosul under ISIS. When the terror group ordered all to convert to Islam, pay a religious tax or face execution, many chose another option: flight. They’ve begged for help from the United States, while Obama continues to ignore them. 



Eerily reminiscent of World War II? It should be! While the United States sat back and did nothing, Hitler’s Germany killed millions of Jews before eventually getting involved. By the time the U.S. got involved, Germany had become so powerful, the United States lost over 100,000 military members, while the total death toll was around 50 MILLION people. Let’s contrast that with today: A Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama saying that the U.S. is funding ISIS. Too far fetched for you? I’m willing to bet the captured ISIS leader has a better track record for truthfulness than Obama. Also, perhaps you remember all the U.S. military drops that “accidentally were landed in ISIS terrirory,” or perhaps you haven’t noticed ISIS is raping and pillaging the Middle East using United States military equipment. Ah, then there is the whole issue of Japan Mobilizing Their First Foreign Combat Troops Since WWII. I’m sorry, but didn’t the United States and the rest of the world say, “NEVER AGAIN?” Obama has been on an all out assault on Christians since taking office. Doubt me? Check out the links at the bottom. Gerald Celente Said it Perfectly: “We’re On The Verge Of The First Great War Of The 21st Century”

Muslims Obama

The Islamic State has managed to destroy two thousand years of Christian civilization in the Middle East in just a couple of years, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters noted on The O’Reilly Factor last week. And he placed the blame squarely on President Obama’s cowardly, feckless, incompetent foreign policy.

ISIS has been spreading across the Middle East like a plague of locusts, and as they have spread, they have targeted religious minorities, particularly Christians, for destruction. In Syria, tens of thousands of Assyrian Christians have been attacked and displaced.

They are the forgotten refugees.

A Catholic priest who visited Kurdish Iraq last fall described the wounded souls of the Christians who had taken refuge there. They had been forced from their homes in northern Iraq in the summer of 2014.

“Without question, we are talking about genocide here. Genocide is not only when the people are killed, but also when the soul of a people is destroyed. And that is what is happening in Iraq now,” Fr. Andrzej Halemba, head of Aid to the Church in Need’s Middle East section, said Oct. 28. “It is the most tragic thing that I have ever experienced.”

“I have seen people who have been deeply wounded in their soul. In the various crises in this world I have often seen people who have lost everything. But in Iraq there are Christians who have had to leave everything and take flight three or four times. They can see no light at the end of the tunnel.”

Last spring, hundreds of Assyrian Christians fled to Lebanon after ISIS jihadists stormed their villages in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakeh.

Members of Lebanon’s Assyrian community did their best to welcome the new refugees, but the displacement had left them traumatized.

The group has seized at least 11 of the 33 Assyrian villages in the region, and kidnapped more than 200 members of the ancient Christian sect, which numbered around 30,000 in Syria before the war …

“The villages of Khabur are empty now, there is no one left except some fighters,” lamented Chorbishop Yatron Koliana, as he oversaw the distribution at his diocese.

“Our people have experienced a great tragedy in Syria,” he added with a sigh, saying that many of the new arrivals were traumatized. “They are depressed. Some of them have chronic illnesses. Their lives are difficult.”

“How can we be comfortable, living on aid?” asked 50-year-old Simaan, who fled his village Tal Hormuz.

He railed against what he called international indifference to the plight of Assyrians under attack by ISIS in Syria and neighboring Iraq.

“The whole world, from the UN to the United States and Russia, is responsible,” he said angrily. “They (ISIS) have destroyed our whole civilization…and the world is watching.”

In July, 4,000 more Assyrian Christian families were among the 120,000 people who fled Hasakeh to escape ISIS forces who had entered the city looking to carry out a mass ethno-religious slaughter.

Fleeing Muslim persecution, Christian refugees are often targeted and persecuted anew by fleeing Muslim refugees.



An egregious example from last April: 12 Christian refuges lost their lives during a particularly harrowing trip — not due to their boat capsizing, but through Islamic violence.

Italian police have arrested 15 Muslim immigrants in Palermo, for allegedly having thrown Christian refugees off the rubber boat that was taking them to Italy after a fight for “religious reasons”, according to media reports.

Those arrested – from Mali, Guinea and Ivory Coast – were part of a group of 100 that were rescued off the Libyan coast by the Italian coastguard.

The archbishop of Canterbury recently warned British Prime Minister David Cameron that his government’s refugee policy was discriminating against Christians because Christians are not among the refugees being helped in UN camps. They’re not in the UN camps because they fear persecution from radicalized Muslim refugees.

The Most Revd Justin Welby reportedly met the prime minister earlier this month with concerns that Christians in Syria will be largely excluded from the 20,000 refugees due to come to the UK over the next five years.

The Government, in line with European Union policy, is committed to taking in refugees from UN camps in Syria and neighbouring countries. It cannot discriminate in favour of any one religious group.

But the Archbishop has raised concerns that Christians have avoided refugee camps because of fears of persecution from rogue Islamist groups operating inside refugee camps.

In a speech in the House of Lords last Monday, Archbishop Welby said that “within the camps there is significant intimidation and radicalisation, and many particularly of the Christian population who have been forced to flee are unable to be in the camps.”

He went on: “ What is the Government’s policy of reaching out to those who are not actually in the camps?”

He then raised the issue with Mr Cameron in a private meeting. A source said: “Justin Welby spoke to David Cameron about this. he raised his concerns.”

The Archbishop’s intervention follows concern raised by his predecessor Lord Carey, who wrote in the Telegraph of his concern over the plight of Christians.

Lord Carey wrote: “The frustration for those of us who have been calling for compassion for Syrian victims for many months is that the Christian community is yet again left at the bottom of the heap.

“Mr Cameron’s policy inadvertently discriminates against the very Christian communities most victimised by the inhuman butchers of the so-called Islamic State.

“Christians are not to be found in the UN camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbors and family.”

Refugees who want to come to the United States will also be required to apply through the United Nations.

“A combination of European cowardice and awful American foreign policy has led to a mass Muslim migration that will affect the whole world,” Bill O’Reilly stated on The O’Reilly Factor  last week.

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (Ret.) disagreed somewhat with that assessment.

“I think you were much, much too soft on President Obama and a bit too hard on the EU,” Peters began.  ”If America doesn’t lead, it doesn’t happen.”

Peters went on to issue a scathing indictment of Obama’s numerous foreign policy failures, and put the blame for the refugee crisis squarely on his shoulders.

“Just look at a map of the Middle East … on George W. Bush’s  last day in office. There is broad peace across the Middle East and North Africa, Iraq was finally convalescing, and as you pointed out — Obama promptly, to please his America-hating base, abandons Iraq, backs the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, gets rid of Gaddafi without a plan for what goes after, threatens Assad…then does nothing, doesn’t listen to the intelligence community when for years they’re telling him about Islamic State coming — then tries to blame the intelligence community, [and] launches feckless airstrikes. The combination of his fecklessness and cowardice, his rhetorical bravado, and utter incompetence are responsible.”

He added that “the spectacle you’re seeing –those refugees – hundreds of thousands of refugees, those millions in the camps — they’re Obama’s refugees. The hundreds of thousands of dead — in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere — they’re Obama’s dead.”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute,” O’Reilly interjected.

“No! Listen to this. Two thousand years of Christian civilization destroyed on his watch!” Peters exclaimed. ”That’s on Obama. When America doesn’t lead, nothing happens.”

Read the article at PJ Media here:




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Total 13 comments
  • Yes, indeed, you are right Mr. Poster.
    2,000 unbearable years of PURE euro-Caucasian Male tyranny brought to you by judeo-christo-CREEP-ism has been DESTROYED in ameriiiiSCUM!
    But, NOT BY President 0-BOMB-Ya, you idiot!
    By a complete LACK of interest in your white-skinned mangod FABLE message vs. your WAR MONGERING actions over 2,000 years by your VERY OWN YOUNG PEOPLE!
    Bye Bye judeo-christo-CREEP-ism in ameriiiSCUM!
    Bye Bye 501 (c) 3 and 501 (c) 4 Federally Awarded tax exempt status as a non-profit (that WILL speed up the closing of churches, nationwide :grin: :grin: )!
    The CURSE of Abraham followers LOVE WAR!
    And, do not make good NEIGHBORS, at all, ever!
    For, that is ALL they have PROMOTED and done for 5,000 years or so!
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Don’t steal Mr. Moocow’s persona.

      Maybe some GMO could make you smarter

      • You jedaNJdouchebag ARE the result of eating way too much GMO food & bud!
        Go, kneel, and worship the image of a white-skinned mangod FABLE for 10 hours, as commanded by the holy book of all male wrote Babble!
        You pathetic piece of ameriiiSCUM CRAP!
        :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

        • You can go kneel and worship your dild0 for the next 10 hours, while pretending you are falungonging

          • Remember, ‘We do Love you’, both ‘spiritually” and ‘physically’, when you are ‘in the flesh’.
            You will have a ‘personal’ relationship with us, soon!

      • The angry injun has faded into obscurity since he lost his ability to play with the vote counter with his 50 accounts so now in a pathetic act of desperation he has resorted to stealing the identity of MooCow. What a sad existence he has.

        • Ted

          Only 1.8% are LGBT.

          1% are 50 Year Old Virgins.

          Two tiny Conduct Minority Groups. But one wants to punish the 98.2% of happy Heterosexuals by ripping apart Daily Middle Class Life? Which one is it?

          No. No it’s not the Young Elderly Virgins. No, it’s not the Mormons either.

          Are you trying at All?

        • For, Cannabis IS god!
          The Plant & Human Body Coordinated Design (PHBCD) FACT PROVES beyond a reasonable doubt that the Cannabis Plant is a Holy Sacrament (CPS) when consumed into the human body, or worn as cloth, used as food, used as medicine, used as fuel, used as building materials, used as toilet paper, used as all grades of paper, used as chap stick, or used in ALL of it’s varied forms!

          Cannabis is used by man not for its actions on memory of movement or movement coordination, but for its actions on memory and emotions. Is it possible that the main task of cannabinoid receptors … (is) to modify our emotions, to serve as the links which transmit or transform or translate objective or subjective events into perceptions and emotions?

          A more recent study delineated further how cannabinoids can help mitigate reactionary aggression while improving social interactions. In other words, the nutrient chemicals present in cannabis act as modulators to keep a person stable and aware, and they might even help people overcome bad habits or unhealthy negative perceptions, which is why many people find relief from chronic depression and other mood disorders from using cannabis.

  • Eat your daily gmo or eat the rich!

    Our GMO on earth,
    hallowed be your name,
    monsantos kingdom come,
    the sheeple will be done,
    on earth, as in heaven.
    Give us today our daily GMO.
    Forgive us our collective stupidity,
    as we forgive those who kill us.
    Save us from the time of organic food,
    and deliver something SubBKFMCD western like.
    For the kingdom of evil and idiocracy,
    for now and til next hidden reset of humanity.

    Am|ericas En|slavement

  • Actually Organized Christian denominational religion needs to be destroyed as it is servant to its master 501-C3 government. Each

  • Why don’t I have permission to vote? :razz:

  • No, 2000 years of Christendom has been destroyed, NOT Christianity. Two completely different things. Christendom is false Christianity. It’s ANY “religion”, any “sect” claiming to be Christian. True Christianity, what Jesus taught, has not been, nor will EVER be destroyed, but Christendom’s destruction signals the beginning of the great tribulation. And, it’s just about to happen right now.

  • Chris Watson, Do you not realize that the war and US occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan started with Bush Sr and has continued ever since?

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