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#DAY4 Netanyahu vows crackdown amid fierce clashes near Al-Aqsa Mosque

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:59
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Jerusalem: Netanyahu vows crackdown amid fierce clashes near Al-Aqsa Mosque – YouTube


Israeli forces once again storm al-Aqsa mosque

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has visited al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem al-Quds amid clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians at the holy site for the fourth consecutive day.

The report comes as there were confrontations between the Israelis and Palestinians at the site of the holy mosque on Wednesday as the Israeli settlers and troops attacked Muslim worshipers for the fourth consecutive day.

Netanyahu’s visit is expected to ignite more violence as at least six Palestinians were abducted before the visit. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the al-Aqsa Mosque compound on September 28, 2000 which led to the Second Intifada (popular uprising), also known as the al-Aqsa Intifada.

The brutal assault against Palestinians at the site of the mosque started on Sunday following the deployment of Israeli soldiers to the area for the Jewish Rosh Hashanah New Year holiday.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu said on Wednesday that Israel plans to broaden the mandate of its forces following clashes between them and Palestinian protesters in and around the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied West Bank.

“It has been decided to toughen the measures in many areas,” Netanyahu said at an emergency meeting, also attended by Moshe Yaalon, the regime’s minister of military affairs.

“A modification of the rules of engagement will be examined as well as the establishment of a minimum penalty for those who throw stones,” he added.

The Israeli premier also said that there would be “significant fines” for stone-throwing minors, as well as for their parents.

The remarks by Netanyahu came a day after UN Special Coordinator for the so-called Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov expressed grave concerns over the violence and continuing clashes in and around the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

“As the Middle East faces a vicious tide of terror and extremism, such serious provocations have the potential to ignite violence well beyond the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem (al-Quds),” Mladenov told the UN Security Council, speaking via video conference from al-Quds.

Mladenov also urged “all political, community and religious leaders” to ensure that the “sanctity” of the area is respected.


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