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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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What electronic voter registration looks like in Pennsylvania

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 5:51
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Pennsylvania recently added the ability of its residents to register to vote via”electronic” means, as well as make other changes as well.  Suggestions are made such as adding one’s drivers license info, but if one doesn’t have one, no worries. Just add the last four digits of one’s social security number which now is a standard fare question at the Doctor’s office or for that matter many various transactions. In other words, everyone has your last four numbers. Don’t have an address? But still no worries, continue anyway. Some states have electronic voting completely. What could possibly go wrong?

The law explicitly empowers the Secretary to “prescribe the form of an official voter registration application.” Further, the law specifically gives permission for the Secretary to develop an electronic application and states: “Nothing in this part shall prohibit the design and use of an electronic voter registration application which includes the applicant’s digitized or electronic signature.”

But this is the real kicker. Try as I might, I couldn’t seem to get my computer to handle my ” digitized or electronic signature.”

The fact that 5,000 Pennsylvanians chose to register to vote in the waning days of summer underscores one of the benefits of online voter registration: It’s easy and convenient for voters to use. Check it out for yourself at

Here are some of the highlights:

5. Your address

Enter the address of your residence. You may not use a P.O. Box address.

If you live in a rural area or are homeless and do not have a street address or a permanent residence, after you complete this online form, you can print it out, use the map on the printed form to show where you live or spend most of your time, and mail it to your county voter registration office.

7. Identification*

If you have a PA driver’s license or PennDOT ID card number, you must use it.

PA driver’s license or PennDOT ID card number (Box)

If you do not have a PennDOT number please enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security number (Box)

(Box) I do not have a PA driver’s license or PennDOT ID card or a Social Security number.

By checking the box below, you are signing the application electronically. In doing so:

  • You agree you have read and accept the terms of the declaration above.
  • You understand that your electronic signature on this application will constitute the legal equivalent of your signature for this voter registration application.
  • You agree to conduct this voter registration transaction by electronic means and that all laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will apply to this transaction.

Filed under: Government Tagged: election, Pennsylvania, vote registration


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