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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Samhain, Halloween, All Hallows Eve….

Saturday, October 31, 2015 3:57
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Origins of Samhain, better known as Halloween, All Souls Night….  with a take on the modern approach to the celebration of this day.

Halloween Origins: What is Samhain?
These Halloween origins are a time in which Druidism and Celtic Reconstructionists celebrate Samhain as a feast for the dead. Divination and fortune telling is believed to have better communication with the spirit world because the fall season holds the thinnest partition between the two worlds of the living and the dead. The Druids built huge sacred bonfires to offer sacrifices to the many Celtic deities that number over five hundred named gods. Before each yearly sacred bonfire, the Celts would extinguish their hearth fires and relight them with embers from the bonfire.

Halloween Origins: How do other cultures celebrate?
From the ancient Celtics era of the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Scotland, the celebration practices has spread throughout the cultures of the world.

More of the history of Halloween.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: All Souls Night, Halloween, Samhain


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