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BBC Journalist Comes Clean: “Believe Nothing You Read Or Watch”

Sunday, November 8, 2015 1:05
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John DaRvell, a BBC radio host summed up the media perfectly in a statement made recently when he said:

‘The way we all consume news is changing,’ he writes. ‘The way we share news has changed and will continue to change at a faster pace. This week TV and newspapers have proven to me why they are not the future of news. If they can’t even get their facts right, be trusted with clear information and then report it accurately is it any wonder that we are all turning to Facebook, Twitter and other internet sources for our news and information? The internet allows us to come to our own conclusions by checking our own facts. We really can’t trust the traditional outlets to do it right or properly. I write this as a father who has lost a daughter. I write this as a journalist who loved his work but can now clearly see why so many have lost faith in his profession and traditional media. They, we and I have brought this on ourselves.’

Finally, Darvall leaves us with two pieces of advice:

‘Trust nothing you read or watch,’ he tells us, and possibly the most important thing of all: ‘Love your children and loved ones. Properly love them. Tell them every day, make sure they know that you love them regardless of what might be happening. Nothing is more important than that.’

In the following video JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses the media’s role in the corruption that is spreading around the world, and how the journalists that report on the war, death, and fighting around the world are often times working with those who are trying to deceive the public. In a fascinating explanation, Art demonstrates how easy it is to tell when an alleged journalist is part of the problem.Much can be told by the picture taken for the article. Pay attention to what he says so you can be on the lookout for it. 

Art claims that in some cases American reporters are taking part in arson, rape, murder, etc., and then many of them return to their news stations posing as independent “journalists.”He even jokes, “Once in a while the New York Times actually reports something that is true. In his example, he points to a comment recently that Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio has emerged as one of the top generals of the establishment republicans who is waging war against the Tea Party. You see, rather than honest reporting of news, and letting citizens discern the truth for themselves, reporting has become designed to get you to believe in a socialist agenda. There’s barely even an attempt to mask what is being shared as “journalism.”



Nothing hurts my ears more, than when someone says to me, “If what you are saying is really true, why isn’t it on Fox? AHHHHHHHH! That is precisely how you know it IS true! Thankfully, with greater frequency, people are learning they can trust alternative sources of media far more than the Mainstream Media. Now the question becomes how long before Obama shut it down pursuant to the new regulations passedlike the ones below:

CISA is a Surveillance Bill to Spy on You, Not a Security Bill

What Makes The Trans-Pacific Partnership So Bad? You Better Sit Down

The TPP Has a Secret Clause to Limit Free Speech Online – Shocked?

Net Neutrality: What it REALLY Means, and How it Could REALLY Impact You


By Sophie McAdam

John Darvall is a BBC radio host who recently had an epiphany over the state of journalism, after realizing the industry he’d served so well wouldn’t think twice about screwing him over for a good story.

Darvall, who hosts a show on BBC radio Bristol, has just lost his daughter. Polly was 22, and died in a tragic car accident on Halloween. Since he works for the BBC, Darvall’s grief became public, and he agreed to give an interview. The report was full of inaccuracies and mistakes which compounded his loss, and caused huge problems in the family.

‘This poor piece of journalism made Tuesday probably the worst day of this whole episode so far. This includes seeing our dead daughter in a hospital mortuary just 12 hours after she was killed,’ Darvall wrote in a moving blog post.

‘Newspapers have contacted me and provided appallingly written articles, which I have had to change, ‘polish’ or make actual sense of. Other papers have published articles using my personal relationship as ‘the in line’, when this is NOT the story but, at best, just a very small part of the story.’

Darvall goes on:

Those who know me well will know that I never, ever wanted to be the story, just to tell or share the story, as a journalist, correctly. I have never wanted to be on TV, I don’t want to be known, perhaps just be known of, to do my job well and to help people if I can and to get to the truth for others.

However, he’s now seen the light: ‘truth’ and the mainstream media don’t go together, after all. Darvall suggests there’s no future for his industry, suggesting that the Internet will eventually take over as the primary source of finding out about current affairs:

‘The way we all consume news is changing,’ he writes. ‘The way we share news has changed and will continue to change at a faster pace. This week TV and newspapers have proven to me why they are not the future of news. If they can’t even get their facts right, be trusted with clear information and then report it accurately is it any wonder that we are all turning to Facebook, Twitter and other internet sources for our news and information? The internet allows us to come to our own conclusions by checking our own facts. We really can’t trust the traditional outlets to do it right or properly. I write this as a father who has lost a daughter. I write this as a journalist who loved his work but can now clearly see why so many have lost faith in his profession and traditional media. They, we and I have brought this on ourselves.’

Finally, Darvall leaves us with two pieces of advice:

‘Trust nothing you read or watch,’ he tells us, and possibly the most important thing of all: ‘Love your children and loved ones. Properly love them. Tell them every day, make sure they know that you love them regardless of what might be happening. Nothing is more important than that.’

Well said, sir.

Darvall’s blog post comes in the wake of two (much bigger) ‘shock-horror’ admissions by insiders that the mainstream media is entirely fake: a German journalist recently spilled the beans on how media professionals are nothing more than propaganda writers who deliberately lie to the people and help intelligence agencies push for war.

In another story that went viral around the world, a model who built her career on making herself look beautiful for Instagram photos had what can only be described as a total breakdown, quitting the ‘business’ of social media and blowing the whistle on how shallow and fake the entire industry is in her final YouTube video ever (Note: 

embedded video now fixed). Both of these are well worth watching and sharing with everyone you know!

Could 2015 be the year that the masses wake up and see that the Emperor is wearing no clothes? We certainly hope so…

This article (BBC Journalist Comes Clean: “Believe Nothing You Read Or Watch”) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and









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Total 7 comments
  • All “Western” news is in the hands of 6 jewish Zionist companies, on top of this pyramid scheme are the Rothschilds
    Do you think they are honest?

    They read a que sheet. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Modis Operendi of the rothschilds

    Here is the true history about this insane satanic Zionist evil that has been unleashed all over this planet for the past 250 years. It goes back to the first Rothschild. He was a Khazar Jew that changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild (that means red shield.)

    Please read the Zionist protocols that were written to take over this planet. The Jews say that these are forgeries.
    I think it is the first and only time I ever heard any true from the Zionist Jews. But as their slogan goes.

    Do war through deception.

    The deception here is the true meaning of forgery. Forgeries are always duplicates of the original.
    Jews never said the protocols were fake. When you read the protocols I think you will know how real this plan is.

    Rothschild began his warmongering banking empire by financing Napoleon Bonaparte.
    Napoleon then started the plague of destroying whole ancient beautiful peaceful cultures and countries so that Rothschild then after would come in and put in his central bank. And when Waterloo was over, he blackmailed the British Empire, until this day. “The city of London”, the financial centerpoint of British money making is NOT EVEN ON BRITISH SOIL!!!

    Then his banksters would finance the rebuilding of the destruction he engineered. For ever then after financially enslaving and controlling humanity.
    The FED, The IMF, BIS, World Bank, and almost every “central bank” in the world today are owned by the Rothschilds. The UN is also a Zionist creation for political manipulation.

    But no money in the world would bring back the humans that had built the previous culturally beautiful society. Thanks to all the truthers on the internet, like the people at this site, we can now know and see a glimpse of the cultural gems that have been lost to humanity forever.

    But worse than that is the destruction of this planets natural healthy environment.
    The banksters are not just stealing lives, cultures and all beauty of human achievements.
    Their corporate empire of insanity is poisoning everything. The peoples minds and bodies, Chemtrals, H.A.A.R.P. Weather manipulation and environmental warfare, Radiation fall out, GMO’s, Depleted uranium munitions, radiation pollution, Cloning and genetically creating monstrous living creatures, Killing the oceans, raping the surface of the planet like Fracking, and the Alberta tar sands.

    The list of insanity and destruction, brought a pond this planet by that insanely evil Rotten child bankster Illuminati pyramid scheme, is endless.

    The destruction and fire bombings of Cambodia, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Laos, Libya, Palestina, Syria, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, there is no place on this planet that has not been harmed by this Rotten child empire of insanity.

    Human beings have got to to stop letting this pyramid scheme control their lives and actions. Especially those who are in the military that for some illogical reason believe that those above them in the pyramid scheme are any smarter or better then you are.
    Humanity has to stop this pyramid scheme NOW. This planet is dying very fast.. Much plant natural biodiversity has been killed and gone extinct, much of the living creatures have gone extinct due to this empire of insanity.

    I am A Truth Soldier, for there is a satanic war on for your very minds…The only thing that empowers the individual is truth. You need to discover it and then share it. Do not believe for a minute that you are powerless to change the negative direction this planet is on.
    If you do something positively good by sharing the empowering truths, such as the ones on this site with others, then you will empower others.

    Truth is power. Power to the people. Get involved in the world wide awakening that is NOW happening.

    Be part of The World Wide Truth Revolution. If truth dies, this planet is doomed.

  • All “Western” media outlet is in the hands of 6 jewish Zionist companies. On top of this pyramid scheme are the Rothschilds.

    Do you think they are honest?

    Look at words. They’re NOT journalists, they’re REPORTERS,
    they read a que sheet, nothing more, nothing less.
    If these reporters were honest, they are fired and someone else will read those que sheets.

    Modis Operendi of the Rothschilds

    Here is the true history about this insane satanic Zionist evil that has been unleashed all over this planet for the past 250 years. It goes back to the first Rothschild. He was a Khazar Jew that changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild (that means red shield.)

    Please read the Zionist protocols that were written to take over this planet. The Jews say that these are forgeries.
    I think it is the first and only time I ever heard any true from the Zionist Jews. But as their slogan goes.

    Do war through deception.

    The deception here is the true meaning of forgery. Forgeries are always duplicates of the original.
    Jews never said the protocols were fake. When you read the protocols I think you will know how real this plan is.

    Rothschild began his warmongering banking empire by financing Napoleon Bonaparte.
    Napoleon then started the plague of destroying whole ancient beautiful peaceful cultures and countries so that Rothschild then after would come in and put in his central bank. And when Waterloo was over, he blackmailed the British Empire, until this day. “The city of London”, the financial centerpoint of British money making is NOT EVEN ON BRITISH SOIL!!!

    Then his banksters would finance the rebuilding of the destruction he engineered. For ever then after financially enslaving and controlling humanity.
    The FED, The IMF, BIS, World Bank, and almost every “central bank” in the world today are owned by the Rothschilds. The UN is also a Zionist creation for political manipulation.

    But no money in the world would bring back the humans that had built the previous culturally beautiful society. Thanks to all the truthers on the internet, like the people at this site, we can now know and see a glimpse of the cultural gems that have been lost to humanity forever.

    But worse than that is the destruction of this planets natural healthy environment.
    The banksters are not just stealing lives, cultures and all beauty of human achievements.
    Their corporate empire of insanity is poisoning everything. The peoples minds and bodies, Chemtrals, H.A.A.R.P. Weather manipulation and environmental warfare, Radiation fall out, GMO’s, Depleted uranium munitions, radiation pollution, Cloning and genetically creating monstrous living creatures, Killing the oceans, raping the surface of the planet like Fracking, and the Alberta tar sands.

    The list of insanity and destruction, brought a pond this planet by that insanely evil Rotten child bankster Illuminati pyramid scheme, is endless.

    The destruction and fire bombings of Cambodia, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Laos, Libya, Palestina, Syria, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, there is no place on this planet that has not been harmed by this Rotten child empire of insanity.

    Human beings have got to to stop letting this pyramid scheme control their lives and actions. Especially those who are in the military that for some illogical reason believe that those above them in the pyramid scheme are any smarter or better then you are.
    Humanity has to stop this pyramid scheme NOW. This planet is dying very fast.. Much plant natural biodiversity has been killed and gone extinct, much of the living creatures have gone extinct due to this empire of insanity.

    I am A Truth Soldier, for there is a satanic war on for your very minds…The only thing that empowers the individual is truth. You need to discover it and then share it. Do not believe for a minute that you are powerless to change the negative direction this planet is on.
    If you do something positively good by sharing the empowering truths, such as the ones on this site with others, then you will empower others.

    Truth is power. Power to the people. Get involved in the world wide awakening that is NOW happening.

    Be part of The World Wide Truth Revolution. If truth dies, this planet is doomed.

  • The News ~ The ‘n’ Sew
    Sew ‘n’ News ~ News News
    Violence ~ Love ‘n’ Ice

    Violence Shown ~ Evil Chosen NWO
    Violence ‘n’ Shown ~ Love ‘n’ Win Chosen

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      The word news comes from NORTH, EAST,WEST,SOUTH. The word hours come from HORUS- they just moved the R & U. But hey, don’t believe me research it yourself.

  • Journalists used to investigate and report on scandals. Now the media those journalists work for is the scandal. Pity people accept what they’re told without looking into things themselves, they’d see just how wrong that that is considered right is.

  • There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus Christ. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy.  Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.  Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all!

    • Above quote > “There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus Christ”

      The real Jesus Christ is the Catholic one.

      The “lutheran Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1517
      The “evangelical Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1880
      The “baptist Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1606
      The “presbyterian Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1560
      The “anglican Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1534
      The “orthodox Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1054
      The “mormon Jesus” … doesn’t exist … dreamt up by men … in 1829

      Catholic Jesus … True God and True Divine Person (First century) … *not* invented by men.

      List of when fake “Jesus” were invented >

      - – - – - – - – - -

      C A U T I O N: The Catholic Church has had *zero* … physical properties, priests, and bishops since 8 December 1965 … because of the Sources of Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.

      Mountains of proof >
      Photographic proof >
      Abjuration of heresy to become Christian >
      (Abjuration takes about 45 minutes)

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