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Make the President an offer he can’t refuse on refugees

Thursday, November 19, 2015 8:10
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As much as we rightly fear Islamic terror coming into our country, at the same time I think most of us also understand the legitimate fears any woman and mother has living in the Islamic world. So when it comes to refugees, let’s take the President at his word, and do a good deed at the same time.

Let’s set a quota demanding that refugees let in must be 70% women, or children under 13. Since Obama says the refugees are mostly women and children, how can he say no? Pass a bill.

Photo by Anthony Gale on Flickr

Photo by Anthony Gale on Flickr

Barack Obama decided politics must extend beyond the water’s edge, and attacked Ted Cruz while abroad. The basic problem is that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100%, like most of us, understands that the bulk of the people coming out of Syria are migrants, not refugees. These aren’t women and children fleeing war and oppression. They’re men looking for work. The profile of the “refugees” is reminiscent of the profile of illegal aliens coming into the US over our southern border.

But if the President is telling the truth, and the refugeees are mostly women and children, then signing a bill mandating a quota of 70% women, or children under 13 shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Right? So let’s do it. Pass the bill. Make him veto it.

The post Make the President an offer he can’t refuse on refugees appeared first on RedState.


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