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Donald Trump on ‘Hannity’: ‘I’d Blast the Hell’ Out of ISIS
Barbara Walters Asks Donald Trump About Banning Syrian Refugees
FNN: Donald Trump Comments on Syrian Refugees
Donald Trump outlines his plan to deal with refugees
Michael Savage Donald Trump Interview – November 18, 2015
Trump May Have Just Silenced The Doubters With This Incredibly Dominant Display
At a time when America wants tough talk and tough leadership to win the war against ISIS and terrorism, the results of new polls say voters are increasingly turning to Donald Trump.
A five-day rolling poll by Reuters showed Trump winning 36 percent of Republican primary voters to rival Ben Carson’s 14.6 percent. Meanwhile, a University of Massachusetts survey showed Trump ahead of Carson 31-22 percent. A Morning Consult poll shows Trump doubling Carson’s numbers, 38-19 percent
In the Reuters poll, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., placed third at 11.2
percent, followed by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, at 7.9 percent; former Fla.
Gov. Jeb Bush at 6.2 percent; and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., at 5.2
percent. All other candidates received less than 3 percent support.
Trump has come out swinging against ISIS since Friday’s Paris attacks, something that connects with voters.
“He’s telling it as it is,” said Glenn Matlosz, 71, of Audubon, N.J.
“He’s not mincing any words. There is no gobbledygook there. Everybody
else is squawking.”
In this crisis, voters want to hear tough talk and are not looking for vast resumes or intricate analysis, said Republican strategist Steve Schmidt.
“Which of these candidates has an actual plan as opposed to piecemeal
tactical solutions or platitudes?” Schmidt said. “So they default to
the guy who with the most conviction says, ‘I’m going to bomb the s–t
out of them,’ Mr. Donald Trump.”
Trump has called for bombing oil fields ISIS occupies and opposes bringing Syrian refugees to the United States.
“Everybody else keeps talking about what should’ve been done and what
could’ve been done, instead of their opinion of what they would do
now,” said Trump backer Mildred Borden, 58, of Pennsylvania.
Trump communicates at the level voters want to hear, said Republican strategist John Feehery.
“He’s the one who is speaking in the simplest language that is most
understandable to the average voter,” Feehery said. “He’s not talking
about ‘no-fly’ zones. He’s not getting into policy. He’s talking about,
‘Let’s go kill ISIS.’”
Donald Trump | I Used To Be A Fan Of Angela Merkel
Donald Trump Lifestyles Ahead For Gold Hoarders?!
David Seaman