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Watercooler 1/12/16 Open Thread: Biden Speaks, DWS Sides with Cruz; HRC’s Spell & EmailGate

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 13:18
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(Before It's News)


Biden Speaks

And made a D.C. gaffe, meaning he accidentally told the truth, when he said Bernie is the real water carrier for income inequality. That Hillary is a newcomer to that idea and that’s why the race is more competitive than expected. Biden is like E.F. Hutton: when he speaks, people listen.

He also acknowledged that Trump could actually be the next president…and has time to hone his message.

I hope that if that were to occur — I hope it doesn’t because I have fundamentally different views than he does — I’d hope that he gets a lot more serious about the issues, a lot more serious about gaining knowledge about this this nation functions and foreign policy and domestic policy, but look, that’s a long way off.

DWS Sides with Cruz

Debbie Wasserman Shultz agrees that Cruz is a natural born citizen. Which boggles the mind when the RNC Chairman and so many other prominent Republicans can’t say the same thing. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell stated he will not pass a bill in the Senate to ensure Cruz’s eligibility for presidency as the Senate did for McCain. The world really has turned upside down.

Hillary’s Sleeping Spell

Well the thrill is gone before the first votes are cast. She’s boring her supporters into a deep sleep coma and that’s why she’s going to win according to the Weekly Standard, by playing it safe. So don’t think the enthusiastic crowds for Trump or Bernie mean anything come election day.

EmailGate Widens with Possible Leak of NSA Reports

As the FBI continues it’s investigation, it’s possible that the State Dept. transmitted top secret information from the NSA about Sudan’s covert operations to HRC’s unsecured server, courtesy of Sid Blumenthal. How Sid got the info remains a mystery and if it indeed came from the NSA. Hopefully streiff will break this down for us further to give us a better understanding of a twisted matter in EmailGate.

Here at the Watercooler, it’s open to everyone to comment on the stories above or opine about something that’s on your mind. The threadjack rules don’t apply here, so feel free to exercise your First Amendment. Happy Tuesday!

The post Watercooler 1/12/16 Open Thread: Biden Speaks, DWS Sides with Cruz; HRC’s Spell & EmailGate appeared first on RedState.


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