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Date February 12, 2019
Contact: R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Email: [email protected]
Copyrighted. Permission is granted to post or redistribute article in its entirety. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; instead, it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only … the Reader is responsible for all thoughts and actions gained from introspection.
SUBJECT: A Segregation Resurrection by 2016 Democratic Candidates
By R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
INTRODUCTION: Oh the hypocrisy of those in Socialist politicians! The not-so-honest female communist Democratic candidate for President this week sounded the “Race card” once again for the mere purpose of garnering the black minority vote. What was once used to squash segregation and to employ the government tool of forced integration, is now used to bring about segregation of voters. Heads up! We are witnessing a reversal by the communist cabal inside of the Democratic Party, which was witnessed this week.
The bottom-line: Segregation is preferred by Socialists in 2016.
FIRST: (History) In the 1960s, the Democratic Party with its member the Constitution Party-USA demanded an end to all segregation in the nation. Whitey was bad. Blacks were victims. Native American Indians were ignored on their prisoner of war reservations. Asians took a back seat to the squabble, albeit Japanese were hauled into concentration camps in the USA during WW-2. Schools were forced to bus students for hours and many miles just to get a token mixture of skin color into all schools. Kids stuck penny nails into one another in the high schools, because they truly did not like one another. (Yes, the teachers were threatened with them). Forced integration and Affirmative Action in the workforce have been the mantra for five decades. All free speech has been crushed with the word: “racist”. It segregates the free flow if ideas between individuals, especially of different races.
SECOND: (History) In 2008, a situation in the Democratic Party arose in which a well-known female ran against an unknown black mulatto male who was a U.S. Senator from Illinois. The short story is that RACE trumped GENDER. Period. The black pastors guided the female parishioners to “do their duty to posterity.” They voted for the black male Presidential candidate, who was never vetted, had a dismal track record as an attorney that was dismissed by the Illinois BAR, and has plunged the nation into foreign and domestic terrorism. So much for “posterity.”
THIRD: Now in 2016, the Democratic Party wants to play “Santa Clause” and give everyone what they wish for FREE. For example: food stamps, healthcare, college tuition, etc. Both of the Democratic candidates are White, but one is male and one is female. The male is winning. So what does the female do? She throws in the “Race Card”, which she has used many times.
QUOTE: (History) Hillary Clinton: “Race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind.” 7/31/2015
FOURTH: (History) Where did the idea arise to use skin color as a political issue? Go no further than a President’s wife. Eleanor Roosevelt used her wealthy aristocratic friends to place the Communist Manifesto into the Democratic Party Platform by 1933. She knew that racism had to be a mute issue inside the Democratic Party, but that it was a tool of the trade for the communists in the political battlefield. The nation’s political leaders have always fanned the hatred of between races whenever they needed to divide and conquer voters. Examples are the Civil War, Red Summer of 1918, and the 1960s.
QUOTE: “Pit race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer! We must not let that happen here.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
FIFTH: In 2012, a major News event happened but was not widely reported: The black pastors split from the national NAACP. The moral compass of the Black communities become aware of, and grew tired of, being used by white men at the top of the political parties. Update your modern history with the following quick excerpt.
QUOTE: The NAACP’s Divorce From The Black Church, Tuesday, July 17, 2012
“Throughout its history, the NAACP’s greatest base of support has been the black church. It is safe to say that without that support, the organization could have accomplished little. Now, however, the NAACP has apparently decided that it can dispense with the support of black Christians, and in fact, can safely thumb its nose at them. That, at least, is my reading of the decision this past May to endorse same-sex marriage. Claiming that “marriage equality” is a civil right, the NAACP board voted 62-2 to back that policy. In doing so, the NAACP decisively cut itself off from its roots in the black church.”
QUOTE: Black pastors endorse Trump, December 2, 2015 9:42 PM MST
“Donald Trump has received the enthusiastic endorsements of black pastors after a recent meeting. According to the New York Post on Tuesday, Trump met with the religious leaders and made an appearance with them shortly thereafter during which several black leaders proudly advocated for his candidacy.”
SIXTH: Huge amounts of money have been spent inside the government controlled Public School System to brainwash our children about Racism. The white child must bow to the black child today, because they are taught that the White people are so mean to the Black people. Go into your schools and read what our Kindergarten chidlren are reading. Then progress to the Middle School children, and upward. The National Education Association is on the record with its plan to indoctrinate the children.
Affirmative Action Policy for Ethnic Minorities and Women
Adopted by the 1997 Representative Assembly
Because the effects of ethnic and gender discrimination by particular employers and by society in general cannot be remedied simply by ending discriminatory practices and utilizing employment practices that treat people equally regardless of ethnicity or gender, affirmative action may be necessary to achieve true equal employment opportunity.*
Page 1 of 32 pages
RESOURCE: 2015 NEA Handbook ( PDF, 4.8 MB, 464 pgs.)
SEVENTH: Where does racial tension arise in human history? It has been here since the beginning of humanity, according to ancient records. The balance of power is always in flux. Look at the normal relationships between men and women. No marriage is free from squabbles, as power to make decisions is in question. Is it unreasonable to assume that this issue of control will never be resolved?
EIGHTH: Unfortunately for the average human, the socialists are way ahead with their plan to make humans comply with global controls; thereby extracting “peace”, albeit contrived. Socialism, the First Cousin of the radical communist agenda, deploys its decisions with the Human Secular religion, which is states that the human is the top of the decision ladder in life. There is no God, according to their dogma. So, whatever the wealthy control-freaks choose to do to the “lesser evolved human” is totally okay. The premise of their opinion was totally debunked in 1999 by a biological breakthrough by Dr. Caines, but facts never stop a determined Socialist from enacting the agenda. Will the Black race continue to vote according to what the Democratic politicians tell them to do? What punishments will be delivered to the black churches who dare to go “off plan” and vote for another candidate? Will the IRS be deployed to destroy the congregations of the disobedient? We shall see.
NINTH: (Discovery) One of the more interesting facts to surface in recent anthropology is that the Slave Ship owners did not jump off their boats with nets and catch a bunch of black people in Africa. No, instead, the tribes rounded up their trouble makers, put them in ropes, and sold them to the Slave Shippers. Sometimes there were tribal wars, and the prisoners of war from battle were sold to the Slave Shippers. That means Whitey did not make the Black man a slave, but his own race made him a slave. It changed the entire understanding of the slave trade, but the Public Education System has failed to deliver the message. Will you?
SOURCE: The Origins of the African Slave Trade
“…Thousands of records of transactions are available on a CDROM prepared by Harvard University and several comprehensive books have been published recently on the origins of modern slavery (namely, Hugh Thomas’ The Slave Trade and Robin Blackburn’s The Making Of New World Slavery) that shed new light on centuries of slave trading…
Key dates
700: Zanzibar becomes the main Arab slave trading post in Africa
1325: Mansa Musa, the king of Mali, makes his pilgrimage to Mecca carrying 500 slaves and 100 camels
1444: the first public sale of African slaves by Europeans takes place at Lagos, Portugal
1482: Portugal founds the first European trading post in Africa (Elmira, Gold Coast)
1500-1600: Portugal enjoys a virtual monopoly in the slave trade to the Americas
1528: the Spanish government issues “asientos” (contracts) to private companies for the trade of African slaves
1619: the Dutch begin the slave trade between Africa and America
1637: Holland captures Portugal’s main trading post in Africa, Elmira
1650: Holland becomes the dominant slave trading country
1700: Britain becomes the dominant slave trading country
1789: the English Privy Council concludes that almost 50% of the slaves exported from Africa die before reaching the Americas
1790: at the height of the British slave trade, one slave vessel leaves England for Africa every other day
1807: Britain outlaws slavery
1848: France abolishes slavery
1851: The population of the USA is 20,067,720 free persons and 2,077,034 slaves
1865: the Union defeats the Confederates and slavery is abolished in the USA
TENTH: Perhaps it is time for the minority leaders to dismiss the concept of “Whitey hates me” and begin a more constructive conversation.
SUGGESTION: What can you do to make our country great…once again…now that the forces of racism have dismantled the foundation of law and order?
CONCLUSION: Humans have always created peace with gentle segregation. Eyewitnesses talk about the time in Palestine when Jews, Muslims, and Christians lived in peace and employed one another. Large American cities have sections in which different nationalities choose to live, so that they can enjoy their customs without bothering another group of people. Segregation is totally normal. In a nation that promotes individual freedom, one has a choice to integrate or separate. Time is running out for good men to do something constructive about restoring freedom in the USA.
R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years – Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 – Certificate of Completion for “Teaching Nuclear Topics”
Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
1998 – GOP Primary candidate for SC State Superintendent of Education
2000 – GOP Primary candidate for SC Governor
2004 – Libertarian candidate for US Senate
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