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If Hillary Is Arrested, This Woman Will Take Her Place and She Is a Bigger Criminal Than Clinton

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 13:36
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Will the thousands of classifed emails send Hillary to prison? If so, you can bet your bottom dollar that Bernie Sanders will  not win the Democratic nomination. The word on the street is that a successor for Hillary has already been hand picked and she, yes she, would surface until the Democratic Convention. Hint: She is a woman, a liberal Democrat and just as dangerous. MORE IMPORTANTLY, SHE IS JUST AS CRIMINAL

Prison or President?

It is becoming increasingly clear that Hillary Clinton MAY not be a viable candidate for President in 2016, for much longer. The skeletons are falling out of her closet. In keeping with the recent Democratic party principle of choosing candidates from groups who have previously been disenfranchised, it is safe to say that the next Democratic Presidential candidate will not be a white male. Obama was the perfect candidate who could usher in anti-American legislation and he would be largely be criticism proof because he is black and if you oppose his politics, well, you must be a bigot. Along these lines of creating a candidate who would be largely immune to criticism,  Hillary Clinton would be the ideal candidate because if you oppose her political agenda, well, you must be a sexist.

Unfortunately, for the Democrats and their puppet masters, Hillary is falling into disfavor with the American electorate. Subsequently, a new candidate must emerge and increasingly it appears that Dianne Feinstein is going to be that person. And she too, has the background to make her difficult to criticize because she is both a woman and she is Jewish. Therefore, if you oppose Feinstein’s political agenda, well, you must be a sexist and anti-Semitic. Should the demographics matter? Of course not, but this is the way the game has been played when it comes to legitimate criticism of Obama’s actions as President.


Meet Our New Hero

Senator Dianne Feinstein must have fallen down and hit her head. Feinstein has had an amazing transformation. Since June of 2014, Feinstein has transformed into a Constitutional superwoman who can leap unconstitutional acts in a single bound. In the past few months, this “Ron Paul” of the Democratic party has defended gun rights, free speech and has disavowed the use of torture by the CIA in her very public tweeting rebuke of the CIA

Dianne Feinstein is Hillary’s Relief Pitcher


Feinstein Protecting the World From CIA Torture

CIA director John Brennan once gave a  press conference defending the agency from the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s use of torture during the Bush administration. During the speech, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the primary author of the report, fact-checked Brennan’s assertions. The report is devastating to the career longevity of John Brennan and to the CIA as a whole. See the following tweets:



Brennan: “unknowable” if we could have gotten the intel other ways.

Study shows it IS knowable:

CIA had info before torture. #ReadTheReport


No evidence that terror attacks were stopped,

terrorists captured or lives saved through use of EITs. #ReadTheReport

For a senator who has defended every single violation of the Constitution by the government, in recent memory, these tweets were stunning.
CBS News recently portrayed Dianne Feinstein as a champion of American civil liberties when they stated “Dianne Feinstein vs. the CIA …. principle who knows the importance of defending the Constitution and individual liberty, …”      Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, while speaking in San Diego was heckled with a bull horn.  A few days earlier, Clinton had to duck a flying shoe. Americans are increasingly seeing Clinton as the “Butcher of Benghazi”, who denied Ambassador Stevens request for additional bodyguard protection at least three separate times prior to being murdered.  And now there is the email scandal.  Conversely, Feinstein is increasingly being portrayed as a champion of American liberties. 
Senator Feinstein

Senator Feinstein

I almost fell out my chair when Senator Feinstein, stated in a 60 Minutes interview earlier last 00year that the Second Amendment needed to be protected. Yet, this is the same Feinstein who famously stated on 60 Minutes in 1995, “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ’em all in, I would have done it, This is the same Feinstein who defended unwarranted NSA spying on every American just as long as they did not spy on her. Wait a minute, this is the same Dianne Feinstein that tried to ban free speech on the Internet by independent journalists.  I am confused, will the real Dianne Feinstein please stand up?


The Media’s Remaking of Feinstein’s Image

 As we approach the clown and puppet show of 2016 (i.e. the general election), the powers that be are seeking to promote two candidates that they can dress up and parade in front of the American public in order to give the public the illusion that they have a real choice. On the Republican side we have Bush and Rubio. On the Democratic side, there is the presumptive candidate, Hillary Clinton. With Clinton’s past catching up to her, the Democrats need another “champion of liberty” waiting in the wings and increasingly, that person appears to be Senator Dianne Feinstein. Is Feinstein a legitimate candidate, or is she an insurance policy for Clinton should the tide of opposition continue to grow? Time will tell. Meanwhile, let’s put this  newest “champion of the people” under the microscope.

The Dianne Feinstein Resume for President


dianne 2016

CBRE, FDIC and Blatant Conflicts of Interest

In 2009, Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation which directed $25 billion in “taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry standards. Without being a member of the Senate Banking Committee, Feinstein curiously stepped outside of her bounds and offered to help the FDIC obtain money in its efforts to meet the increasing demand of compensation related to the ever-increasing level of home foreclosures. Feinstein’s offer was delivered only a few days before the agency determined that CB Richard Ellis Group (CBRE) , the commercial real estate firm that Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum leads as the undisputed board chairman, had just won the competitive bidding contest for a highly coveted federal contract to sell foreclosed properties that the FDIC would have inherited from a growing list of failed banks.

feinstein and husbandFeinstein and her husband denied any link between the legislation and the contract signed on November 13, 2009. Incredulously, the couple had the audacity to claim that they didn’t even know about CBRE’s business relationship with FDIC until after it was awarded, despite the fact the Blum was the Board Chairman.

The Washington Times notes that only a few days after consummating the contract with the FDIC, “CBRE raised $207 million through a stock offering that sold for $3.77 a share. Mr. Blum’s investment partnerships bought 10.6 million shares at the market price of $3.77. The stock offering was announced a couple of days before the signing of the FDIC contract.” This is called insider trading and Diane Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, are guilty of the offense. Martha Stewart’s jaw must have hit the floor because, amazingly, nobody went to jail. Could some liberal democrat please explain to America how Feinstein’s crimes are not as egregious as what Nixon did in the Watergate scandal?



The Perini and URS Scandals

Feinstein was a member of the Military Construction Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Subcommittee (MILCON)  from 2001 to 2005. During her tenure,  Feinstein voted for appropriations worth billions of dollars to her husband’s firms URS Corp. and Perini Corp.

Both Perini’s and URS’ majority shareholder is Richard Blum. It is estimated that Perini now holds at least $2.5 billion worth of contracts tied to the imperialist expansion of the United States military’s policy of endless war. Blum’s largest Department of Defense contracts are “indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity” or “bundled” contracts. Incredibly, you and I are on the hook for guaranteeing profit margins for the company. In May 2006, Perini held a series of bundled contracts awarded by the Army Corps of Engineers for work in the Middle East worth $1.73 billion. Perini has also been awarded an open-ended contract by the Air Force for military construction and environment quality control at closed military bases.

Feinstein’s personal wealth accumulation since becoming a senator has grown to nearly $200 million. Feinstein has never held a job outside of public service. I am having trouble understanding how a public servant accumulate a fortune of this magnitude.

There is so much more to the criminality of Senator Feinstein and her husband, that I would encourage  readers to do more research in order to discover how rampant the criminality in Washington DC has actually become. Unfortunately, Feinstein’s betrayal of her oath of office does not end with her personal greed and subsequent abuse of power. It can be accurately stated that Feinstein is a traitor to the Republic.

Feinstein the 21st Century Benedict Arnold

Even the extreme left wing liberal newscaster, Rachel Maddow, has taken Feinstein to task over her alleged priorities and abuse of office.




The Ultimate Betrayal of the American People


Feinstein’s previous legislation includes a ban on semi-automatic handguns and shotguns in addition to rifles. The legislation also would have required feinstein guns 2 mandatory registration of previously purchased guns. In other words, it is illegally retroactive and violates ex post facto prohibitions contained in the Constitution.

If Feinstein’s draconian bill is passed, the ATF would be in charge of enforcement which should be a huge concern to gun owners. This would be the same ATF that got caught illegally shipping guns into Mexico in order to undermine the Second Amendment.  This policy, known as Fast and Furious, has led to the death of tens of thousands of Mexicans, 300 Americans and 3 Border Patrol Agents including Brian Terry, who’s family is suing the Obama Administration for perpetrating this illegal activity. Talk about the fox watching the hen house.

Rebuffed in her private desire to become California’s next governor, Feinstein, instead, has instead focused on a new form of criminality emanating out of her senatorial position. Namely, Feinstein supports the incremental and eventual evisceration of the Second Amendment.

Here is a verbatim summary of Feinstein’s 2013 proposed bill, taken from her senatorial website, which will, if passed, it would have incrementally move towards destroying the Second Amendment. Fortunately, this bill did not pass. Not to be deterred, Feinstein subsequently introduced another draconian gun confiscation bill in June of 2014 and again in 2015.





The website at The Common Sense Show is filled with articles which cites historical precedents with regard to what transpires when governments initiate gun bans. In short, the result is genocide, not my words, this is historical precedent. Yet, CBS News, 60 Minutes and the rest of the corporate controlled media would have you forget all of Feinstein’s previous transgressions. Her new image is being remade right in front of our eyes.  We are supposed to magically forget that Feinstein is one of the biggest abusers of the Constitution, while at the same time, she and her husband have robbed the American taxpayers blind.

Even though Hillary is tainted by her past (e.g. Whitewater, Vince Foster, Benghazi), the following will be the excuse on why Hillary Clinton will drop out of the 2016 Presidential race.

hillarys health

Hillary has the email flu!


Meet your new Democratic hero, the defender of the U.S. Constitution, Democratic Presidential candidate, Dianne Feinstein.


Object appear closer than they really are. This is a legitimate campaign button waiting in the wings.

Object appear closer than they really are. This is a legitimate campaign button waiting in the wings.


The trial balloon has been floated, will Feinstein sail to the nomination?

feinstein 2016 2

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  This is the ugly face of tyranny.

feinstein  ugly tyranny

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Total 28 comments
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…………. _.·´

    • Feinstein and I are “psychopaths”…So yes, I am a “liar” and TRUMP is showing America I am a true piece of $hit, a treasonous douche-bag just like o-bowel (better suited for prison than President) American’s are finally waking up to my treason! Dammit. What difference at this point does it make!!!?

      • Betcha they had a Lesbian Lick! I wonder if they ever filmed it? God, we not only would we have 2 ugly puss EEES, but 4! Sending Yeast Lipped Hillary to a ladies jail would be heaven for her…

  • Feinstein??? Is this some kind of joke.

    • No, it’s just Dave and he’s a very lonely man.

    • So, when the world ends before Hillary fails in the general election, Feinstein will be there to hold it together and pick up the pieces while the nations burn? Interesting. I can’t think of a more-suitable harpy demon to get to sit and watch utter failure as the rest of us peasants do, than Feinstein.

      I can only hope that she sees many numerous physical violations that often cause her to wish she had a firearm to defend herself, during those ‘godless days’ of anarchy and chaos.

  • Wow! We go from WILD-EYED to just PLAIN UGLY!!

    This woman is a MAN HATER!! Just like all liberal Democrap woman. They never get dates and are angry at WHITE MEN!!! Many are UGLY, MOROSE or just PLAIN FAT!!

    These women should NEVER be near a podium much less acting as political and civic leaders. They are just NUTS and are after YOURS!!!

    Beware white men!! :twisted: :twisted:

    • they should just follow the kartrashions and screw black guys

      • We’d have 2 Lesbian Licks! Then that god ugly escurment of the OLD USED DUCHBAG Albright! Now that WOULD BE A THREESOME!

  • True! How does a public servant that shouldn’t be on much more money than the rest of us, have 200 million dollars and probably a portfolio worth just as much :?:

    • Did you know she is a Jew?!If that isnt enough to answer your question,here is some more……….
      Her original surname is Goldman and yes she Sachs,need I say more.

      • We’d then have the deal with another Lesbian Lick! Then that god ugly escurment of the OLD USED DUCHBAG Albright! Now that WOULD BE A THREESOME! Would you watch

  • Now are the dems that stupid, or is this a distracting political joke? BUT with that said,…I’d put her in the same catagory as Killary.

    Defending the second amendment? ppphhhhht….yeah right

  • Feinstein is in her 80s for God’s sake! Where did someone get the idea that an old dried up thug could take Hillary’s place at the head of the crime family? No more women in governance…unless or, until, real women come forth.

  • Zionist wh*re. Finally, you got it right.

  • I remember her well and I consider her a Communist – with or without her current act and performance. A snake does not shed its skin and morph into a perfect angel without a reason ! That snake is STILL a snake. And the Dems would not approve of her if she was not ready to install the OWG and Communism and do their OWG bidding..
    And I do not see her as presidential material. And in case anyone is interested, there was never to be a female president. All other positrons of govt are spoken of as “persons” but the president was always spoken as HE. So Founders law would make it that pres and VP can only be a man. And the Justice of the time added all leaders need to be Christians if we want to keep freedom in this country.

    I see no way Feinstein could be elected – no one likes her, and never have.
    And how is it that she got much younger in the past 15 years ? Is this one a clone or what ?!


    • Little bright feather, In the future, I’m hoping we won’t have government that resembles anything what we have right now. But, since we live in a duality, you know, polarity, like positive/negative, night/day, hot/cold, male/female, etc., the ideal, for balance and harmony, the ideal would be that in a position such as president, one male and one female is elected to the same position with equal power to balance the equation. Any position that requires someone to be in charge, that ‘someone’ would be one male and one female. In fact, I can’t think of any reason for it not to be like that.

  • Wrong Jews, they are now being exposed for what they are, they in my opinion should never be allowed to hold any office in this land.

  • Diane Feinstein – don’t thinks so!

  • The Democratic ‘Socialist’ Party is full of ‘ugly’ anti-American women and most of them are members ( & ex-members- Pelosi) of the American Socialist Party.
    just look at the ‘nutcases’ following Killary & Bernie around…UGLY!

  • Well, one at a time. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them are going to jail. The world will see their deeds from micro to macro. It’s just that they’re having a hard time with reality. Exciting times we’re in!

  • Stop making this stuff up. Diane Feinstein has as much chance of becoming President as you do.

  • I knew this article was satire the moment Feinstein was mentioned.

  • Theyll all switch to Bernie if Hillary falls. They like his numbers vs Trump anyway. Feinstein wont be a relief pitcher.

    • Correct and then line up someone they love as the VP, and IF Bernie is elected, they’d bump him off to regain power. Rigged system…

  • HILLARY WILL HAVE ALL THE PUS EE SHE CAN EAT! Betcha she has a yeast infection and anyone else notice that she always had it in her mouth everytime she speaks?

  • FEINSTEIN??? OMFG. I thought nothing in Washington could surprise me any longer. Damn, I was wrong. This is outrageous and I hope DWS goes to jail.

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