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Fifty four percent of Republican voters say the Party should unite behind Donald Trump if he has the most delegates but does not have the half required to secure the nomination on the first ballot, according to a Monmouth College poll.
The poll, released Wednesday, suggests chaos at the convention if the Party chooses a candidate who has received fewer delegates than Trump. If the Republicans nominate someone else, only 43 percent of Trump supporters say they would commit to backing that nominee in November. But of those who oppose Trump, 55 percent want the Party to choose someone else at a contested convention.
“A majority of non-Trump supporters seem to be in favor of a brokered convention process at this point in the campaign. That would probably throw the party into turmoil with many Trump supporters abandoning the party,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.
Overall, the poll is consistent with other national surveys, giving Trump the support of 41 percent of Republicans and GOP leaners, with Sen. Ted Cruz at 29 percent and John Kasich taking 18 percent.