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Pro-Carson SuperPAC is STILL Scamming The Elderly

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 10:33
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(Before It's News)

Despite the fact that Ben Carson dropped out of the presidential race weeks ago, at least one group is still raising money off his name. The 2016 Committee is still sending e-mails to supporters and donors, including, according to The Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson, a “disproportionately high number of retirees.

Typically, super PACs are funded by a handful of ultra-wealthy donors as a way of bypassing campaign contribution limits. But Sousa’s super PAC targets a wide range of small-dollar donors through costly direct mail efforts and email blasts. Analysis of FEC filings by TheDC reveals that almost half of the donors who have given more than $200 are retirees. (The FEC doesn’t require super PACs or campaigns to disclose the identity of donors who gave less than $200, so it’s impossible to know how many of the donors who gave less than $200 are retirees.)

Surely, you’re thinking, it’s not still going. I mean, people wouldn’t do this to retirees? People who have lived a good life and just want to leave their control a little better off then when they got here? Sadly, your thinking is wrong.

A March 21 email blast from the super PAC warns Christians to “expect your rights to be dramatically circumscribed” if Hillary Clinton takes the White House. “The Republicans have no chance of victory unless they make big inroads into Black and Hispanic voters,” the email states. It later claims that “The future of our Republic” depends on making Carson Donald Trump’s VP nominee. The email concludes with a signature from Sousa and a request for a minimum donation of $20.16. “Whatever you send will be used carefully to put Ben Carson on the Republican presidential ticket in 2016,” Sousa promises.

Emphasis mine on that date. That was Monday. This past Monday. Two days ago.

Carson’s campaign has long been considered a front for a national book tour and mailing address collection operation, and it is no secret that organizations like The 2016 Committee have spent very little on actual campaigning. Most of these folks are raking in millions off Carson’s name. A practice, it seems, they modeled after the failed candidate himself.

The doctor is, of course, on board with the Trump campaign and is reportedly eyeing a spot as Vice President under Donald Trump. Where there’s a spotlight, he’s going to take it. And where there’s a spotlight on Ben Carson, The 2016 Committee and others will line their pockets off it.

The post Pro-Carson SuperPAC is STILL Scamming The Elderly appeared first on RedState.


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