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Water Cooler 3/12/16 OPEN THREAD – Today’s GOP Caucus/Primaries, Trump was ready

Saturday, March 12, 2016 12:33
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(Before It's News)


Election Day Saturday:  Washington DC voters head to the polls today.  Closing times are split.   Most DC polls close at 4 pm EST. However, Jewish journal notes a local rabbi was able to get longer hours.  If a person signs a form signifying they are a Sabbath observant Jewish voter they can vote until 9 pm.  Over in Guam, a caucus takes place today. says “Guamanians” can’t vote in the presidential elections but caucuses send delegates to the conventions.” (Guamanians?)  And then there’s Wyoming. The Casper Star Tribune explains it this way:

“[Republicans] select 12 delegates to send to the Republican National Convention in July, the process won’t be complete for another month. That’s because Wyoming’s selection process stretches over three events — caucuses held earlier this month, today’s county conventions and a statewide convention in April.

It’s a bit complicated and so is the delegate dispersal so it’s best to just go to the Tribune link if you’re keeping score on these things.

Happyville, Ohio: 17 year olds in Ohio may be happy to learn if they turn 18 on or before the November presidential elections, they can vote in Tuesday’s primaries. A judge made the ruling Friday. Ohio isn’t the first state to do this.  NY Daily News says 20 others allow 17 year olds to vote in primaries. Ohio Sec. of State Jon Husted wanted to challenge the ruling but decided against it when he was told the hearing date would be Monday.

Our elections system needs more stability and less chaos,” he said. “This last minute legislating from the bench on election law has to stop.”

The latest thing:  Something happened at a Donald Trump rally earlier today. Someone tried to get on stage while Trump was speaking. ” I was ready for him, but it’s much easier if the cops do it”, said Trump.

  • Quickhits:  A young, pink albino elephant is snapped at South Africa’s Kruger National Park.  Show the pics to friends who have been drinking. They’ll hate you for it later.
  • Is this the worst Ann Coulter picture ever, or is it just me? She really looks gaunt. Oh well. She just wanted you to know Fox news and Ted Cruz are traitors.
  • Annoy clockwatchers: Daylight savings time. Tonight. While some gadgets may automatically adjust things like microwaves, coffee pots and ovens require manual changing. (Set these to different times hours apart from each other. Enjoy the upheaval tomorrow morning.)
  • Everybody sing. By now you know of the protests at the Trump rally in Chicago last night. While that was going on, over in Summitt, Illinois Bernie Sanders led had his rally goers in a version of “This Land is Your Land”. ( slow tempo?)

Today is National Alfred Hitchcock Day:  If you like classic suspense Hitchcock is the director for you. Here’s a pig quote of his. “These are bagpipes. I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the man-made sound never equaled the purity of the sound achieved by the pig.”

A pig quote closes out today’s Water Cooler. Get in line down below and start talking up about whatever grabs you. Maybe you saw it here or maybe you brought it in from elsewhere. Doesn’t matter. The cooler is always an Open Thread.

The post Water Cooler 3/12/16 OPEN THREAD – Today’s GOP Caucus/Primaries, Trump was ready appeared first on RedState.


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