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Elizabethkingia outbreak spreads; source still a mystery

Thursday, April 14, 2016 23:59
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Elizabethkingia outbreak spreads; source still a mystery | 12 April 2016 | The Illinois Department of Public Health confirmed one case of Elizabethkingia in a resident who died earlier this year. The individual had the same strain of Elizabethkingia that has been confirmed in 57 patients in Wisconsin since November. Eighteen of those individuals have died. All of those infected had “at least one serious underlying illness” and most are older than 65, according to the Wisconsin of Health Services. The number of cases in Wisconsin may continue to rise as the state health department continues to investigate possible cases.


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Total 2 comments
  • now just look at the name of the outbreak en then figure out where it came from people open your eyes and use your brains. my god are there only idiots on this planet , i think it is time to relocate :shock:

  • if th disease was called queenelizabethcreatedthis would you then know the source omg peop are stupid :eek:

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