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The Top 10 Reasons to Support Trump-We’ve Waited 53 Years for This Kind of Honesty

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:16
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Can Trump's candidacy be saved? The American Middle Class better hope so.

Can Trump’s candidacy be saved? The American Middle Class better hope so.

The following contains excerpts from Donald Trump’s speeches. The words of politicians do not give me goose bumps, they more often nauseate me. I have never been inspired by a politicians words or actions in my lifetime. Now, some of you might say, “What about JFK”? I am not old enough. However, in retrospect, I agree with the spirit and intent behind the question. John Kennedy’s Secret Society’s speech and his May, 1963, America University speech where he said he was not going to commit the bulk of the American economy to build weapons of mass destruction. Many JFK assassination researchers believe that speech was the final straw which led to his assassination in Dallas in November of 1963.

There is no doubt in my mind that no President has told the people the truth like JFK, until now. When you read this list of “Trumpisms” you will be inspired, feel powerful and exude confidence which will make us believe that we can defeat the shadowy forces who threatening our country and robbing your children of their future. In reality, I wish it were only that simple. But for now, there is only one candidate worth backing and worthy of voting for.

Trump In His Own Words

Some of the following statements, uttered by Donald Trump, I have not heard, verbatim, until I went looking. The content and meaning of these words have obfuscated or twisted all together by the media. If anyone needed proof that Americans are lied to every single day, on every single issue, this is your moment of awakening.

  1. Politicians are bought and paid for by the special interests. The politicians need the money to get re-elected, they are not going to do what’s right for you. Trump should be careful, it was this kind of honesty that got JFK killed.
  2. The Wall is going to be so big and effective that when I am gone, they will name it after me. Trump is correct in that when you let off-the-books workers into the country, they lower the wage structure for millions of American citizens. Document, document, document!
  3. People are concerned about taking in Syrian refugees. However, we do not know where they come from and what their intentions are and they are completely undocumented. While Obama and his crew are obsessed with American gun owners, this is the number one security threat to America. According to the FBI 10% are likely radicalized. Is that enough of a warning?
  4. Obama has brought so much disrespect to the office of the President, that when he lands on Air Force One, there is nobody of note to greet him. This is what we recently happened in Saudi Arabia and Cuba. I will force foreign leaders to respect me and if they don’t respect me, they will fear me. Obama and his special interest friends are the reason why the world walks all over us.
  5. The new Omnibus Bill, passed by Congress and supported by Obama, funds Syrian refugees and undocumented immigrants through our Southern border. No money for Americans, only for foreign nationals illegally coming into our country. Why should any of us pay any tax to a government that holds all of us in such contempt.
  6. Americans are not angry people, but we are angry at a system that does not allow us to achieve anything. Since 1980, in real dollars, Americans are working 20% longer for 20% less. And where is that money going? It is going to the special interests who have never made more money, at our expense. Since the advent of NAFTA, we have witnessed the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world.
  7. Hillary wanted to go into Libya. Ask yourself, who has the oil? It is ISIS. We do not hit ISIS and our government is allowing them to take what they want. Dark, shadowy banking forces are supporting ISIS We don’t hit the refineries because we don’t want to cause environmental damage, so we let ISIS continue doing what they do. This is exactly what former advisor to George W. Bush, ARSOF’s Scott Bennett has been saying and said so on my show, on several occasions. In other words, Hillary and Obama have been committing treason against the American people for a long time.
  8. Obama will fly a 747 to Hawaii to play golf and then talk to us about global warming. 
  9. I campaign for votes and win millions and crush my opponents in the process. Meanwhile, the establishment buys delegates in both parties. The political system in this country is corrupt. The elections are corrupt…. Donald Trump must be very familiar with the electronic voting machines.
  10. Free trade agreements are killing the American people. They have cost us tens of millions of American jobs. When I am President, I will see that ever American corporation that relocates oversees for cheap labor, will pay a 35% tax to bring that product back into our country. Manufacturing will return, jobs will return and prosperity will return. Criminal Hillary will continue this practice. Criminal Hillary does not care about you and if she is elected, things will only get worse. I love this statement because we get a “two for one” comment. I have been screaming about the devastation of free trade agreements for over two decades.

A Perception Experiment

Please take a moment to read the Trump statements and sentiments listed in bold print. Ask yourself, where have you heard these beliefs and facts expressed before?For over that past two decades this is what you have been hearing from the Independent Media, on a daily basis. These observations and ideas are not new, this just marks the first time in 53 years that we have had a candidate for the highest office in the land have the courage to tell the American people what is truly wrong and what we need to do about it.  I just reread the bold print, and my gosh, I thought I was listening to Steve Quayle, or Doug Hagmann or reading one of my own articles. Hundreds of us have been screaming these messages for a long time, and some people did listen, but not enough. Trump has given the people enough social capital from which to mount a defense against what is happening to our country.

I would strongly suggest that each and every one of you roll up their sleeves and get to work. It has been 53 years since we have heard this kind of honesty. If the Trump movement is allowed to die, you will not see this kind of opportunity, again, in your lifetime.



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Total 7 comments
  • Kudos on a good summary.

    Since you did mention JFK, if you want to learn of what I believe is the REAL reason that JFK had to be taken out, do some research on “THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN”.

    That report, done during JFK’s administration, reads like the SOURCE or at least inspiration for Agenda 21. When completed, JFK was totally opposed. Most certainly that was what JFK had in mind when he spoke of the sinister forces within the nation, shortly before his assassination.

    His speeches alluding to this might have been the final STRAW, but his opposition to this report was the main BALE of hay.

  • mitch51

    Do you mean the honesty where Trump did a charity gig for the Veterans, made $6,000,000, and then just kept the money himself? Or did you mean another type of honesty that I’m not aware of?

    • EVERYONE have you watched Rafael talk about Ted being anointed ? In this First video Rafael says that through the taking of Dominion this will transfer the Wealth from the Wicked is stored for the Righteous and it is through the Kings Anointed to take Dominion that this transfer of wealth is going to happen . And @ the 3:00 mark the Pastor talks about the EndTimes transfer of Financial Wealth , This is the kind of Extreme ideology that the Left will use to sway the Independent voters away from voting for this kind of Ideology in the Top Policy making position .

      And here is Rafael talking about Ted talking to the Holy Spirit and God telling him to Run for President , More of what the Left will use as Fodder to paint an extreme ideology that the Independents will sway away from in the General ,

      The Left has all these site ready to run Main Stream if Ted gets the Nomination …. to be continued .

  • I think its time we as a people overthrow the occult elite. But I definitely would not trust Trump as far as I could throw him. There is a great deception taking place and we are all the guinea pigs.

    Come check out my series on the book of Revelation!

    God Bless!

    • deception is all around you…its just that Trump has the least deceit if any at this point (none proven) At least with one of the others you can be sure….its ALL LIES

  • ONLY TRUMP 2016!

  • Wall Street owned NWO Illuminati Trump and cousin of Hillary is no different than obama

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