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Video From 1985 Leaked Showing Bernie Sanders Praising Communists

Monday, April 4, 2016 10:21
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The following video helps explain that the goal of Socialism is to lead to Communism, and Communism ALWAYS leads to genocide. Just when you thought Bernie was a little different, and actually told the truth, it turns out Bernie isn’t so different after all. Brad Torgersen writes:

“Sooner or later, that gradually warming water is going to be brought to a boil — and cook us. There is nothing magical about the United States that will prevent all the horrors of the 20th century, from happening here too.

The state that “takes care of” you in the ways you desire, can also “take care of you” in a very permanent, very undesirable fashion as well.

I wish more of my countrymen understood this. Alas … socialism is the irresistible flame to which the well-meaning, ever-hopeful moths are eternally drawn.

I try to see a positive future. But it’s mighty tough these days.”

I’m certainly not about to listen to anything Bernie Sanders has to say at one of his rallies, because Socialism is Socialism, whether you call it “Democratic Socialism,” or anything else, and nowhere in history has it ever worked, so the only ones listening to “The Bern” are those who don’t know history. Still, it’s hard not to notice all the youth at his rallies. Sadly, rather than evaluating situations, and making decisions based on historical fact, today’s liberals are taught to evaluate situations and making decisions based on emotion, and Socialism pushes all the right buttons for that. 




Seeing the youth at Bernie Sanders rallies makes me wonder when I officially became old? Am I the only one wondering if these college whippersnappers have any idea what fools they sound like when they are interviewed on TV? Do they have any idea what fools they are in general for supporting a Socialist? Allow me to demonstrate using the following two examples that are directed at the youth who somehow have been led to believe that Socialism is the answer to their woes. My hope, is they can still be saved. 

1. A Pizza Pie

Imagine it’s Friday night and everyone’s been partying at a local get together, and the pizza man shows up, but he only has one pizza. Does it make more sense to keep dividing that same pizza pie over and over and over until everyone gets the equivalent of a piece of string cheese, or would it make more sense to grow the pizza if you could so it would be big enough for everyone to get a slice? 

Sure, some folks might get 2-3 pieces if the pie was huge, but as long as you got 1 piece instead of a raggedy piece of string cheese, wouldn’t that make more sense? 

If the above example doesn’t explain it clearly enough that taking from one to give to another doesn’t help anyone in the long run, how about this:

2. College Grades

We all know the economy is BRUTAL right now. Over 100 MILLION Americans are out of work. How willing would this year’s college graduates that finished in the top 25% of their classes be to trade in their “OFFICIAL” transcripts for ones with straight C’s, so the weight of their A’s and B’s could help their less fortunate classmates? Anyone? I didn’t think so. 

Socialism is always great as long as you’re the one taking from someone else right? That is…  assuming you can look in the mirror. Here’s the historical fact: Sooner or later, you always run out of other people’s money. PERIOD! 


Socialism 3

Since I am all too aware Common Sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden, if neither of those examples was clear enough, what about the historical fact that Socialism is responsible for SNUFFING OUT WELL OVER 100 MILLION HUMAN LIVES during the 20th century alone. We’re talking Men, Women, Children, all starved, beaten, jailed, tortured, mutilated beyond recognition, mass graves, and erased from history — because they were deemed to be ‘in the way’ of progress. Sound familiar? 

Are you of the belief, “But it will be different this time. This is America…”

That’s further proof the education system has failed you. NEED PROOF? Are groups funded by devout Socialist George Soros such as Black Lies Matter or promising peaceful demonstrations if people don’t do what they want during the election? No. They are promising the largest civil unrest this country has ever seen. 


Overpasses For America Writes:

So you say you want a revolution?

So you’re socialist and think everyone should be treated “equally”?

Before you dive into being a full-blown enemy of freedom and lover of socialism, consider the below proof that socialism inevitably leads to chaos, genocide and tyranny…

You can try to deny it, and say “We can do it better”…

But ask yourself this… Are humans any different than what we have always been, or has the scenery merely changed with the times?

Do you trust your life with another attempt at a system that has failed every single time it has been implemented?

Read below, and spend some time in thought, considering if you want to live under a system that has killed hundreds of millions of people because humans don’t conform to a cookie-cutter government-mandated, one-size-fits-all system.

Socialism 2

Socialism destroys people, destroys countries and destroys the dignity and rights of the individual — and those millennials who fail to grasp this desperately need a history lesson ASAP.

This brings us to Utah man Brad Torgersen, who penned a powerful diatribe this Sunday, explaining why socialism never works.

“Socialism requires an authority capable of bending the knees of the people to the will of the state,” he explained on Facebook. “There is no form of national socialism which has ever existed without very powerful governmental authority, and a police force capable of backing up that authority.”

Indeed. Socialism places the collective “good” over the well-being of the individual, meaning that for it to work, there must be a mechanism in place so that the government can “make people with ‘too much’ give up things so that people with ‘too little’ receive those same things.”




Moreover, socialism robs men and women of “the fruits of their creativity, intelligence and labor” — thus taking away the incentive for people to work hard and achieve greatness. For you see, in a socialist society, greatness cannot be achieved, because everybody is the same.

“Societies which bankrupt the incentives to work, always collapse,” Torgersen added. “Fewer and fewer people carry more and more of the burden, until the whole thing crumbles. It happened in Soviet Russia. It *is* happening in Greece and Venezuela.”

Torgersen then cited many, many, many examples of where socialism and social engineering led to “an overwhelming documented record of human woe”:

The Holomodor

The Killing Fields Of Cambodia

China’s Cultural Revolution

Stalin’s Purges

The Great Leap Forward

North Korean Famine

Etc., Etc., Etc.

“The snuffing out of well over a hundred *million* human lives, during the 20th century alone,” Torgersen continued. “Men. Women. Children. Starved. Beaten. Jailed. Tortured. Mutilated. Mass graves. Erased from history — because they were deemed to be ‘in the way’ of progress.”

Yet so many young and naive millennials cling to socialism with such glee, as if what happened in the past meant nothing.

Meanwhile, our government continues to add more and more elements of socialism to what was originally intended to be a Laissez-faire society.

Is there any hope left for our country?

Mr. Torgersen is a very wise man, and millennials would do well to heed his warning about what awaits them if they continue to chase down the genocidal path of socialism!

Find out if Mr. Torgerson thinks there is any hope left for the U.S. here:



The Federalist Writes:

Nikolai Bukharin was executed by shooting in Moscow on March 15, 1938. He had been revered as a giant of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, as one who even worked side by side with Vladimir Lenin himself. Alas, Bukharin’s Marxist chickens had come home to roost by the time he was shot like a dog during Josef Stalin’s reign of terror. His execution marked the pinnacle of Stalin’s show trials of high-level officials.

You see, Bukharin invested in building a political system that inevitably puts the reins of power into the hands of just a few strongmen who end up calling all the shots. It’s a system in which suspicion and the smell of treason tend to hang in the air.

Socialism, by the way, is just such a system. This is the case whether you call it by any other name, whether communism, utopianism, or collectivism. Oh, go ahead and slap some lipstick on that pig and call it “democratic” socialism or “progressivism” or “communitarianism.”

Lenin and his gang all started out calling themselves socialists. Social democrats, to be exact. So the fact remains: the path of socialism is ultimately paved with coercion, censorship, and, yes, terror. Does stating this make me an alarmist? No. It makes me a realist.



Socialism Is a Bait-and-Switch Scheme

Socialism and communism both involve ceding to the state control over the distribution of goods and services for the masses. This involves giving up individual rights, and giving the state a good measure of control over our personal lives. This road always leads to tyranny, no matter what you pave it with, and no matter what you name it.

Socialism requires a power clique—or, as Lenin put it, an elite ‘vanguard’—in order to pretend to function.

Socialism requires a power clique—or, as Lenin put it, an elite “vanguard”—in order to pretend to function. This means going heavy on executive power and rubber-stamp light on the legislative. Socialism demands that we place blind trust in whoever takes the reins of power to distribute society’s goods and services. This tiny elite, by the way, typically enjoys enormous privileges and a much higher standard of living than the hoi polloi, simply by being a part of the elite “nomenklatura.”

Sure, this oligarchy claims to distribute in the name of “equality.” That’s typically the cover story. The historical fact is that the vanguard, the power clique, eventually takes control of everything that’s produced—medicine, education, housing, food, transportation, etc. Its members then bureaucratically ration out—as they see fit—the means of human survival. In the end, you’ve basically got an elite corps of mobsters with the power to decide which folks are more equal than others.




Socialism also has a way of producing bloated bureaucracies that in turn produce ever greater scarcity. Along the way, this produces ever more corruption and cronyism. Censorship puts down deep roots because dissent cannot be tolerated or the system would collapse. Those are all prime ingredients for a closed society and surveillance state. Yet everybody is supposed to lay back and enjoy it.

Millennials for Bernie Sanders, Be Careful What You Wish For

So why should we meditate on the gruesome anniversary of Bukharin’s execution 78 years after the fact? Because Stalin’s purges and the reign of terror he invoked throughout Soviet society are actually pretty natural outgrowths of a system that puts too much power in the hands of too few people. That’s why.

The current professed yearning for socialism—a system so conducive to corruption, cronyism, censorship, and coercion—just keeps rearing its ugly head.

Yet the current professed yearning for socialism—a system so conducive to corruption, cronyism, censorship, and coercion—just keeps rearing its ugly head. One case in point is the open support for Stalin himself in today’s Russia. On March 5, the anniversary of Stalin’s death, a group of communists led a brazen procession to his grave to pay homage to this man who is responsible for the deaths of untold millions during his reign of terror in the Soviet Union.

We are also witnessing a new trendiness for all things socialist and communist among college youth. They sport T-shirts featuring the image of nauseatingly murderous tyrants like Che Guevara. Thanks to the popularity of the avuncular Bernie Sanders, coupled with an astonishing ignorance of history, millennials have fast become trusty mouthpieces for socialism. This is ironic, because socialism has a way of redistributing power away from the “99 percent” and puts it into the hands of the few central planners—a teensy fraction of 1 percent—at the top.

Then what? Well, too often the answer is in the title of this recent article written by libertarian Matt Kibbe: “Socialism Kills.” R.J. Rummel chronicled and documented the killing habits of socialist regimes in his work “Death by Government.” There’s an indisputable correlation between big government and terror that keeps turning up throughout history. That’s because big government is really Borg government. It just can’t get enough of itself.

We’d better get acquainted with it if we’d like to avoid it, no?

Socialism 4


Nikolai Bukharin’s Wretched Ides of March

Bukharin’s execution, as well as all of the wild show trials with forced confessions and executions of so many high-level Soviet leaders, caused shock and disillusionment among several prominent communists in the West. (One of them, Arthur Koestler, reflected on the impact of the show trials in his novel “Darkness at Noon.”)

In that last letter, he requested poison to drink rather than a bullet to the head.

Bukharin wrote more than 30 letters to Stalin while in prison, none of which were answered. But his last letter is particularly poignant. It’s an utter mess of emotions and contradictions: wailing self-pity, confession to crimes, pleas for his innocence, Stockholm Syndrome, total despair, and hope against hope. He referred to Stalin by his revolutionary nickname “Koba,” in an attempt to hearken back to their old Bolshevik days of being comrades-in-arms.

But Bukharin knew he was finished. In that last letter, he requested poison to drink rather than a bullet to the head. (According to one report, he was made to watch the executions of 16 other defendants, then shot last.) He requested to see his wife and infant son. (Obviously, not granted or answered. His wife was sent to a gulag prison camp.)

He even requested to be exiled to America, where he promised to wage Stalin’s war against by-then-enemy-of-the-people Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Red Army. (This seems a pathetic Hail Mary pass.) He also expressed regret for pal-ing around with Lev Kamenev, another high-ranking Bolshevik Stalin had purged earlier.




Here’s how Bukharin’s letter to Stalin ends:

In me you have lost one of your most capable generals, one who is genuinely devoted to you. But that is all past. It is bitter to reflect on all this. But I am preparing myself mentally to depart from this vale of tears, and there is nothing in me toward all of you, toward the party and the cause, but a great and boundless love. I am doing everything that is humanly possible and impossible.

I have crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s in spite of a headache and with tears in my eyes. My conscience is clear before you now, Koba. I ask you one final time for your forgiveness (only in your heart, not otherwise.) For that reason I embrace you in my mind.

One Soviet scholar in particular, Stephen Cohen, has defended Bukharin as courageous, and as one who never truly confessed but engaged in a war of words—in an Aesopian language—during his spoken defense at the trial itself. Be that as it may, Bukharin’s letter displays the full human wreckage that lay at the end of the road of socialism.

A fascinating postscript here is that Cohen came into possession of the last letter Bukharin wrote from prison to his young wife Anna Larina. Cohen actually delivered it into her hands in 1992, 54 years later.



Socialism Separates People and Causes Great Human Misery

Bukharin’s letter to Anna displays in stark clarity what a socialist system ultimately does to the most intimate of human relationships. Once socialism is entrenched, it is tailor-made to separate human beings and stand in the way of intimacy. Indeed, its general premise is that the good of the collective trumps the good of the individual, which means it is actually invested in wreaking havoc on family relationships and loyalties.

Below is an excerpt from Bukharin’s letter to Anna Larina. It’s loaded with pathos, suffering, loneliness, and all manner of contradictions. It’s a testament to the fact that in the end, we only want familial closeness with real, flesh and blood people. Not “communitarian” efficiency. Yet, at the same time, Bukharin extols the very system, socialism, that would destroy these relationships for him and for everyone:

My sweet Anushka! My Darling!

I write to you on the eve of the trial, and I write to you with a definite purpose, which I emphasize three times over: No matter what you read, no matter what you hear, no matter how horrible these things might be, no matter what might be said to me nor what I might say – endure everything courageously and calmly. Prepare the family. Help all of them. I fear for you and the others, but most of all for you. Don’t feel malice about anything. Remember that the great cause of the USSR lives on and this is the most important thing. Personal fates are transitory and wretched by comparison. A great ordeal awaits you. I beg you my dearest, muster all your strength, tighten all the strings of your heart, but don’t allow them to break.

Do not talk carelessly with anybody about anything. . . .

There you have it. Bukharin feels compelled to say that the great Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is “the most important thing.” And be careful, oh, so very careful, what you say to anybody. Political correctness on steroids. That’s socialism in a nutshell for you.

No doubt the stated intentions are oh-so-pure and oh-so-good, like “liberte, egalite, fraternite.” It’s the sort of compassion Flannery O’Connor wrote of when she noted that “tenderness leads to the gas chamber.” That’s because, at the end of the day, socialism is a manipulative machine of human cruelty powered only by a blind greed for power. It forces people to finely mince their words, or remain silent.

Of course it operates under the fig leaf of “equality.” Because how else can it seal the deal?




Socialism Is a Well-Trod Path to Absolute Power

Somehow, a lot of folks missed the memo that a system without checks and balances on political power is conducive to creating power-mongers, and even monsters. Lord Acton famously stated: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

A system without checks and balances on political power is conducive to creating power-mongers, and even monsters.

Lord Acton’s warning is oft quoted, but little noted, despite the fact that history proves it correct time and bloody time again. Witness Nazi Germany, Mao’s China, Kim Jong Un’s North Korea, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, and myriad other examples. Lord Acton’s statement has even been laboratory-tested, and you can check that out in this Leadership Quarterly article.

Bukharin’s Bolshevik comrades had held him in the highest esteem. He was a prominent leader of the Russian revolution and party theorist who worked side by side with Lenin himself, the firebrand who overthrew czarist Russia and entrenched communism there. Lenin even dubbed Bukharin “the golden boy of the revolution.”

But Bukharin basically had two killers, as did all of the other cronies in the government’s power clique. One, of course, was the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. The other killer was the ideology of socialism that Bukharin put into place—a system of unchecked power that grows monsters like Stalin.

We need to remember that, when soft socialism with its siren song of “equality” is left to its own devices, it takes ever more rigid forms. The political hubris of “progressives” who know better than you and me—and with such utter certainty—always leads to central control, corruption, cronyism, censorship, and abject conformity.

The more than 100 million victims of communism shows just how slippery a slope socialism is. Any person of goodwill who is familiar with the history and realities of socialism would do everything possible to avoid going down that minefield of a road.

Bernie Greed

Against Crony Capitalism writes:

Mass killings under Communist regimes (And why Scandinavian “socialism” isn’t so great either)

Many people just younger than me have very little understanding of the Cold War and why it was fought. Indeed it is fashionable to poo poo the Cold War and a distaste for socialism among what appears to me to be an uninformed crowd. See man, you just don’t get socialism. Etc. Etc. 

The state is celebrated under socialism. The state makes crony capitalism possible. An expansion of the state will only bring more cronyism and more stagnation. Even a crunchy hippy version of socialism will bring more corporatism. This is a hard thing for many to accept, but the only way to really fight corporatism is to free the economy so that competition takes hold. As competition takes hold the cronies get more uncomfortable. Eventually if the economy is freed enough many cronies will go out of business.

However, make the government bigger and the incumbent players, the established cronies, can stay in power indefinitely.

But cronyism, as nasty and terrible as it is is not the worst part of socialism. Even worse is the adoption of the secular religion of socialism. And it is a religion. One which many have killed for. One which many have died opposing.

Scandinavian socialism which is always held up as some societal ideal (far from it, Sweden right now is a net outflow country) was a luxury item for the West. Gated (not any more) communities of ethnically and religiously homogeneous folks who generally got along and didn’t mind paying taxes to each other. You pay me. I pay you. It was a wash. (And even still socialism is degrading with each passing year.) Scandinavia it has been said is great if one is white and generally lacking in ambition.

If one stands out in Scandinavia one is often derided, as chief chef Rene Redzepi at NOMA (now closed) one of the great restaurants in the world, can attest. He has openly talked of his struggles in the face of the Scandinavian Law of Jante.” (Though to his credit he has succeeded wildly.)




(From The Paris Review)

These are the rules of Jante Law, the social norms one should apparently be aware of if one is planning a move to the north:

You shall not believe that you are someone.

You shall not believe that you are as good as we are.

You shall not believe that you are any wiser than we are.

You shall never indulge in the conceit of imagining that you are better than we are.

You shall not believe that you know more than we do.

You shall not believe that you are more important than we are.

You shall not believe that you are going to amount to anything.

You shall not laugh at us.

You shall not believe that anyone cares about you.

You shall not believe that you can teach us anything.

However in other places where socialism has been embraced the weird, the ambitious, the unusual, the non-compliant weren’t just shunned, they were killed. That is a fact. Socialism, internationalist or nationalist, often – far too often, brings death with it.

Am I saying that socialism equals death? No I am not. But it demands compliance and the use of force. And history has shown us that often in the name of “socialism” people take the use of force, the need to make other people comply too far.

Some of us are just too strange for socialism.

(From Wikipedia)

Mass killings occurred under some Communist regimes during the twentieth century. Estimates of the death toll vary widely, depending on the methodology used. Scholarship focuses on the causes of mass killings in single societies, though some claims of common causes for mass killings have been made. Some higher estimates of mass killings include not only mass murders or executions that took place during the elimination of political opponents, civil wars, terror campaigns, and land reforms, but also lives lost due to war, famine, disease, and exhaustion in labor camps. There are scholars who believe that government policies and mistakes in management contributed to these calamities, and, based on that conclusion combine all these deaths under the categories “mass killings”, democide, politicide, “classicide”, or loosely defined genocide. According to these scholars, the total death toll of the mass killings defined in this way amounts to many tens of millions; however, the validity of this approach is questioned by other scholars. In his summary of the estimates in the Black Book of Communism, Martin Malia suggested a death toll of between 85 and 100 million people.[1]

Click here for the article.





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