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Donald Trump Wins The Sheldon Adelson Primary

Saturday, May 14, 2016 12:10
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(Before It's News)

Do you remember when we all thought it would be Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio – because they couldn’t cuck hard enough for Israel – during the debates? Now it turns out Sheldon Adelson is spending $100 million on the Trump Train:

“The casino magnate Sheldon G. Adelson told Donald J. Trump in a private meeting last week that he was willing to contribute more to help elect him than he has to any previous campaign, a sum that could exceed $100 million, according to two Republicans with direct knowledge of Mr. Adelson’s commitment.

As significant, Mr. Adelson, a billionaire based in Las Vegas, has decided that he will significantly scale back his giving to congressional Republicans and direct most of his contributions to groups dedicated to Mr. Trump’s campaign. The two Republicans familiar with Mr. Adelson’s plans spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Mr. Adelson’s pledge to Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, comes at an opportune time. …”

I’m not sure if this changes anything.

We all knew Trump’s position on Israel and Iran and supported him anyway in the primary. We swallowed that because we liked Trump’s position on other issues. It will be interesting though to see if Trump magically starts to “evolve” on those issues after welcoming Jewish donors like Sheldon Adelson inside the tent.

This could be the moment that Trump sold us out. Alternatively, Adelson could be supporting Trump because of his position on Israel and Iran, and this could signal he doesn’t care about other issues.


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