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Hillary Clinton Withheld Documents from State, Possibly Committed Perjury

Friday, May 6, 2016 10:41
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(Before It's News)

One of the things Hillary Clinton has insisted repeatedly – including under oath – is that she turned over all work-related documents that were on her private homebrew email server for the State Department to review for possible production. The group that forced the release of these documents, Judicial Watch, has now released numerous documents which were not released by State Department in their document dumps from last year and this year. Some of them we apparently only have because they were turned over as part of aide Huma Abedin’s email dump.

Per the Washington Examiner:

The emails, which were obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, contain conversations that were not included in the trove of roughly 55,000 pages of documents that Clinton’s legal team surrendered in late 2014.

Clinton has previously stated under oath that she turned over every work-related record that resided on her private server.

But some of the messages, which stem from former deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin’s multiple “” accounts, were never released by the State Department through a series of montly document dumps that stretched from June 2015 to February of this year.

Oops. This is really one of the great stupidities of Clinton’s crack team, was making claims that they had to know they couldn’t stand by as the investigation unfolded. After all, for every email that is sent, there’s a copy in both the outbox of the sender and the inbox of the receiver. They had to know they would get burned by withholding some documents, and they did it anyway.

I’m not sure really whether it’s incompetence, arrogance, or a little bit of both, but either way, it’s a very stupid move.

The post Hillary Clinton Withheld Documents from State, Possibly Committed Perjury appeared first on RedState.


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