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House Judiciary Panel Mulls Impeaching IRS Chief Koskinen

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 11:03
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(Before It's News)

Well, President Obama’s IRS commissioner faces possible impeachment, his former Secretary of State faces possible indictment, and Republicans are calling for yet another Veterans Affairs secretary to get out after he compared wait times for treatment at VA facilities to the lines at Disney.

John Koskinen

But don’t worry, these are Democrats. Democrats are for the people, so they must have their reasons.

From the Washington Examiner:

Members of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday weighed evidence against Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen, who faces an impeachment resolution in the House.

“On his watch, volumes of information crucial to the investigation into the IRS targeting scandal were destroyed,” said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the Judiciary Committee. “Before the tapes were destroyed, congressional demands, including subpoenas, for information about the IRS targeting scandal went unanswered.”

You can read the rest of he piece here.


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