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Mangled 'MH370 debris' found off coast of Mozambique suggests jet EXPLODED and was not under control of the pilot when it crashed

Sunday, August 28, 2016 15:42
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Mangled 'MH370 debris' found off the coast of Mozambique suggests the jet EXPLODED and was not under control of the pilot when it crashed | 28 Aug 2016 | Another piece of aircraft wreckage, believed to be from MH370, has added strength to the belief that the plane was not under the control of a pilot when it smashed into the southern Indian Ocean. A South African tour operator in Mozambique says he found the large triangular-shaped piece, measuring about a meter wide and a meter long, on the country's east coast. The fact that it is badly mangled with torn edges has led experts to conclude that the aircraft was not glided down for a 'soft' landing on the sea – a claim by those who believe pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah turned 'rogue' and took control of the aircraft on a suicide flight to end in the ocean where it would sink and drown everyone on board.


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