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Newly released American drone policy explains how US citizens, other targets can be chosen

Saturday, August 6, 2016 19:03
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Newly released American drone policy explains how US citizens, other targets can be chosen | 06 Aug 2016 | The Obama administration has released a previously secret 18-page policy guidance document [President Policy Guidance, or PPG] that lays out how potential drone targets may be chosen and approved and the President's role in the decision-making process…If the target is a US citizen or someone living in the US, or if there is not unanimous agreement among the President's key national security officials regarding the nomination of the target, it will be submitted to the President for a decision. However, the head of the nominating agency themselves can approve lethal action against a proposed individual if all of the major national security officials unanimously agree it should be undertaken, but the President has to be apprised of the decision.


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