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Rush Limbaugh’s Savage but Hilarious Remark About Huma Abedin Wins the Internet

Monday, August 29, 2016 12:42
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(Before It's News)

While I consider the news that “Carlos Danger” and Huma Abedin are getting a divorce completely boring, some of the commentary that it has generated has made this non-news completely worth it.

To catch you up, Hillary’s right hand gal, Huma Abedin is married to serial adulterer, Anthony Weiner. Weiner was recently caught sending naughty photos of his Bowie-In-Labyrinth, with his sleeping kid right next to him, to another woman. Word got out, and Huma has decided to call it quits…finally.

It’s been at the top of the news cycle (for some reason), which means that famous conservative radio show host, Rush Limbaugh, had to weigh in on it, and his remarks have everyone but Media Matters readers laughing.

“Did Huma Abedin Weiner really not know she had a deviant taking care of her child? She may not know what’s best for herself, but she apparently knows what’s best for Hillary Clinton,” says Limbaugh.

“She’s chief aid now. She’s presumably going to be chief of Hillary’s staff,” continues Limbaugh. “But she has not been chief of her husband’s staff.”

Big thanks to Media Matters for capturing the audio so everyone can laugh too.

The post Rush Limbaugh’s Savage but Hilarious Remark About Huma Abedin Wins the Internet appeared first on RedState.


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