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Treason: Obama Pushing Another UN Treaty Without Congressional Approval!

Friday, August 5, 2016 11:02
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(Before It's News)

Fellow Conservative,

I am starting to feel like a broken record.

The Constitution requires that Congress, specifically the Senate, ratify any international treaty before it can become US law. Ratification requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate.

This is important because it ensures that the American people, not the President, have the final say over what laws they will live under.

Obama has just announced that he plans on signing onto ANOTHER United Nations Weapons Treaty without ever putting it to a vote in Congress!

This is unconstitutional! FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND that they stop Obama from surrendering our sovereignty to the United Nations!

Barack Obama believes that he has the sole authority to determine whether the United States can ever again test a nuclear weapon. He believes that the Constitution is meaningless.

Now, whether you believe that we should be testing ‘nukes’ is largely irrelevant. That’s not really the issue at play here.

The issue is whether the President alone should have the authority to bind the United States to an international treaty without Congressional approval. That is what is at stake.

The constitution clearly says that the answer to this is ‘NO.’

This September marks the 20th Anniversary of the United Nations Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Obama plans to push it through on this anniversary.

As you may remember, former-President Bill Clinton tried to get the Senate to ratify the treaty back in 1999. The Senate voted 51-48 AGAINST the treaty. This is important because the vote fell far short of the 66 votes required for ratification.

The Obama administration is already out in force trying to rewrite history by claiming that the Senate in 1999 did not adequately study the treaty or understand what was actually in it. Obama is claiming that the vote was political.

He is using this to justify he new plan to circumvent Congress and bind the United States to the treaty anyway.

He must be stopped! FaxBlast and tell Congress to block any and all of Obama’s attempts to circumvent Congress with this UN treaty!

We all pray that we never have to use nuclear weapons again. That does not, however, mean that we should disarm or continue into the 21st Century with one arm tied behind our back.

It has been almost a quarter century since the United States last tested a nuclear weapon. The day might come when it becomes necessary to test another one.

A lame-duck President with less than a year left in office should not be allowed to bypass Congress and use an international treaty to bind US policy for generations to come!

According to the constitution, we shouldn’t even be having this conversation. Only Congress can ratify an international treaty.

But once again, Barack “Ends Justify the Means” Obama has found a loophole.

By passing a Security Council Resolution, Obama believes he can bind the United States to this international treaty without Congressional approval.

It is up to you to prove him wrong.

This has nothing to do with the merits of nuclear weapons testing. If you accept that as the issue at hand, then we’ve already succumbed to an ends-justify-the-means mentality.

No, this is about whether or not the President has or should have the power to overrule and bypass Congress!

The treaty’s anniversary is less than a month away. We are running out of time! Please, send your FaxBlast here and DEMAND that Congress stop Obama from ceding our sovereignty to the United Nations!

This is, unfortunately, par for the course for the Obama regime.

Back in 2013, the Obama administration tried to argue before the Supreme Court in Bond v United States that international agreements and norms should trump US law. Thank God, they lost.

Then in 2014, the President signed onto the UN Arms Trade Treaty and began implementing its provisions by executive action without any Congressional approval. 

In 2015, President Obama signed on to the UN Climate Treaty. Even though you and your colleagues did not approve the treaty, Obama instructed the EPA to implement the “spirit” of the treaty through identical environmental regulations.

And now, in 2016, the final full year of Obama’s presidency, he is going for it all. He is trying to surrender our right to develop defensive weapons to the United Nations and shredding the Constitution in the process.

I know there is a lot going on. With summer winding down, now is the time to be focused on other things. I get it.

But if we don’t stop this tyrant from bypassing Congress, then it’s all over.

It is every American citizen’s duty to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

If you won’t answer the call and fight back right now, who will?

I am begging you, take the time to FaxBlast Congress and FORCE them to put an end to Obama’s plan to unconstitutionally implement yet another UN treaty!

Your brother in arms,

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily



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Total 3 comments
  • TC

    People expect Obama to obey the law. But that’s ridiculous. It will be much simpler with Hillary because everybody knows she ignores the law and so nobody will waste their time reading useless articles about laws and constitution and such.

  • He’s called the lawless one for a reason

  • Obama and his co-conspirator cronies are banking on the fact that the average American is apathetic and sadly and sorely UNINFORMED especially when it comes to really having a working understanding of their rights and of the TRUE function and inner workings of our “Government” !!! Most people have never read our Constitution or the Bill of Rights or even the Declaration of Independence for that matter !!! So it’s little or NO surprise that most people are just “allowing” all of this to happen right under their noses and not putting up a fight or ANY real resistance to it !!! As has been mentioned on BIN and many other alternative media websites MANY times now MOST people WON’T understand exactly WHAT is happening or WHY it’s happening to them until it’s to damn late !!! They’re SITTING DUCKS just sitting around and waiting to be ROASTED as far as I’m concerned !!!

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