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By Lisa Haven
In the video below Gary Franchi’s Next News Network reports that president Obama had planned a major oval office renovation which would put Donald Trump out of the white house for a time. Was this part of the plan all along, or a move to show his hate for Trump? All that and more in this breaking report…
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Shameful news headline Lisa. Very misleading. But hey you tricked me into checking out your story.
What did expect from the 2016 Eve.?
To me it seems highly probable that there are secret installations or archives in the Oval Office or around it that Obimbo wants removed before letting Trump in.
Funny.. that was “debunked” by the White House four days ago.
even funnier – this story was debunked the same day that Lisa presented her “fake news invasion” article -
“I’ll get banned for this….”
Hello Angle#1,
Charlie here? Actually, IMO, it is a BLESSING in the disguise. I believe, after the sodomite leaves, the building should be burnt down. But, of course, they won’t do that.
But the next best thing is what they are doing now. However, they should scrape the walls down and repaint, all the furniture the sodomite used and must be thrown out and burnt – EVERYTHING!
Draperies, chairs, curtains, carpet all thrown out and BURNT. We must remove this EVIL from our land. The negro was a pagan sodomite foreigner and I can never forgive Democraps for giving us this godless POS who married a transgender that excited the godless communist Democrap base of his.
Charlie (sorry for ranting – still can’t get the dog to play with me. This time I hung a piece of meat around my neck. Gave the doughnut to my cat)
The NEGRO can go out on the beach for hours without sunblock pinky, what would happen if your whole race tried that? Why don’t YOU lead by example and be the first to try it and see how that works out for you. Prejudice poor white trailer trash like YOU have your days numbered on this planet pink boi. The Sun is YOUR enemy which is why you would DIE if you went out in it for to long but the NEGRO won’t have a problem out in the SUN because the SUN LOVES the NEGRO it charges the melanin in the NEGRO’S body.
YOU should google melanin(You whites have very little of it) and it’s AMAZING purpose and YOU will get even more JEALOUS of the NEGRO you poor white trash a** not belonging on the NEGRO’S planet boi. You’re Caucasian from the caucus mountains Y’ALL have NO WHERE to go, NOWHERE TO CALL HOME beside the Caucasus mountains.
You Caucasians are IMMIGRANTS. EUROPE kicked your filthy nasty a** disease infested forefathers out and sent them here with Christopher Columbus which is how they infected the Indians with smallpox, syphilis(which came from dogs and white women were having sex in the caves with the jackal(dog), and every other fowl disease they had the the Europeans didn’t want in Europe.
Your race has been the most nasty, disgusting, disease and germ filled race on this planet nad filled with hate just like it’s coming out of your thoughts on Obama. Your forefathers HAD to make y’all think you were the shyt because in all reality THEY KNEW y’all were the worst piece of shyt beings and TRUE CANER to this planet in ALL OF HER HISTORY.
Now you’re reaping what your filthy a** forefathers have sown and it will NEVER be a filthy a** white mans world again WATCH what I say Trump ain’t gonna save y’all. All the politics aside Obama comes from the race that WON’T die from sunlight like your VAMPIRE a** needing sunblock race. Say what you want about his politics but REMEMBER THIS WHITE BOI Obama WON’T DIE IN THE SUN YOU WILL.
LOL! We whites will come out during the night, idiot negro.
According to Malachi 4:1,you` re gonna need more than sunblock.
Oh boy….you’re even more “special” than the other common idiots found on this site.
You understand barry is a much white as he is black- save your drama for obama’s momma who was as white as the driven snow. Obama (aka barry soetoro, aka harrison j. bounel) is in fact Dick Cheney’s and Georgie Bush’s cousin and was supposed to be a half black savior -but he did absolutely nothing for any minority and if anything obamadon’tcare was anti-insurance company- not for black people. Barry did not a single thing for black people and his only contribution after complaining about his cousin georgie running the debt up to 8 trillion was to add 11.5 trillion more to the debt under his supposed watch. He should never been appointed- just cause he be in da family- a total joke and by far the worst president in my lifetime beating out Jimmy Carter- but hey at least the peanut farmer was a nice and likable person.
@ KING QUAN I see all those years you spent in school didn’t help much.2 things you cant mix is Education + black people.Syphilis came from sand negro’s having sex with sheep.Do Negros sunburn ? Yes they do worse than whites. of course your rant proves who the real racist are .
Obama and his wife treated the entire White House as it were a cheap south side rooming house. Hopefully The Trumps can repair the damage they did over 8 years.
Michelle said more than once that she hated the place.
If I was going into the White House as president , knowing that the last idiot chief was a Muslim trying to bring America down , I would have the whole place swept like a mine field for bugs , cameras , bombs or whatever else could be used to spy , record , tape , video or be used against the presidency or secrets being spoken or acted out about America secrets ! Hope Trump has the same thoughts ! The evils the last presidents did to America have been nothing short of Satan wearing their pants and acting out himself .
And WE have elected a GOD among men Donald Trump the savior of the white race here to make this a white mans world again. ALL PRAISE GOD FOR OUR LORD AND SAVIOR Donald Trump.
More misleading info from the darling of the Christian Zionists, . . Lisa (the jews are go_d’s chosen) Haven.
Geez. Do we now want to have Donald Trump “command the nation?”
When I was in school (before “no child left behind” and “common core”) Presidents “served.”
We might want to “make America great again” beginning with semantics.
Obummer may think he has stymied President Elect Donald Trump, but, truly, although Donald Trump will be very disappointed if this happens, he will take it in his stride with good grace and command his nation with impunity. I do not believe that he will let anything to interfere with his administration – that will be his slap back in the face of Obama – who if this is true is acting like a spoilt spiteful child – but there again Endtime’s comment below may be of the essence – and when Donald Trump steps into the refurbished Oval Office – it will be all his, pristine a fit start to his new regime! Nevertheless, Obama you need a severe kick up the bum!
like it or not today the potus is elected chairman of the board of the usa corporation, its nothing like it was when setup by the founding fathers, can you see a problem here once the public realizes we’ve been scammed all along
JFK was assassinated 53 years ago today and from the WikiLeaks government files we have proof that his death was connected to the governments UFO secrets! Find out more: