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Chelsea Clinton Got Self-Righteous On Twitter and National Review’s Kevin Williamson Ended It.

Sunday, February 19, 2017 15:40
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(Before It's News)

Chelsea Clinton received a reality check when she tried to get cute on Twitter in response to a tweet about a story from The El Paso Times.

The story was about a woman who was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during a court proceeding for an order of protection alleging she was a domestic violence victim.

The tweet said, “6 ICE agents arrested an undocumented woman at a courtroom as she received a protective order. they were tipped off by her domestic abuser.”

Clinton quote tweeted the story with the following statement with no historical irony or seeming awareness.

“I need a thesaurus. What’s another word for horrifying? Sick? Awful? Running out of adjectives these days that mean unconscionably terrible,” the tweet reads.

The responses became a mixed bag of agreement and “we need to remember our privilege,” to references of her parents history of scandal.

But National Review’s roving correspondent, Kevin D. Williamson, replied perfectly, by invoking the 1999 case of then 5-year-old Elian Gonzalez and her father’s role in the little boy being sent back to Communist Cuba.

For those who don’t recall the details of the case.

Elián González was born in 1993 to divorced parents. In 1999, his mother brought him along when she decided to escape the Castro regime, but drowned during the journey. Florida fishermen found 5-year-old Elián floating alone off the coast, near Fort Lauderdale. Although his Cuban-American relatives fought to keep him in the United States, Elián’s father insisted on his return to Cuba. The Clinton administration ultimately backed the father’s claim and extracted Elián forcibly in 2000.

The story dominated the headlines that year. After months of Americans — the exiled Cuban community, in particular — arguing with the Justice Department over whether or not Gonzalez should be sent back to Cuba to live with his father, or remain with relatives in the U.S. where he was granted legal residency, Attorney General, Janet Reno, with the full support of President Clinton, ordered the boy forcibly removed from his relatives home and sent him back to be raised under a dictator.

Perhaps Clinton can address that in her next outraged tweet.

The post Chelsea Clinton Got Self-Righteous On Twitter and National Review’s Kevin Williamson Ended It. appeared first on RedState.


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Total 3 comments

  • Boo

    Poor Chelsea…if she ever reads the news and books written about her father when she grows up, she’ll have her hands full with just trying to get one decent nights sleep going forward.

  • Chelsea is a vapid nothing.
    It must infuriate her to be such a failure.
    Everything she has attempted to do has utterly crashed and burned.
    Now all she to fall back on is her parent’s and husband’s ill-gotten gains, until
    they come for her. That’s a perp walk I am going to enjoy.

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