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David Brooks: GOP an ‘Enthnic Nationalist Party’

Monday, February 27, 2017 4:36
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(Before It's News)

David Brooks of The New York Times claimed in a recent television interview that the Democrats are the party of “international peace.” This is despite their war in the 1990s on Serbia and their intervention in Lybia and Syria which led to the civil war in those countries and the migrant crisis and destabilization of the region. He also claimed that the Republicans are now an “ethnic nationalist party” because of President Donald Trump’s protectionist policies and encouragement of the public to buy US products. Brooks, a  also criticised Trump for saying that he is “not president of the globe.”

Brooks, who hails from a Jewish New York family, has worked for numerous media outlets, including the Weekly Standard and The Wall Street Journal. He has frequently praised neo-conservative warmongers such as US Senator John McCain and liberal Democrat leaders such as former US President Obama. He was part of the Never Trump movement and argues that Trump deserves no respect.

Trump, who frequently argues that his brand of civic nationalism can unite citizens of different races and religions under the same flag, is not an ethno-nationalist, despite support for his administration from many on the Alt-Right. Brooks’ comments actually say more about the worlview of those in his world of New York-DC insiders and elites and their fear and loathing of the Middle American hinterland and its unbearable Whiteness.


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