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To my non-violent progressive friends,
You are being played. Your extraordinarily uncontrollable hatred against President Trump is hurting your cause in more ways than you understand. You may think you are winning, but you’re not. While you complain about each of the president’s lies, misstatements, alternate facts, etc., he is busy executing on his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’. I mean this with all sincerity – stop falling for the same trap over and over and over again!! Every time you and your compliant media attempt to fact check each of President Trump’s statements (like here), you enable the president to set the narrative and push more of the populace toward his side. Just follow this chart.
H/T to Scott Adams who has a simpler version of this (see his video here).
I would offer you more advice but you probably wouldn’t listen to someone who isn’t ideologically aligned with your views.
So, keep up the great work!
This post originally appeared on News with Chai blog.