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It Happened Again: Trump Supporters Attacked While Boycotting The Oscars In Los Angeles

Monday, February 27, 2017 4:58
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(Before It's News)

Note: This Story Was Originally Published At Right Smarts Conservative News

It Happened Again: Trump Supporters Attacked While Boycotting The Oscars In Los Angeles

In news that’s sure to shock everyone, anti-Trumpers have unprovokedly attacked Trump supporters.

This most recent assault (well, as of this writing; there’ve probably been more by the time you read it) happened in the peaceful, tolerant city of Los Angeles, California.

Pro-Trump supporters, tired of the divisive, poisonous politics of Hollywood elites, decided to express their Second Amendment rights and protest the Oscars.

Get this: They actually had the audacity to wear pro-Trump clothing while they did it.

This was, of course, too much for tolerant liberals to handle. Their rebuttal? To physically and verbally attack the pro-Trump protesters.

I am told it was a very peaceful and loving beating. You don’t have to take my word for it, though; someone managed to video a part of the attack and put it on YouTube:

By repeatedly dehumanizing Trump and his supporters, while stoking irrational fear, liberals have normalized this sort of behavior. Attacking people who support Trump not only isn’t viewed as a negative, it’s viewed as a positive.

The icing on the cake is that, after encouraging this sort of violence, liberals then pretend to have taken the high road. They’re not only intolerant and violent, they’re also dishonest and delusional.

And that, my friends, is why Trump won.

When will the left step up and disavow this violent behavior? Or do they agree with it?

Things that make you go “hmm” . . .

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