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‘Attorney General Must Resign’: Pelosi, Top Dems Call for Sessions’ Immediate Termination

Thursday, March 2, 2017 8:25
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(Before It's News)

Sen. Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, speaks before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington. (Bloomberg photo by Pete Marovich)


By Tyler Durden  //

It took minutes, not hours, for top congressional Democrats to call on Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign on Wednesday evening after the WaPo reported that he had allegedly met with the Russian ambassador in the months before the election, meetings that Sessions did not disclose during his confirmation hearings.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) led the effort late on Wednesday night, accusing Sessions of “lying under oath” during confirmation proceedings about his contacts with the Russians.

“Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate. Under penalty of perjury, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee, ‘I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.’ We now know that statement is false,” Pelosi said in a statement. She then added that “The Attorney General must resign. There must be an independent, bipartisan, outside commission to investigate the Trump political, personal and financial connections to the Russians.”

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JUST IN: PELOSI — Calls on Attorney General Sessions to Resign

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House oversight committee, also called on Sessions to resign, as did Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

Richard Painter, the former White House ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush from 2005 to 2007, also blasted Sessions and in a statement on Twitter said that “misleading the Senate in sworn testimony about one own contacts with the Russians is a good way to go to jail.”

Responding to the WaPo report, in a statement issued early on Thursday morning, Sessions said, “I never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false.”

To be sure, there is some verbal semantics in play: the WaPo’s core allegation is that Sessions did not disclose his meeting with the Russian ambassador Kislyak – which took place in July and September, the second meeting reportedly occurred in Sessions’ Senate office – to the Senate when he was asked about “possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow.” Sessions’s spokesperson at the Department of Justice, Sarah Isgur Flores, says his answer in January was truthful because he was asked about “the Trump campaign, not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.” She added that “there was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer,” during the confirmation process, noting that he had over 25 conversations with ambassadors as a member of the Armed Services Committee.

According to the Wednesday Post story, Sessions’ conversations with Kislyak took place in July and September. The second meeting reportedly occurred in Sessions’ Senate office. Sessions did not disclose those discussions during his January confirmation hearing in response to a question.

The Post does not provide the full transcript of the question, from Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), and Sessions’s answer. Instead it summarizes the exchange in a way that makes it seem that Sessions was asked if there was any contact at all between the campaign and representatives of the Russian government. What Sessions was asked about was sustained, ongoing communications, a core accusation in the dubious Trump “dossier.”

The C-Span transcript of the meeting is as follows:

Franken: CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week, that included information that “Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so you know. But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

Sessions: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.

Franken: Very well.

Of note: Sessions was not actually asked whether he or anyone affiliated with the campaign had any kind of communication with the Russians, ever. He was asked, first, about “a continuing exchange of information” — repeated contacts between the campaign and representatives of the Russian government. In the full context of Franken’s remarks, Sessions was asked about the allegations in the dossier, and he denied such “communications” to the extent of his ability to do so.

Additionally, the WaPo adds that Sessions was asked by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) whether he had “been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day.” Sessions answered, simply, “no.” And there is no evidence in the Post nor elsewhere to cast doubt on that claim.

In any case, semantics, and for now Democrats are happy to use this line of attack in hopes of repeating a Michael Flynn outcome, and oust Sessions.

As Politico adds, it wasn’t just Democrats amping up the pressure. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said a special prosecutor should be appointed if investigators find any evidence of wrongdoing by the Trump campaign, adding that Sessions should recuse himself from any investigation into contacts between the campaign and Russia.

“I don’t know that there’s anything between the Trump campaign and the Russians. I’m not going to base my decision based on newspaper articles,” Graham (R-S.C.) said during a CNN town hall where he appeared with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). “If there is something there, and it goes up the chain of investigation, it is clear to me that Jeff Sessions, who is my dear friend, cannot make this decision about Trump.”

An Obama White House national security official said the administration was gravely concerned in its final days about increasingly apparent ties between Trump associates and Russians, and about what appeared to be promises made by more than one individual to representatives of Russian President Vladimir Putin about policy changes that would occur once Trump was sworn in as president. The senior Obama White House official was not told the names of the specific individuals involved because the official’s portfolio was foreign policy, not intelligence, so they were not briefed on aspects of the investigation involving U.S. persons.

“It seems pretty clear that [former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn] was not a rogue here,” the senior official said. “I don’t believe that Flynn was the only person promising things to the Russians, communicating to them what would happen once the Trump administration came in.”

For now Trump has not gotten himself involved in this latest spat, which could potentially escalate into the resignation of a second key aide to the Trump Administration. Instead, first thing this morning Trump decided to once again highlight the recent market performance, the same market which he previously called a “huge bubble” as confirmation he is doing a good job as president: “Since November 8th, Election Day, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and consumer confidence is at a 15 year high. Jobs!”

Since November 8th, Election Day, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and consumer confidence is at a 15 year high. Jobs!

Sooner or later, we expect Trump to make an angry statement on the issue, and with that the “conciliatory” Trump that emerged during his Congressional Address will be once again dead and buried.

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Total 37 comments
  • Where was NAZI PELOSI when BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA tall the Russian Primer Minister in 2011 to tell President Vladimir Putin that after the election he will have more flexibility to deal with the nuclear agenda treaty?

  • last time i did not check talking to Russia was not a crime? Russia has always been an alli to the USA!

    i think nancy policey knows her name and many of her pals in congress are on the title page of the up coming indictment coming out of the DOJ and in a venial move are trying to demonize sessions in some kind of liberal logic to stop there coming appointment with reality! say good bi to la la land nancy cuz Leavenworth Kansas is coming home for you and your kind!

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    • mitch51

      Perjury is a crime however, the last time I looked.

      • ok mitch51

        syber homo george spros santoros? you musy stop your perjury! we know obama was evil and the mental illness of his followers is obvious look at nancy police or maxabseen waters? if your under the belief that they are ok then your not!

        seek a crisis center for some brain drugs! cuz your seriously suffering from pinko commi sodomitisis! repent seek Jesus! :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock:

        • What the hell are you babbling about? Perjury is a crime.

          “A questionnaire from Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee, asked Sessions whether he had “been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day.” Sessions answered “no.”

          Then, at Sessions’s January 10 hearing before the entire committee, Minnesota Senator Al Franken asked him about his views on Russia’s alleged meddling in the American presidential election, as well as reports that some Trump campaign associates had been in contact with top Russian officials during the campaign. Sessions replied that he was “not aware of any of those activities,” and added, “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.””

          • and so what is your point? the Russian election hacking is a george soros campaign and anyone who is trying to keep that dead flame on fire are conspirators with satan and pizzagate members about 30% of the leadership of both parties!

            take a breath its going to get exciting to see folks like pelosi shoemaker and other densis hartart types take a fall! remember satan and his people, the demo-rats have there obama plan and Jesus and trump have their plan, and i can tell you sodomites of felching baby ass your plan will burn as your cast into fort Leavenworth and then hell for your weak minded pedophiles in office cia blackmail 101! :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock:

          • Yeah — what the hell IS your point?

            Sessions answered those questions TRUTHFULLY.

            All of his contact with Russia occurred when he was a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee in the course of his normal duties. NO ONE ever asked him about that – - he was ONLY asked under oath if he’d been in contact with Russia as a member of the TRUMP CAMPAIGN.


            Facts matter.

  • Total Armageddon! Hell Breaks Loose. War! Morning Joe 3/2/17 Top Democrats Demand Jeff Sessions Resign (Video) /alternative/2017/03/total-armageddon-hell-breaks-loose-war-morning-joe-3217-top-democrats-demand-jeff-sessions-resign-video-3484140.html
    Obama’s the Antichrist and I’m the Messiah.



  • Top Citizens call for Pelosi’s immediate termination !!! As well as all her her NUTJOB Political Buddies and Co- conspirators !!!

    • mitch51

      I agree! And let’s not do anything with Sessions because he committed perjury. We need Sessions to fill up those for-profit prisons with those vile marijuana addicts. Let’s Make America Great Again!

      • Democrats don’t have a problem sending drug addicts to prison either. Not sure what country you live in or if you pay attention to anything.

  • hey pelosi, where were you when holder was operating fast and furious and running guns to MEXICO and HE LIED ABOUT IT!

    • She was walking around in circles on her heavy dimentia medication with her nose up Obama’s butt performing the “Hind Lick Maneuver” !!!

      • Now that’s funny.😄😄😄

  • The pedos are desperate to eliminate this man.. well, and the rest of them. I don’t think they’re going to win this one.

  • fuk the democraps we have had enough of their shit

  • If anything it’s time for Pelosi to go her business ties to her husband need to be investigated . Pelosi is one of the richest politicians let’s find out how she really made her money. Pelosi used the Google jet to get her daughters to there weddings she has long held conflicts of interests an Sessions is the perfect person to go after her and she doesn’t want that.

  • Trump already caved with asking Flynn to resign, I hope he doesn’t cave with sessions as well. Meeting with the Russian ambassador back in july and September of last year does not constitute any violation of oath, and even if it does fuch them. The democrats play dirty all the time, they deserve no respect.

    • Sessions didn’t do anything wrong. He was asked if he had contact with the Ruskies while he was part of the Trump Campaign — which he didn’t. They never asked him if he had contact with the Ruskies when he was a senator or a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

      The Dems are in a full-on meltdown witch hunt and it is going to cost them dearly.

  • He is not going to resign, he is simply recuse himself from Russian issues. Get a grip.

  • He lied under oath Hahahahahahaha! Very funny. They all lie under oath! Hahahahaha!

  • Pelosi is SCUM and should be removed from office!! end of story!!

  • You know whats funny about poking Trump and his administration with sticks? They are just about tired of it and are about to lash back out at Pelosi, Schumer, Goofball Franken and the Traitorous RINO’s. This is about to get fun folks. The days of playing nice with the Democrats are Over! :lol:

  • Jeff, tell Pelosi & her wacko supporters, “take a hike.” If Holder & Lynch didn’t go during all their bad stuff, you are a Saint compared to them.

  • Ms. Pelosi, I think you’re an extremely motivated and basically good person who needs a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Hilarious. She doesn’t even remember POTUS name!!!

  • Ms. Pelosi, I think you’re an extremely motivated, hard working, and good person but you need a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Since she thinks she is still working for Bush, does she even know who Sessions is. There must be some skeletons in her closet that can be dug up apart from the drinking – she should be further investigated in Pizzagate. I always believe where there is smoke there’s fire. Old Hag.

  • Move on-nothing to see or hear.

    Democratic disruption plan

  • The democrats are mentally ill especially after having Holder and Lynch, 2 criminals. They’re scared spitless due to the noose closing of pedophilia and child trafficking that will put them all away for a very long time. The pedo ring brings down the deep state, shadow government and the cabal in one fell swoop. That is their undoing and why you see the NY Times, Washington ComPost and other major newspapers and cable stations trying to debunk a pizza shop in DC.

    Methinks the left doth protest too much

  • F U Pelosi Moron; where were you to demand Loretta Lynch resign or James Comey (F.B.I Freaking Bureau of Idiots) to resign for email investigation fraud You freaking Moron. How about Hillary4Prisons & Bills “Clinton Foundation” MASSIVE PAY-TO-PLAY Fraud. Sec. of Defense Hillary4Prison taking massive donations from foreign Gov’ts; E.g. $25 million from Saudi Arabia, then she conveniently sells Saud’s $100 billion in weapons to wage war in Yemen; and fund ISIS & Muslim Brotherhood via Libya, which is what Got Ambo Christopher Stevens killed when he discovered he. She made sure he was whacked so Ambo Stevens would “not” report that to the Congress. Go to Hell Moron Pellosi

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