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Erdogan Urges Turks To Wage Demographic Warfare Against Europe

Saturday, March 18, 2017 4:26
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(Before It's News)

Unlike the West, the Turks haven’t lost their old imperialist ambitions:

“Calling Turks the “future of Europe,” Turkey’s president on Friday implored his compatriots living on the Continent to have multiple children as an act of revenge against the West’s “injustices.”

“Go live in better neighborhoods. Drive the best cars. Live in the best houses,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday in the city of Eskisehir, while campaigning for a referendum that would solidify his power. “Make not three, but five children. Because you are the future of Europe. That will be the best response to the injustices against you.”

The remarks come at a time of increasingly fraught relations between Europe and Turkey in the wake of the migrant crisis, the concurrent rise of Islamic terrorism and right-wing nationalism in Europe, and a crackdown on civil liberties in Turkey. …”

Liberals thought it was a great idea to let millions of Turks into Europe.

Europe was threatened for centuries by the Saracens, the Mongols and the Turks. What does our history with these people matter though? It is 2017 and we are so beyond that and anyone who remembers the past and would discriminate is an Islamophobic bigot.

Note: The Hungarians and Serbs certainly have fewer illusions about the Turks.


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