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70% of the people disprove of Comey. Nunes says the FBI not involved in the investigation. Evidence is now growing against Obama, Clapper, Brennan and Rogers. Wikileaks releases nightskies 1.2, which shows the CIA has control of Macs and Iphones. Soros building an army and offering people to quit jobs and there pay will be 15k a month. WSJ ran article stating that NK is implicating in the robbery of the Federal Reserve. That NK has the ability to cyber attack the Feds financial network. UK tanks arrive in Estonia. Tillerson makes case that Montenegro should join NATO. The IS takes responsibility for the attack in London. The attack to place on the date of the Belgium attack and is also the number used for the Skulls and Bones society.
From The X22 Report
Great report…I don’t doubt a word of it….we should spread this ino far and wide…part of defeating these humanity hating Rothschild groups is to get out ahead of their plans so they have to change them…if everyone knows what is coming and chattering about it…they often postpone or shenge the plan…