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Tomi Lahren Blends In With the Fools on The View, Declares She is Pro-Choice

Friday, March 17, 2017 12:25
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We’ve known for a while that Tomi Lahren of The Blaze isn’t a conservative. She may bring viewers in, but like her, they’re the cheap, non-conservative kind.

She’s also a pro-abort, championing “choice” and declaring that matters more than unborn life. What bravery.

As I wrote previously, Lahren’s brand of conservatism is of the Barbie-doll kind and should have no place in serious discourse, to which The Blaze aspires. This has been clear for a while.

On Friday morning, Tomi appeared on The View. Seven minutes and 45 seconds in the harpies began discussing abortion.

Ms. Lahren said the following, as The Daily Beast reports:

“I’m pro choice, and here’s why,” Lahren said. “I am a constitutional, y’know, someone that loves the Constitution. I’m someone that’s for limited government. So I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies. I can sit here and say that, as a Republican and I can say, you know what, I’m for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well…”

The audience applauded.

To equate being pro-choice with limited government, the right to bear arms, and what the Constitution says is so laughably warped as to almost be beneath response.

But here’s mine.

Abortion is the slavery issue of our time. Human rights begin in the womb, and nothing afforded to women in this great country matters much at all if we actively seek to deny life to the “inconvenient” unborn who are slaughtered at the rate of thousands per day. We cannot afford the liability of people like Tomi Lahren whose Facebook “likes” and “Final Thoughts” mean next to nothing as she continues to stand on such a shaky foundation with no intent to protect life. This is not conservatism.

If we who are actual conservatives want to keep our ideology intact, we need to lose pro-aborts like Tomi Lahren. And if The Blaze keeps Tomi Lahren on after this, we’ll know they’re more interested in clicks than principles.

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