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Trump’s Weekend Cover-up

Sunday, March 26, 2017 18:09
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(Before It's News)

Speaking of propaganda…

After a tough week, where threats and bullying failed to sway House Republicans to support the GOP replacement for Obamacare, you might think President Trump would be ready to knuckle down for the weekend and get back to the drawing board.

Trump went golfing.

Actually, the word the press pool got was that he was having meetings, but social media suggested something different.

On Saturday, Trump traveled to his golf club in Virginia for a stay that lasted over four hours. Because he was supposed to be in meetings, the press were not allowed access.

 However, in the absence of actually getting to see the president during the four hour-plus stay, some journalists picked up on a private Instagram account that seemed to be posting photos from inside the club showing Trump dressed for golf and travelling across the course in a golf cart. To some, this suggested that Trump may not have been involved in any meetings.

And this may be a big part of the problem.

Trump doesn’t seem to be giving his first 100 days his full attention.

There are those who are willing to cover for the president, however, even if it makes them look ridiculous to the rest of the world.

The Hill is reporting on what is a cringe-worthy tweet released by Trump’s personal Pravda, Fox News.

Wait… that’s worthy to be labeled as a News Alert?

Many pointed out that Trump had traveled twice to the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia over the weekend. He was at the Virginia golf club on Saturday for meetings, and then again on Sunday for about an hour, during which he conducted three short meetings, according to pool reports.

Trump headed back to the White House after his Saturday meetings, and later had dinner at Trump International Hotel near the White House, according to pool reports.

That’s not spending the weekend working at the White House, and even if it was, it’s still not worthy to be tweeted out as a news alert.

Noting the time on the tweet, it’s not hard to consider that they may have been doing Trump a solid, by attempting to mitigate the bad optics of seeing the president enjoying his country club lifestyle after suffering the first major legislative defeat of his young presidency.

It didn’t work. Several Twitter users pointed it out.

Nice try, though.

The post Trump’s Weekend Cover-up appeared first on RedState.


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Total 1 comment
  • Hahaha! He must be a lousy golfer if he’s shooting from the deep rough. Those weeds are taller than he is! I guess money can’t buy talent or ability.

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