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A Note to the Loyal and Loving Readers of DMF

Sunday, April 9, 2017 6:02
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(Before It's News)

Diogenes Middle Finger Over the weekend we raised the hood on DMF and made a few changes. Some are noticeable, some are not.  Among the changes are the new Domain Address and new and better Analytics for Moi, and a few cosmetic changes and a small tweak that should make the page load faster for yous guys.

Unfortunately, one change seems to have hide all of your brilliant comments. They are still show in the Disqus dashboard so they are lost. So for the time being, if you happen to be the first to comment on a post and the comment link is not showing, just click on the Post Title to get to the comment box. Hopefully when the new squirrels get comfortable and up to full speed, that should iron itself out. – Mommy Dearest of DMF


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