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You Will Not Believe What Soros Called Trump

Saturday, December 31, 2016 13:40
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In one of the most hypocritical displays in modern political history, Soros called Trump a name. Not just a name but a name that defies logic. The name cuts to the heart of who and what Soros is. The story is in the following video.



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Total 7 comments
  • Yes, yes. The left ALWAYS calls you what the are. Always do what you would never do. They are SICK bunch that need to be exterminated. Which Yahuah will do upon his return. You cannot live with them. They always seek your destruction and harm and why Yahuah will cast them into the LAKE OF FIRE!!

    They will be ashes under your feet. :cool:

  • Satan’s personal butler is calling someone else names.

  • Soros is a Nazi pedophile that looks for little boys to molest such is why he supports NAMBLA.

  • :?: My question is why is this guy still alive? With all the Black Ops and honest people, you tell me why this guy still can walk around freely, or even still alive? Can anyone explain that? Wonder what or if he was ever charged with Hitler, with and his pulling the gold teeth and rings off of all the millions of dead concentration camp people… Yeah – he sure does have “Humanity” in mind in all his criminal evil, makes him not a human being in any way…

    Hopefully someone will have the balls to arrest him with all the country warrants out for his arrest… So UN, I know you are 100% a totally private business organization, owned by not any world government, but a group of the richest people in the world who PRETENDS they have world goverment powers. So why not arrest him? The UN is not in any way a Government, but a meeting of all private rich citzens, trying to rule the world…

    • The Clucker

      Lets not forget about his bloodline and son, who is now just as evil as his daddy. He too is amazed he is still alive and walking on planet earth. Imagine if Hitlers son still did his daddy criminal acts, but luckily, god found them and they all refused to reproduced to end Hitlers bloodline. Soros childern are exactly the same a Hitler, and needs to be followed and stopped.

  • raburgeson

    Guess Trump is alright then. More than one sick person is upset with him.

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