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Seven Things You Must Have to Survive the First 3 Days After An Economic Collapse

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 6:16
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economic collapse


Expert Tells How to Survive the First Three Days After The Collapse

Expert Bob Griswold talked about the seven things you must do to survive the first three days following an economic collapse. Can you name the seven things? Are you prepared.  Details are in the video.




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Total 9 comments
  • mitch51

    I stocked up with tequila and weed. They were my first two choices and you didn’t even mention them. We are just not on the same page when it comes to survival. And tequila and weed are gonna be going for a YUGE price. There will be a lot of trading value if I don’t finish my supply early. Which unfortunately I am doing.

    • Ultimately they will have no trading value at all, becuse the guys with the weapons will just lay you out in the dirt dead as a concrete lawn jockey and take what they want. In the end, they will be dead too, just a matter of time. All too marvelously funny!

    • start growing your own weed.

  • Loved the show last Sunday and thanks for all you do Dave!

  • The biblical thing is not true- see: “Allies of humanity” in a search- reality is a billion times bigger than the ancient, corrupted texts- we need to know what we are dealing with-

    • Be careful about that! Most humans are not prepared or capable of dealing with the concepts that requires. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing sometimes.

  • FINALLY! Having a fat reserve pays off! :wink:

  • Only ONE thing needed…
    You either do or don’t.

  • Jacko

    For 3 days I need no more then 1 thing: Water.

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