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Ray Mann Announces The Importance Of Its Nutritional Supplement To Athletes

Monday, April 25, 2016 1:18
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Vitagia, the new nutritional supplement company, announces the use and importance of their nutritional supplement products to athletes and the fitness conscious, on-the-go consumers.

Los Angeles, California, April 18, 2016 – Vitagia Industries and their team of professional nutritionists and biochemists have scientifically formulated nutritional supplements for optimal health and fitness and body transformation. The company’s philosophy is based on the ancient Greek philosophy of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Their nutritional supplement incorporates maximum doses of many key ingredients resulting in the best nutritional supplement system that influences the Body.

At Vitagia, they believe the key to the physical transformation of the Body, lies in nutritional supplement and that without a healthy body the mind and spirit will suffer also. – Thus, you must give the body the fuel it needs for its maximum performance. The Ancient Greek athletes believed that overall and total fitness not only comes from just taking care of one’s body but of also taking care of one’s mind and spirit. This is why Vitagia crafts their nutritional supplement for an optimal physical development of the body and maintaining a sound mind and spirit. For athletes to be at their best, they must control their body, mind and spirit and make them work together.

Their nutritional supplements are meant for both men and women so that everybody can get exactly more of what their body needs to enhance their physical performance and begin their transformation. “Over the years, I got tired of throwing my hard-earned money away on mediocre supplements that never yielded the results that they claimed or delivered what I expected. I knew that it was time for a change in the industry,” remarks Ray Mann. ‘’ VITAGIA also will be running a yearly fitness contest between college Greek fraternities, and will also be making an annual donation from its profits to the winning fraternities. Vitagia believes that some of our brightest and innovative young adults come out of College Greek fraternities, and we want to do our part to help them reach their goals.’’ He added.

Ray Mann discovered that too many supplement products on the market today cut corners and use very small amounts of ingredients in their formulas in order to save money on production costs and increase their producers’ profit margins. While some of these products may contain some excellent ingredients, they most often lack other significant ingredients or the ideal amounts of specific ingredients.

For more information, visit

Media Contact
Ray Mann,Founder,CEO
Location: United States
Tel: 1-844-759-1800
Email: [email protected]


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