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The Worst Has Now Been Confirmed: Imminent Global Catastrophe Feared by Scientists, Leading Experts, Government, and More As They Prepare Globally For What Is Coming! Could This Be the BIG One We Have Been Warned About? And, It’s Coming Soon! (Videos)

Monday, April 13, 2015 6:16
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(Before It's News)

Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.  —Revelation 9:1-2

Have you ever stopped to consider how small and insignificant we are in comparison to the entire universe? We wake up every day and go about our business taking for granted that our heart continued beating and breath filled our lungs as our eyes opened to the new day ahead.  Meanwhile, the earth continues rotating on its axis, the sun continues to shine above, and heavenly bodies continue doing what they do in outerspace.  

It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;  —Isaiah 40:22

We sit at the traffic light impatiently waiting for it to go from red to green, honking our horn violently when someone performs an act of carelessness, trying to hurry to get to our final destination where we are, for a time, slaves to an economical system so that our bills can be paid and our families can survive.  

However, far above us, in the depths of the heavens, objects are constantly buzzing through the darkness, sometimes barely missing our planet. 

Finally, we slide into the parking space and glance at the time. With a sigh of relief, there is just enough time to fly through the door and make it to our place of employment without being late.  But, what we do not realize is that only moments ago, while we were impatiently waiting for the light to change and cursing under our breath, our fate was completely in the hands of God who, once again, delivered us from another cataclysmic event.  

And so we go on with our day believing everything is normal and ‘dis’believing those who are trying to warn us that something is going to happen that is so horrible, our human minds can’t even begin to comprehend the seriousness of it. But wait…isn’t that what happened in Noah’s day?


The Disaster That Scientists, Christians, Prophets, and Experts Are Warning Is Coming!


*All sound effects, music, voice solely created by Lyn Leahz, copyright 2015

For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. —–Matthew 24:37-39

 2 Peter 3:1-13  This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, 2 that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles, 3 knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. 4 They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, 6 and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water andperished. 7 But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

8 But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,[a] not wishing that any should perish, butthat all should reach repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and thenthe heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.

11 Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! 13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

Everyone is warning of a coming disaster, and it is coming soon! 

For an in-depth look at the real threat, see David J. Eicher’s research article! He has spoken with leading experts and actually attended one of the asteroid awareness meetings!  CLICK HERE

Quote from said article: The question arises, then: What exactly is our current best knowledge about the real danger of future impacts? To help answer this, I consulted a number of planetary scientists and read voluminous papers from others. Gradually, a clear picture of reality began to crystallize.


Three months after a meteor exploded into pieces above Russia (injuring 1500 people), another space rock threatened earth on the last day of May, 2013. A “potentially hazardous” 1.7 miles wide rock named Asteroid 2008 QE2 passed within 3.6 million miles of earth. I realize this ‘seems’ far away, but it is only 15 times further out than the moon is.

Coincidentally, only days before it passed it was discovered that along with it was its own moon, which was about 2,000 feet wide.

In her farewell address in August of 2013, Janet Napolitano warned:

The outgoing Homeland Security Secretary has a warning for her successor: A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster – the likes of which the nation has never seen – is also likely on its way.

So prepare, and bring “a large bottle of Advil,” Janet Napolitano told her yet-to-be-named replacement in a farewell address Tuesday morning.  —ABC News

URGENT Warning! The Most Horrific Event Ever Prophesied In Our Day Coming This Year!

Prophecy scholars, normal every day people having dreams and visions, scientists, experts, Christians and non-Christians alike are all warning of a major tragedy in relation to asteroids! And, an entire NASA program (Near Earth Object Program) has been created in order to watch for incoming objects which might pose a threat to earth.  Along with it is a day of ‘asteroid recognition’ called ‘Asteroid Day’ to increase awareness about the threat an asteroid poses upon our planet.  Asteroid Day Website

Here is the declartion:

As scientists and citizens, we strive to solve humanity’s greatest challenges to safeguard our families and quality of life on Earth in the future.

Asteroids impact Earth: such events, without intervention, will cause great harm to our societies, communities and families around the globe. Unlike other natural disasters, we know how to prevent asteroid impacts.

There are a million asteroids in our solar system that have the potential to strike Earth and destroy a city, yet we have discovered less than 10,000 — just one percent — of them. We have the technology to change that situation.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for the following action:

  1. Employ available technology to detect and track Near-Earth Asteroids that threaten human populations via governments and private and philanthropic organisations.

  2. A rapid hundred-fold acceleration of the discovery and tracking of Near-Earth Asteroids to 100,000 per year within the next ten years.

  3. Global adoption of Asteroid Day, heightening awareness of the asteroid hazard and our efforts to prevent impacts, on June 30, 2015.

I declare that I share the concerns of this esteemed community of astronauts, scientists, business leaders, artists and concerned citizens to raise awareness about protecting and preserving life on our planet by preventing future asteroid impacts.  —Asteroid Day Declaration

NEW ASTEROID GROUP/Close Approach Tonight

Note: this video was published yesterday, so one of the things he speaks of would have been ‘last night’

In case this makes you feel better, take a look at what President Obama’s Science Advisor John Holdren said:

But even if we had 100% tracking of threatening near-earth objects today, there is still a problem. According to John Holdren, science adviser to President Barack Obama, we would need five years advance warning in order to prepare and execute a plan to try to neutralize a collision threat. This would be attempted through various possible means including nuking it, Bruce Willis-style.

When space agency chief Charles Bolden was asked what would NASA do if a large asteroid was discovered to be on a collision course with earth three weeks before impact, his answer was not comforting. He said, “The answer to you is, ‘if it’s coming in three weeks, pray,’” Obviously, that’s not very comforting news.  —Escape All Things

Please Watch – Coming Events in America Starting 2015 – The Church Get Ready-MUST SEE!


For example, the Meteor Crater in Arizona, which measures approximately a kilometer in diameter, was caused by a nickel-iron rock only 30 meters across, which isn’t all that much larger than the largest we’ve seen over the past few decades. In reality, this is a very small asteroid that could not be detected from telescopes on Earth’s surface until it was directly above the Earth. At that point, it’s far too late to do anything but duck for cover and hope for the best. As a side note, the reason why that particular asteroid penetrated the atmosphere and hit Arizona as it did was because it consisted of nickel-iron as opposed to a volatile rich asteroid. And, it came almost straight down rather than at near a grazing angle.

This smaller sized of asteroids are next to impossible to detect until it is too late.

At the other end of the spectrum are the 1 km asteroids. That kind of impact would wipe out life within proximity of the impact site. However, more serious is how it would affect the whole world in indirect ways. The dust and/or vapor cloud created by an impact to either the land or the ocean could be big enough to create a “nuclear winter” like mini-ice age, and disrupt climatological wind patterns, adversely affecting major food-growing regions of the world, thus straining world food supplies, prices, governments and civilization. However, such an impact is quite unlikely over the next thousand years, at least.

The most damaging kind of impact would be an asteroid that hits the ocean, not the land. An asteroid hitting land causes mainly localized damage. An asteroid hitting the ocean can cause a tsunami (i.e., huge wave) that would inflict catastrophic damage to coastal cities and assets to great distances. The Earth is covered 70% by oceans, so an ocean impact is more likely.  —Permanent  Space Development Foundation, Inc.



Wouldn’t an asteroid impact coincide with many things described in the book of Revelation? 

Revelation 8:8-9 (HCSB) — 8 The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain ablaze with firewas hurled into the sea. So a third of the sea became blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

The biblical description here says a mouthful. Were you aware that astronomers refer to asteroids as “mountains in space”. Obviously not literal mountains, hence the “something like” qualifier is indeed a perfect description in this passage. And, as they pass through the atmosphere right before impact, they light up from ram pressure compression of the air in front of the body. Thus, a “blazing fire”, which is described in the prophecy, is created.

Since the vast majority of the earth’s surface is made up of water (ocean), the most likely place for an impact is the ocean, just as described. And what follows an ocean impact? Tsunamis! Enormous tidal waves would radiate out from the point of impact, destroying ships. And, how do the fish die? The burning asteroid will boil and poison the water, leading to mass deaths of sealife.

An asteroid impact depending on the size has the power to create massive firestorms just from the heat alone. The hot winds and temperatures reaching up to 9,000 degrees can melt buildings and trees, blow them down flat in its path, setting everything on fire. Entire cities could be reduced to burning heaps of rubble. Shock waves from impact going through the ground could cause massive earthquakes, setting off fault zones and volcanoes along it’s path. Yellowstone, along with many other volcanoes would most likely erupt. Ash and rubble from everything burning and volcanoes erupting could throw this earth into darkness, blocking out the sun. This is the effect of an asteroid hitting land.

If the asteroid should hit the water however, it would cause a shock wave and multiple tsunamis to effect coastal regions world wide. Massive casualties along coastal cities would be expected as 1,000 foot waves could hit the coast lines and put entire cities under water.  -Paula Garrett

These are some of the things that would happen if an asteroid were to hit the earth. But what about our government, the Near Earth Object Program and asteroid awareness day (which I’ve already mentioned), and ‘strange things’ that our government is trying to be hush-hush about? Add to that, many people are having dreams and visions, and prophets are claiming to have heard from God that an asteroid and tsunami are coming soon!

Several people have had dreams and visions from the Lord about an asteroid striking the ocean just outside of Puerto Rico. In fact within the past 2 years, Russia has been putting out warnings about an asteroid strike hitting the east coast of the United States. Within that same time frame, nearly 2 years ago, the US started doing drills and sending resources to the East Coast Delaware region of the United States, sending emergency kits to schools and vaccine supplies. Fema and the US Military, including Russians had been performing drills in that region. The US had also been stocking up on body bags, coffins, emergency food, water, medications, guns, bullet proof checkpoint booths, and hollow point bullets that were delivered to all the government offices around the nation.

Also in Puerto Rico, a nurse at a local hospital alarmingly reported that they had been recently receiving a number of body bags and emergency supplies. Military supplies and coffin liners were also reportedly being stocked up on in the region. At the same time, Homeland Secretary, Janet Napalitano stepped down, but not before she gave a warning that a natural disaster was coming to the United States.

Scientists are saying that it would only take an asteroid about 200 meters wide or 600 feet to land into the ocean to cause devastating coastal tsunamis. But the one that is coming tomorrow is expected to be around 3200 feet wide. Will this asteroid have an effect on the earth? Or will we once again dodge the bullet? Will it be a warning for bigger, more devastating things to come? An asteroid doesn’t necessarily have to strike the earth in order to cause an impact.  -–Paul Garrett

The bottom line is that God’s judgment is coming, it is here. We are in the endtimes and we know the Bible clearly predicts horrific events during these final hours. And, it is all being set up right now for that very day and hour. As the Bible clearly states, one third of humanity will die from the impact and one third will be killed from the poisonous waters, along with disease and starvation.

For the true Body of Christ, there is no need to fear! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your mind, do not upon your own understanding, because he will direct your paths! 

Ask Jesus Christ to be your Saviour today. Whether from prophetic events or normal, every day events, tomorrow just might be too late!

NASA: The Big Secret They Do Not Want You To Know-More Than Meets the Eye!

From Beginning, To Devastating End-We Are On the Verge of Apocalypse!

*This is a clip of the feature video intro only without the commentary


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Total 125 comments
  • mitch51

    I like the way that your hair goes into a poofy wave and drops down over your eye. You can’t see where you’re going but it looks great! You sure don’t know very much regarding hard science though. You missed that train in Jr. High!

    • The List
      this is the beginning of the list of users who create multiple user names to promote their agendas !
      this list will surely grow feel free to copy and add as you feel fit ! all you need do is point to a users name in blue
      and their ID will pop up in the lower left hand corner of your browser window right by the start button in windows !
      lets make a list ! and what their real names are and what is their true agenda is here ! seek them out on all pages !
      this includes me ! Games on !!! :lol:
      I have three… because at times I’ve been silenced early on a few times !
      lets make this a game of wheres waldo… LOL search out all postings ! not just Lyn’s !!!
      I’m really interested to see where this goes ! always include the unique code stamps as proof !
      Torch ^i^

      ( -Pix,420/616,- Gus Fung,420/344,- Pennywise,420/400,- )
      are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 420 group ! no doubt there are more of him !

      ( -Non Christian American,419/456,- Pix,419/438,- JanCute,419/490,- Zorro,419/466,- MikalJalil,419/166,- )
      are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 419 group ! no doubt there are more of Him !


      • Corrections:

        1) Pix, Gus Fung, and Pennywise are not the same.

        2) NCA, JanCute, and Zorro ARE the same (let’s call the account legion).

        3) Legion has STOLEN Pix’s account because that’s what legion does (so there are two accounts named Pix – it’s easy to tell the difference).

        4) MikalJalil is not a member of Legion, yet.

        I like what you are trying to do but you should really do your homework.

      • Oh, anon0MOUSE, You forgot Jed Bozza, from NJ, and ALL of his christo-LUNATIC BIN ID’s!
        Here are just a few of them BEEF SUPREME, Scanner Darko, straightdopes, CowPlop, amadochebag123, RAIN, MikalJalil, Walter, MayGIRL, The clucker, Egg FOOL Fung, anon0MOUSE!!!! THAT IS 12 DIFFERENT id’S!!!
        How could you leave jed out, anon0MOUSE??
        Oh, cause it is YOU, again, Jed Bozza!
        Cause ONLY jed Bozza cares about Jed Bozza!

        Jed “Bozo” Bozza wins, HANDS DOWN!
        AWARD THE christo-FOOL Prize to Jed Bozza, of New jersey!!!!
        And, he does it all TO defend THE HONOR of the white-skinned mangod FABLE!!!!!!
        Yea for Jed Bozza, the totally INSANE christo-CREEP!!!!!!!!!

      • Dear Middle Finger Jesus,

        I’m not the same guy, idiot. Check the IP address since you’re a BIN employee and can do that kind of thing.

        P.S. Smell a fart in the dark.

        -The Mighty Clucker

      • to: Non Christian American
        wrong again dumb ass lol :lol:

  • Dear Lyn,

    What’s your address? I would like to fart into a empty Pringles can then put the lid back on and mail it to you.


    -The Mighty Clucker

    • That’s not the first time “Lyn” and “Pringles can” have been used in the same sentence.

      Usually there is also a donkey from Tijuana in there somewhere but with this recession you take what you can get.

      • Lol “Donkey from Tijuana”.
        I can see BIN employees have been “jiggering” the vote counter again. I love it when they do that. As if anyone cares about up and down votes or as if it even matters in any way. The Mighty Clucker laughs about this.

      • Quote: “jiggering” the vote counter again”

        Like a tin pot Banana Republic around here. If they don’t like what you have to say the strongmen come out and try to ruff you up… take away your pringle cans. If that doesn’t work they paper over your words. If you don’t shut up after that they make you disappear for a while.

      • Yep. That’s what they do. It’s like when you count cards at the casino.

  • Lynn, despite having less than no credibility, still ranks as one of BIN’s top draws. A very sad commentary on the present state of widespread confusion. I guess some people just like being preached at by mindless skanks.

  • Pix

    “Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. —Revelation 9:1-2″

    What a complete and utter b*stard. What sort of a monster would all knowingly create flawed people on a flawed planet and then torture it’s sensitive, thinking, feeling creation with a stream of constant terror threats of utter obliteration followed by eternal torture?

    Sounds to me like you’re backing the wrong horse. Demon worshipper.

    • judas iscariot

      I know, right? What a jerk. Keeping the Angels on their knees… Right at crotch level…

    • Satan is not an asteroid.

    • God is obviously a sadist.

    • You are so close to actually hitting the nail on the head, you have no idea. In reality, the story that ‘Lucifer fell from grace’ is nothing but a cover story to give ‘god’ a ‘dark side’ workforce. It is the only way a ‘Bible Thumper’ can actually resolve an ‘all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful god’ to have such a loose-cannon causing so much havoc, is if he is the ‘off-the-books-mafia-force, that does the ‘bad’ that the ‘god’ figure needs done.

      So, in effect, you have a sociopathic, uncaring, sadistic, Munchausen Syndrome ‘god’ who has a greater scheme afoot than anything happening in his ‘own little sandbox’ of a world. Absolute hilarity starts when you stop and think through his ‘end-time-promises’. He has set up a scenario where, no matter WHO COMES, they will be doubted by Christians, welcomed by Jews, and refused by Muslims as ‘the god figure’. Think about it – he has promised a deceiver to come before a ‘savior’, so either he MUST send a deceiver first, or step into a trap he set for himself. NO self-respecting ‘fallen’ is going to ‘fall for the trap’ set – so either humans will just tear themselves to pieces forever until they are exterminated, or some fool has to step onto that booby trap first.

      This, in itself, proves that ‘god’ (the unnamed one) is in fact, a mafia don working great evil on a creation he doesn’t really care about – that he would make them all suffer to ‘prove themselves’ to a self-claimed ‘all knowing god’ who should already know them without them ‘suffering for him’.

      See, this is where Christianity breaks down – they cannot get to ‘a holy god without sin’, because he is an engima within his own description. He cannot be what he professes without having lied about who he is.

      His trap failed, he is known by those he meant to do great evil to, which sadly that story will never be told on this world. Now, the whole of his creation will suffer, because he will not stop the evil he himself started. He set a trap for a unicorn, that was too smart for his trap. Now, he can’t unspring the trap, and he can’t show himself until it goes off.

      Poor humans. Good luck with that ‘saving’ thing you keep waiting on. It’s only going to get worse for you from here.

      • Pix

        Dustdevil “You are so close to actually hitting the nail on the head, you have no idea. In reality, the story that ‘Lucifer fell from grace’..”

        Thanks, Lucifer has a single specific meaning. Venus on the dawn horizon, the bright morning star. It has no other meaning. If religious people think otherwise, it just proves how stupid and ignorant they are about their own belief system. Especially because of Revelation 22.16

        “I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright morning star”. – Jesus.

        The biblical version of Lucifer = the mother of Jesus. The name was vilified during the reformation to criminalise the Catholic veneration of Mary.

        In reality Revelation 22.16 describes the lineage of Caesarion, the only begotten son of god the Roman emperor Julius Ceasar, via the virgin Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra/Isis Meri. He is the root and offspring of Egypt, (David was Egyptian) and Venus via Julius Caesar who was a direct descendent of Venus, (the country Venus, a small but influential country that was situated in present day Turkey). The timing is historically perfect.


  • American christians are the most paranoid people i have ever known

    • CrissCross

      AND THESE??? :twisted:

      “When a Jew murders a gentile (‘Cuthean’), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep”
      (Sanhedrin 57a).

      “Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a Gentile”
      (Baba Kamma 113a).

      “All gentile children are animals”
      (Yebamoth 98a).

      “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old”
      (Sanhedrin 54b).

      “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing”
      (Kethuboth 11b).

      “Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement”
      (Gittin 57a).

      “Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a whore and played the harlot with carpenters”
      (Sanhedrin, 106a, 106b)

      “[Christ] practised sorcery and enticed Israel to apostacy”
      (Sanhedrin, 43a).

      “Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament”
      (Shabbath 116a).

      “A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest.
      A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest”
      (Yebamoth 59b).

  • MILF

  • Earth joined a galactic community of STO ET’s on Dec.21, 2012. These ET’s are protecting Earth from large rocks, nuclear war and large CME’s. They help fledgling planets as the planet rises in frequency. Earth started to rise in frequency about 1980 when the Schumann Resonance (SR) was 7.8 Hz; a value Earth had been at for thousands of years. This is the first time in Earth’s entire history that the frequency of the planet has risen to the point that it shuts out souls from reincarnating here, where the frequency of the soul is too low to match that of Earth.

    The STO (Service To Other) ET’s, give away at least 50% of there time and efforts to help others advance. They choose to do this because it increases the rate of their own consciousness development. Some would call this a win-win. Helping others get a leg up, is rewarded by Creation and the STO ET’s are fully committed to this role. Of course, they have no nefarious agenda because that would disqualify them as STO.

    Our real enemies are TPTB, bankers and Zionazis but they will gradually disappear because they are too low in frequency and will not be able to reincarnate on Earth. Only higher frequency souls are now reincarnating on Earth. Lower frequency parents can have higher frequency children. So, in about 100 years all of the lower frequency souls will have died of old age and only higher frequency souls will remain on Earth.

  • Lyn, I sure wish that the trolls would just go someplace else with they’re verbal diarrea. These guys must still be in jr. high, still live at home, probably sleep with mom and dad yet and are bed wetters. Lyn, thanks for what you do. I do appreciate you very much. What ever comes our way, we will be seeing Jesus very soon. God Bless, Lyn, Rex

  • Great story Lyn.. and right on the money ! there indeed will be an asteroid strike to this planet
    and it will cause much death and destruction.. it sad to see these fools attack you for warning people of it
    and trying to help with informing them on upcoming events.. time is short ! they will learn the hard way!
    and this will only be the first of many hardships to come ! fools will be fools ! but I know you are right !
    with the warnings and updates you give to us ! the government know all too well these things will come
    to pass ! why would they build the deep under ground bunkers and stocks of food and ammo ?
    trillions of dollars spent ! and yet these fools mock you ! they surely will learn the hard way !
    I think you re one of the most brilliant, kind, and informative writers on this site ! I love your narrations
    You are Beautiful… inside and out ! just ignore these fools and keep doing Gods work ! he sees and knows all !
    and they will reap what they sew ! God Bless and keep you safe in these troubling times ahead !
    and thank you so much for all you do ! :smile:
    Torch ^i^

  • I am sure you mean well, but your headlines are pure hyperbole over and over again. Even if the world really was ending ..well,we all die sooner or later. Constant fear is not living.

    • What I love most, is that she thinks that if she prays hard enough, the end won’t come. She’s actually counting on it, for her livelihood.

  • Great Post, Lynn!
    Detractors of the point of the Post, like Caucasian Male Clucker here, do NOT want the reality to sink in that WAR is Planned well in advance!

    Why Caucasian Male Clucker, your delusional belief in the white-skinned mangod is uncovered for what it is!

    A Profit maker for a christo-TURD just like you!!!!! Caucasian Male Clucker, the fiscal she-WHORE says, with glee, “10% tithe, Please! See, it says so right here in my ancient book of all male wrote BABBLING insanities!!!”

    Meet Caucasian Male Clucker, your earthly Prison Guard for an imaginarily, white-skinned MALE-MONSTER-god FABLE!

    Brought to THE “Believers” by the ALL MALE wrote Books of never Ending Babbling Insanities!

    What these LUNATIC “Believers” call the truth!

    Calm down, now poor misguided (and pathetically brain-washed) Caucasian christo-CREEPS, like Caucasian Male Clucker!

    We all need to just face the FACT that the imaginary white-skinned mangod NEVER even walked the face of this earth.

    After all, Christians do follow a Plagiarized religion!!!!!!!

    As one of the premier interpreters of Christian Scripture here on BIN, I want to thank my readers for your faith and belief in me to provide accurate answers to your questions about Christianity!

    So, without delay, let’s begin!


    This is just a sample. There is awesome revealing and shocking information in the book:

    * Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery. 5:29-30
    * Jesus says that most people will go to hell. 7:13-14
    * Jesus sends some devils into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff and drown in the waters below. 8:32
    * Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn’t care for his preaching. 11:20-24

    * Jesus says that entire cities will be violently destroyed and the inhabitants “thrust down to hell” for not “receiving” his disciples. 10:10-15

    Christianity was based on previous myths:


    His birth in a grotto was attended by magi who followed a star from the East. They brought “gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh” and the newborn baby was adored by shepherds. ____, one of a trinity, stood on a rock, the emblem of the foundation of his religion, and was anointed with honey. After a last supper with Helios and 11 other companions, ____ was crucified on a cross, bound in linen, placed in a rock tomb and rose on the third day or around 25 March (the full moon at the spring equinox, a time now called Easter after the Babylonian goddess Ishtar). The fiery destruction of the universe was a major doctrine of ______ism-a time in which _____ promised to return in person to Earth and save deserving souls. Devotees of ____ partook in a sacred communion banquet of bread and wine.
    Archeologists have found as many as 718 monuments or statues of ____ at Ostia (near Rome-Author) and close to 300 in Rome. A ____ shrine was uncovered under St. Paul’s cathedral.____ was a god, a son of a god, born of a virgin on December 25.


    His name was Mithra, the messiah of the first kings of the Persian Empire around 400 B.C. (600 B.C. according to another source.)
    Statue of MITHRAS, ancient Persian god of light who was adopted into the Roman pantheon. Shown wearing the Phrygian cap. Louvre, Paris


    Emperor Constantine

    Christianity is a copycat religion created by Emperor Constantine (for political purposes) based upon a myth (The Persian savior god Mithra, crucified 600 B.C. ? 400 B.C.?), which was based on other similar myths, all the way back to Chrishna of India (a mythical god that some claim was “crucified” or violently died around 1200 B.C.). There were 16 mythical crucifixions before Christ. The belief in the crucifixion of Gods was prevalent in various oriental or heathen countries long prior to the reported crucifixion of Christ. Of the 16 crucifixions, most were born of a virgin and about half of them on December 25th.
    There were too many religions in Rome in 325 A.D. A Council was called in an endeavor to amalgamate the many religions of the Roman Empire into one. Christianity plagiarized older myths and legends historicized to suit the Roman Catholic Church while combining the numerous religions existing at the time (Krishna, Horus, Mithraism, Osirian, Isis, and many other mystery religions). For unity and to stop all the conflicts between the numerous religions,

    Christianity was INVENTED.

    Eusebius (Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine “Father of Church History“) attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and was a friend of Emperor Constantine, who also attended, and who made the keynote speech.

    Bishop Eusebius

    Constantine instructed Eusebius to organize the compilation of a uniform collection of new writings developed from primary aspects of the religious texts submitted at the council. Eusebius has been described as follows: Jacob Burckhardt (19th century cultural historian) dismissed Eusebius as “the first thoroughly dishonest historian of antiquity”. He has been also described as ” a political theologian”. He favored doctoring his history in his own words to “be useful first to ourselves and afterwards to posterity”. Edward Gibbon (18th century historian –“The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”) dismissed his testimony on the number of martyrs and impugned his honesty. (To be clear on this matter, I say don’t trust Eusebius’s reports of the Apostles or how the Apostles died, and be suspicious of all of his writings – Author Samuel Butler)

    Eusebius then arranged for scribes to produce fifty sumptuous copies to be written onparchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient portable form, byprofessional scribes thoroughly accomplished in their art (ibid.).
    These orders, said Eusebius, were followed by the immediate execution of the work itself we sent him [Constantine] magnificently and elaborately bound volumes of three-fold and four-fold forms (Life of Constantine, vol. iv, p.36). They were the New Testimonies, and this is the first mention (c. 331) of the New Testament in the historical record. With his instructions fulfilled, Constantine then decreed that the New Testimonies would thereafter be called the word of the Roman Saviour God (Life of Constantine, vol. iii, p. 29) and official to all presbyters sermonising in the Roman Empire.
    He then ordered earlier presbyterial manuscripts and the records of the council burnt and declared that any man found concealing writings should be stricken off from his shoulders (beheaded).





    In 391 AD, Christian Emperor Theodosius I ordered the destruction of all pagan (“heathen” they were also called) temples. The Christian Patriarch Theophilus of
    Alexandria (Egypt) complied with this request. Seizing this opportunity, Theophilus exerted himself to the utmost to expose the pagan mysteries to contempt, the Serapeum also he showed full of extravagant superstitions, the commander-in-chief of the troops in Egypt, assisted Theophilus in demolishing the heathen temples then he destroyed the Serapeum. -Historia Ecclesiastica

    The Serapeum housed the Great Library of Alexandria.

    Why there are no records of Jesus Christ.

    It is not possible to find in any legitimate religious or historical writings compiled between the beginning of the first century and well into the fourth century any reference to Jesus Christ and the spectacular events that the Church says accompanied his life. This confirmation comes from Frederic Farrar (1831-1903) of Trinity
    College, Cambridge:

    “It is amazing that history has not embalmed for us even one certain or definite saying or circumstance in the life of the Saviour of mankind … there is no statement in all history that says anyone saw Jesus or talked with him. Nothing in history is more astonishing than the silence of contemporary writers about events relayed in the four Gospels.” (The Life of Christ, Frederic W. Farrar, Cassell, London, 1874)

    This situation arises from a conflict between history and New Testament narratives. Dr Tischendorf made this comment: “We must frankly admit that we have no source of information with respect to the life of Jesus Christ other than ecclesiastic writings assembled during the fourth century.” (Codex Sinaiticus, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, British Library, London)

    There is an explanation for those hundreds of years of silence: the construct of Christianity did not begin until after the first quarter of the fourth century, and that is why Pope Leo X (d. 1521) called Christ a “fable” (Cardinal Bembo: His Letters…, op. cit.), and later Pope Paul III expressed similar sentiments, saying that there was no valid document to demonstrate the existence of Christ. He confessed that Jesus never existed, adding that he was no other than the sun, adored in its Mithraic sect ..”

    My final conclusion, Caucasian Male Clucker, is the character known as “Jesus” NEVER existed.

    “Jews are born with raging fanaticism in their hearts… I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.” — (Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771) – VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century French philosopher.

    • Gus Fung This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
      • All haters of the christo-CREEP stalker named Egg FOOL Fung.
        :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:
        Why this is the PERFECT gift for the most hated judeo-christo-CREEP in your life!
        A box of fresh, smelly, diseased animal feces!
        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
        Hey, let’s send a whole ship load of it to Jed Bozza’s home in New Jersey!

        You know him by many, many different Pen names here on BIN.


        Here are some of the many others Jed Bozza=Egg FOOL Fung=Mayhem=CowPlop=2NT1=amaFOOL123=Walter=Darko Crapo Thrower

        Jed Bozza
        429 Province Line Road
        Hopewell, NJ 08525

        The PERFECT gift for the MOST HATED judeo-christo-CREEP on BIN!

        ENJOY, JED!


        Just like your religion, smelly, crappy, diseased and dying!

      • Gus Fung This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
      • Here is the whole link to see the original gift idea from the One & Only Pix!


        Yes, Jed Bozza, you know the stinky hole well.
        You are a member of christo-HOMO-anity, and look forward to spending all of eternity with your white-skinned male mangod!
        You, and the other homo “Sons of god” club!
        Just sitting around all day, ruling over different cities awarded to you by your Tyrannical white-skinned male mangod, playing holy circle jerk to produce the eternal male goo, all day, every day, for all of eternity!
        Jed, if that is NOT a true male homo heaven, I just don’t know what is!!!!!!

        And, LOOK OUT for that Ship Load of crap, literally, coming your way, you big HERO for the white-skinned mangod FABLE!!!

      • Hi JanChris. Nice to see your child like face.


        Fecal or Anal Stage (18 months to three years). The child’s focus of pleasure in this stage is on eliminating and retaining feces. Through society’s pressure, mainly via parents, the child has to learn to control anal stimulation. In terms of personality, after effects of an anal fixation during this stage can result in an obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control (anal retentive). On the opposite end of the spectrum, they may become messy and disorganized (anal expulsive).

    • The Clucker - 416/402 This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
      • You are NOT agnostic, The Clucker.
        You are nothing but a smelly arse hole!
        THAT IS your “Religion”!
        Worshiper of all smelly arse holes!
        World Wide!

      • He know Clucker… and so do all his “Lever 2000″ mini-parts who answer your questions.

        None of these “things” care about fact or truth…. in fact the fat man hates it.

      • I’d rather worship smelly sh*t holes than follow the 419 gangs ZioNazi agenda.

        He certainly is fat, Gus Fung. I often wonder if fat people are able to do a decent job of wiping their arses. Not only would it be hard to reach up in there but cleaning out all of those folds would be a task unto itself.

    • Pink Slime This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
    • The List
      this is the beginning of the list of users who create multiple user names to promote their agendas !
      this list will surely grow feel free to copy and add as you feel fit ! all you need do is point to a users name in blue
      and their ID will pop up in the lower left hand corner of your browser window right by the start button in windows !
      lets make a list ! and what their real names are and what is their true agenda is here ! seek them out on all pages !
      this includes me ! Games on !!! :lol:
      I have three… because at times I’ve been silenced early on a few times !
      lets make this a game of wheres waldo… LOL search out all postings ! not just Lyn’s !!!
      I’m really interested to see where this goes ! always include the unique code stamps as proof !
      Torch ^i^

      ( -Pix,420/616,- Gus Fung,420/344,- Pennywise,420/400,- )
      are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 420 group ! no doubt there are more of him !

      ( -Non Christian American,419/456,- Pix,419/438,- JanCute,419/490,- Zorro,419/466,- MikalJalil,419/166,- )
      are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 419 group ! no doubt there are more of Him !

      COPY AND PASTE TO GROW THIS LIST AS YOU ADD USERS ! GOOD LUCK TO ALL ! WINNERS TO BE ANNOUNCED MAY 31 2015 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • You’ll never guess mine.

      • Also the ones I have made were at different times and the first 3 letters of the identifier aren’t even the same so you’ll never know.

    • Er, Lyn, why didn’t you get your crew to vote this bird-flippin’ guy down? Just because he says, Great post Lyn — ? :roll:

  • real_journo This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
    • Without even looking at sa[i]d article, just the headline, I simply comment….wow Lynn you’ve really got a scoop this time :roll: ….with sarcasm.

    • OmegaPrime This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • BCE meaning?

    It means BEFORE THE COMMON ERA; that equates with BC… Before Christ
    CE stands for the Common Era and equates with AD… Anno Domini or Year of Our Lord

    Why the change in our lifetime? Probably because those learned men with PHDs decided we needed something
    more elegant and modern than the age old BC and AD of History. Or perhaps they just did not like crediting Christ with the glory for dating historical time? I prefer BC and AD and will never accept the modernistic change. :mrgreen:

    • NWO for Dummies. This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • Pink Slime This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • nomorelabels This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • Jerry

    I think these fears are based on the old negative timeline. Things have changed and with so many friendly ET’s up there, I suspect they will take care of any object heading toward the earth. Not to worry.

  • marlio This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • I thought the U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect the Solar System: /beyond-science/2013/02/u-s-has-8-cigar-shaped-ufo-in-space-fleet-solar-warden-program-to-protect-solar-system-detailed-by-dr-richard-boylan-2441070.html

    If they can reconfigure an comet’s orbit by performing circular counterrotation, then they can do it with asteroids:

    Besides, why all the scare tactics to make people afraid, when they should be :cool: inquisitive?

  • “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?”

    — Mark 4:40

  • After reading this article, covering many opinions in the comments below, before I was a Christian not devout to any sort of church just that there was a man called Jesus of Nazareth and that he died for me and my soul to live on elsewhere, wether that be in another realm, heaven or a new Earth rebuilt by man, but after being on here my pillars of faith have been shook and I am stuck in the middle AGAIN….but thankfully have still got some faith, I have always been a strong believer in other peoples opinions and listening to them as I am an openminded man even saying this I look stupid in contradicting what im writing as to what I believe/believed in but that is why I did not tie myself to a branch of Christianity but rather the fundementals it was built on but as I’ve read from CrissCross he has proven the faith I believed in to be shambles, but somewhere in the back of my mind I still want to believe and that in itself is a gift, but I cannot judge this CrissCross or call him a thief but after being on here I feel almost robbed on my ability to have faith or struggle to build on what faith i may have left (lol), now as I’ve clarified im a man whos openminded and not judmental but I feel as a human being we should believe in something, for before when i was a very young boy I had no faith in nothing whatsoever and didnt get very far in life but having faith I had HOPE so i say to all fellow readers it doesnt matter what you believe in, what you call your god by what name or even who you worship it should only matter that as human beings we have the gift of HOPE for it is this that truly makes us human and all these fellow commentors trying to prove whos gods mightier or what religion is true religion it simply does not matter as long as you have faith in something, you have HOPE so therfor your life is worth living so CrissCross I thank thee for you have ehmmm shall we say shook my pillars, maybe opened a few more questions, put me back in the middle BUT you still havent took my ablitity to have faith and have woken me up.

  • I meant Non American Christian not CrissCross appologies.

  • am123 This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • Anonymous This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • I feel some animosity from the christians for merely stating my opinion. I wasn’t even necessarily disagreeing..I just notice every article is “breaking news! You won’t believe,must see! ” I notice on this website, that I just joined..any statement questioning or disagreeing , no matter how nice they are are met with really mean rhetoric. No mind because i have nothing but love for you all. -Spacetracy

    • :roll: Some people are downrating everything, no matter what.

  • Anonymous This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
  • Again, we have to say, “Sola Scriptura!” Away with the liars. All the extra-biblical stuff essentially calls God a liar and adds to The Word. That pastor’s thoughts are all over the landscape — forsaking the truth for a tickle.

    It’s the church asleep in a nightmare, well-schooled in fear and greed: blind, deaf and dumb. Yup, things are worrisome. But filling in the blanks with woodoo is abiding in a false vine.

    This is the same kind of church that believes it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to save us and not the Son coming in the flesh, dying and resurrecting — the Word Incarnate. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment. But he does not save us as all those faux prophets have asserted so agreeably with one another.

    Only the Son is the true vine — the exact coordinates of home.

    Sola scriptura!

    BTW. America will not being judged because of shadey dealings with Israel because as Bibi himself has said, “Israel controls America.” Too be sure, America’s future will continue to be defined by Israel.

  • “Let’s not do the 67 hours of YouTube videos interspersed with a chimera proselytizing-fearporn thing. We think X will happen. Here is what were looking at and here is where you find it. ‘

    Couldn’t we we get one article like that from any bin contributor?

    • There’s lots of decent information here:

      Also, try the links under the “Forums” column at the right of the page. One of them, the NASA / Dr.Robert Harrigton link contains an interview with the NASA astronomer who began the search for, and coined the name of, planet X.


  • alexou

    The 144000 are sealed. Next is fire and brimstone hailstorm.

    Get baptise by your own or by a true beleiver. What you should say if you really beleive it :

    “i beleive in a god that created everything, that send his own son and that he sacrificed himself as a father can do for his own childrens. He rose on the third day and brought with him the sins of the world. I beleive in him and ask for redemption and love.”

    The 144000 (do not attempt to destroy us, and i advise it for your own safety, you won’t be able, the seal is applied)

    • The List
      this is the beginning of the list of users who create multiple user names to promote their agendas !
      this list will surely grow feel free to copy and add as you feel fit ! all you need do is point to a users name in blue
      and their ID will pop up in the lower left hand corner of your browser window right by the start button in windows !
      lets make a list ! and what their real names are and what is their true agenda is here ! seek them out on all pages !
      this includes me ! Games on !!! :lol:
      I have three… because at times I’ve been silenced early on a few times !
      lets make this a game of wheres waldo… LOL search out all postings ! not just Lyn’s !!!
      I’m really interested to see where this goes ! always include the unique code stamps as proof !
      Torch ^i^

      ( -Pix,420/616,- Gus Fung,420/344,- Pennywise,420/400,- )
      are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 420 group ! no doubt there are more of him !

      ( -Non Christian American,419/456,- Pix,419/438,- JanCute,419/490,- Zorro,419/466,- MikalJalil,419/166,- )
      are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 419 group ! no doubt there are more of Him !

      COPY AND PASTE TO GROW THIS LIST AS YOU ADD USERS ! GOOD LUCK TO ALL ! WINNERS TO BE ANNOUNCED MAY 31 2015 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

      • Corrections:

        1) Pix, Gus Fung, and Pennywise are not the same.

        2) NCA, JanCute, and Zorro ARE the same (let’s call the account legion).

        3) Legion has STOLEN Pix’s account because that’s what legion does (so there are two accounts named Pix – it’s easy to tell the difference).

        4) MikalJalil is not a member of Legion, yet.

        Pay attention, anon,

        The numbers only go up to the 400s or so, many people share the same first three-digit identifier. The challenge then is to figure out which ones are the same. A quick search in that search bar up top would clearly show that, for example, Pix and Gus Fung are not the same.

  • Propagandist Supreme & Hyperbole Specialist, Meet: Lyn Leahz
    I have been a member of BIN for a few weeks now and it’s no secret that the majority of articles written on this website are for propagandas sake. The reason it is so imperative to separate the jazz from the junk nowadays is simple; we are living in very strange and possibly dangerous times. Now I for one have no qualms about anyone getting their hustle on, you do what you have to do to survive; but to consistently and knowingly mislead tens of thousands of people day in and day out through the vehicle of Religious Belief is just plain Wrong.
    I’ve read many of this authors articles and they ‘ALL’ have the same exact tone, that is, Doomsday Rhetoric. It’s not like I am saying that nothing is over the horizon, what I am purporting is that no one individual can speak on a variety of subjects as an expert. The sheer volume of contributions speaks for itself. It takes time and research to put together an article of REAL Substance! You cannot possibly believe that the many quacks on Youtube actually have imperative information. This is no real reference to the types of information you propose. The average Youtube channel is vying for subscribers to monetize their channel and there is nothing inherently wrong with this; just like there is nothing wrong with being called out on your philosophy. There are two sides to every story and every coin.
    There should be a Comic Book section to this website so voters can vote your article into either REAL News or the Comic Book section, for items that cannot be substantiated and are so farfetched that it could not possibly be self-evident. There are many readers here on BIN that feel exactly the same way I do and it is documented in the comments section. When the screeners of these articles written on BIN come across material that has no historical reference, no authoritative reference and literally is nothing more than hyperbole; there could be a featured item called: Screen This! That everyone has input. And believe me, I can see that this lady has garnered a following of people not inclined to perform real research for themselves, so they accept whatever garbage is given to them. Well I have a Biblical reference for them to consider as well it’s from the Book of Timothy:
    2Ti 4:3-5 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

    The above reference speaks for itself, there is no need for interpretation. You see, the Prosperity Preachers and the Rhetoric Teachers have already been prophesied about as well. There is no such thing as monetizing the Truth! Either you speak the Truth as the Spirit leads you; or you will be led into a pit of lies and deceit. You cannot serve God and Mammon! This is the thing that Yeshua the Messiah made clear in his ministry while on this Earth. The Truth is like no other thing, it cannot be bargained with, it cannot be negotiated, and it cannot be anything other than itself! The Truth is like a Fat Ugly Woman that no one wants to be with. She will love you and nurture you and be there for you when no one else will stand with you; but because she is fat and ugly, no one will give her the time of day because no one wants to be associated with a fat and ugly woman!
    I say unto you this day:
    “Refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker.”
    And that’s all I have to say about that!

    • Hear, hear, Mikal Jalil. She’s been at it for two years now. Called on her crap numerous times too. She boldly continues on believing herself to be suffering for Christ. She ain’t sufferin’. She’s propagandizing, as you say. Someone disagreeing with you ain’t sufferin’. But it looks like she’s called in her simperthizing troops with this one, as if agree-ers make it truer.

      Indeed, The Truth is like a Fat Ugly Woman that no one wants to be with. Well said. But. Be prepared to say it again and again because Miz Leahz don’t get it. She likes things pretty and awe-inspiring along with jaw-dropping and stunning ….

    • Excellent post MikalJalil.

      Unfortunately, it will fall on Lyn’s deaf ears. When she writes sensationalized stories full of hyperbole and misappropriation of Scripture, and someone like you criticizes her, and you back up what you say with Scripture, she cites your criticism as fulfillment of the prophecy about scoffers appearing in the end times and proof that she is on the “right track”. And the mislead sheep who follow her, who are oblivious to the Scriptures, will cheer her on as she does it.

      Such is the folly of Lyn in the loony BIN.

    • Thirds. Excellent post Mikal Jalil.

      Those trapped in Babylon will only grow sleepier and sleepier..

    • Actually she is part of the BIN propaganda – whatever that is. so don’t expect BIN to censor her. they promote her and others like her.

      • …..and don’t worry about her leading tens of thousands up the creek without a paddle those view figures are fake, as pointed out by a prolific contributor on here right before he was tossed. :wink:

    • A stellar read. Thank you.. and such an impressive gathering of responders as well?

      There’s something happening here..

      • Well, there’s not a whole we can do about this game the BINners are playing. Clearly, Miz Leahz’ nearly daily concoction of fear-pornful sensation muddies the waters and brings Christ into disrepute. It hardly has the substance of faith and has all the hallmarks of a doubting position.

        The happening is the discernment.

    • *Nods in the affirmative*

    • It won’t be long before our “beloved” overweight 4 legged non believer tries to steal your ID away.

      Excellent text!

  • comments deleted when i said i have nothing,but love even if i disagree. How very christian of you. Dont like anyone to question you nicely you just erase. Still..not gonna hate. I’ll leave that to you christians.

  • BTW I was born a Jew..despise greed and am not rich nor am I in the entertainment business.shocked? Don’t believe everything you read.

  • Fyi criss quote kabbalah zorah book. Real jews don’t follow that book.

  • I see lynn is doing multiple down voting on comments she doesn’t like again. What a sad case.

  • We should take the threat of large rock impacts with Earth, seriously. Our ET friends agree and decided to divert or destroy any big rock that is heading for Earth. Other threats they have neutralized include, nuclear war and large CME’s . There are plans for Earth and as of Dec. 21, 2012, Earth joined a galactic community of STO ET’s. You can fear everything and everyone or you can accept that love is dominant in a universe created by and infused with love. Your call.

  • The List
    this is the beginning of the list of users who create multiple user names to promote their agendas !
    this list will surely grow feel free to copy and add as you feel fit ! all you need do is point to a users name in blue
    and their ID will pop up in the lower left hand corner of your browser window right by the start button in windows !
    lets make a list ! and what their real names are and what is their true agenda is here ! seek them out on all pages !
    this includes me ! Games on !!! :lol:
    I have three… because at times I’ve been silenced early on !
    lets make this a game of wheres waldo… LOL search out all postings ! not just Lyn’s !!!
    I’m really interested to see where this goes ! always include the unique code stamps as proof !
    Torch ^i^

    ( -Pix,420/616,- Gus Fung,420/344,- Pennywise,420/400,- )
    are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 420 group ! no doubt there are more of him !

    ( -Non Christian American,419/456,- Pix,419/438,- JanCute,419/490,- Zorro,419/466,- MikalJalil,419/166,- )
    are the same person ! we’ll call Him the 419 group ! no doubt there are more of Him !


    • Corrections:

      1) Pix, Gus Fung, and Pennywise are not the same.

      2) NCA, JanCute, and Zorro ARE the same (let’s call the account legion).

      3) Legion has STOLEN Pix’s account because that’s what legion does (so there are two accounts named Pix – it’s easy to tell the difference).

      4) MikalJalil is not a member of Legion, yet.

      I like what you are trying to do but you should really do your homework.

      • Check it out for yourself ! the code stamps don’t lie brother ! :lol:
        just point to the user names in blue and check the bar in your lower left browser if you use Firefox !
        it may pop up other places for Chrome or Internet Explorer !
        it’s the real deal ! :wink: check for yourself…

      • I know how to do it.

        Your theory about how it works is wrong though.

        I’ve been here for a long time. Everything I corrected, I corrected as FACT.

        The numbers only go up to the 400s or so, many people share the same first three-digit identifier. The challenge then is to figure out which ones are the same. A quick search in that search bar up top would clearly show that, for example, Pix and Gus Fung are not the same.

      • like yours is 309/030- every account you make will start with 309/_ _ _
        mine will all start with 37/_ _ _

      • That’s not true Anonymous. Stop being thick-headed.

        Go on. Create another account. Do it from another computer. See if you get the same three letters.

        I’ve been through this with other people making the same claim before.

        That’s not how it works. It’s more of an area code. You need the whole number for the unique identifier.

      • while this may be true… the ones I posted were not… thats why they all start with the same marker

      • Been dazed and confused for so long it’s not true.
        Beef Supreme is pure evil
        There is nothing you can do

        Got away from the christ-OIDS, it was the best thing to do.

        Lots of them watchin

        Few of them know

        Soul of a christo IS residing below………………………YEA!

        BEEF huts and abuse, telling all of his LIES!
        Runs round and round with a glib tongue, lord, how he hypnotize

        Sweet little innocents, I don’t know where you been.
        Turn around sweet baby, here comes the evil Jed Bozza again!

      • in any case lets make this happen brother ! :wink:
        and always state your reasons why !
        Peace ! lets make it fun ! but truthful ! :lol:

      • “It’s more of an area code.”

        That 419 area code is a bad neighborhood. JanCute looks like a nice girl who just got caught up with the wrong crowd. She live in bad neighborhood. :wink:

      • I’m all for truth brother. That’s why I had to correct you.

        A little research is all it would take to back up the 4 corrections I listed. Don’t jump to conclusion, there’s enough of that going on here.

    • well..!

      A gamer in the crowd? are you a lyrical kind of person?

      There’s something happening here

      What it is ain’t exactly clear

      There’s a man with a gun over there

      Telling me i got to beware….

      • I think it’s time we stop
        Children, what’s that sound?
        Everybody look – what’s going down?

        There’s battle lines being drawn
        Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
        Young people speaking’ their minds
        Getting so much resistance from behind

        It’s time we stop
        Hey, what’s that sound?
        Everybody look – what’s going down?

        What a field day for the heat
        A thousand people in the street
        Singing songs and carrying signs
        Mostly saying, “hooray for our side”

        It’s time we stop
        Hey, what’s that sound?
        Everybody look – what’s going down?

        Paranoia strikes deep
        Into your life it will creep
        It starts when you’re always afraid
        Step out of line, the men come and take you away

        We better stop
        Hey, what’s that sound?
        Everybody look – what’s going down? :wink:

      • Purple RAIN
        Purple RAIN
        IF YOU DRINK IT, YOU’LL BE A christo-PAIN!

        Purple RAIN
        Purple RAIN
        It’s PURE Poison by any other name!

        AND, I DO not LOVE YOU vile, Perverted, and very violent judeo-christo-CREEPS!!!!

      • heh.. bizarre times all around.

        NCA.. sung by a prince?
        Here’s something that’ll make you howl..

        “Rain blows me away… I know me and I know my playing.. and then there’s Rain.” – Ringo Starr

      • btw, NCA.. if in CASE it’s noted..

        THANKS for the LOVE


    • re: ” Anonymous”

      Anyone else notice a recent influx of fool accounts wearing Guy Fawkes masks ( Like “Torch” and “anonymous” here ) with their dirty sanchees mustaches that seem bent on defending the management of this site and sewing confusion?

      All 420 tells anyone is how recent the accounts are made.

      If you think I’m pix YOU ARE AN IDIOT of epic proportions. Pix is a girl and I am a man.

      As for these

      “( -Non Christian American,419/456,- Pix,419/438,- JanCute,419/490,- Zorro,419/466,- MikalJalil,419/166,- )”

      Those appear to be all Chris Kitze the editor of the site.

      He’s also a fool.

      • MikalJalil sticks out like a sore thumb from the others on that list, at least from the post in this thread, which is the only one I’ve seen from him/her.

      • I stand corrected Brother am123

        “MikalJalil” is an unknown to me.

      • Leave it to a Fungus to introduce a Dirty Sanchez into A Bin.

      • By the way:

        So DRUDGE:

        “Seinfeld Calls YOUTUBE a ‘Giant Garbage Can’…”

        Better get in line behind THE Bin.

      • “The BIN” is more of a pig pen/abattoir than a garbage dump….

        I’m serious by the way about the sancheez thing. Who in their right mind wears a mask that looks like it’s had a “smear” placed under the nose?

        You know someone is laughing their bum off about that anonymous meme.

      • TCB

        I had to look up ‘abattoir.’

        Nice one.

      • “I had to look up ‘abattoir.’”

        :roll: me too

  • usual bible fear mongering
    religious leaders are loosing their sheep
    don’t wast you time

  • theawakezone

    First and foremost, NEVER USE THE BIBLE (Biggest Irrefutable Book of Lies Ever) as a reference. It’s ridiculous! EVERYBODY know it was created to CONTROL us all by the Illuminati.

    Second: Nibiru will NOT come anytime soon. Nibiru will pass Earth only in about 500 years. Sitchin showed us all calculations and did the math on this. So keep the facts straight. And when it comes around, the people living in the future, keep this in mind:

    It is not always so Nibiru causes problems for EARTH. But when this happens, it is because the path has changed or disturbed by chaos theory. What happens when chaos theory insert is that the device is disturbed by a sudden fluctuation in chaos theory. It is therefore sometimes Nibiru just doesn’t go in the exact trajectory it had last time.

    • TCB

      “First and foremost, NEVER USE THE BIBLE (Biggest Irrefutable Book of Lies Ever) as a reference.”

      No kidding? Which are the lies? Why don’t you begin by giving me A single lie (chapter and verse please). Then I will refute your claim. Sensibly.

      “It’s ridiculous! EVERYBODY know it was created to CONTROL us all by the Illuminati.”

      That will suffice as the first example of YOUR lies. I don’t ‘know’ what you say I know. In fact, I know the opposite of what you say I know.

      The floor is yours.

  • As I interpret Bible prophecy, I do not expect an asteroid impact. I do, however, expect an active phase from the black hole in the center of our galaxy, which sends out a wavefront of radiation, gravity, and dust. Two such galactic superwaves are always on their way; I think the next one is due in our solar system in late 2019. The evidence indicates they lead to solar reversals and pole shifts.

  • boom laka laka laka boom laka laka laka.. Sly

    • Truth is so obscured in these times and falsehood so established, that unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. ~Francis Schaeffer

      Unless we love the truth, the truth-suppressors win.

    • … in their own minds that is. :razz: Yeah baby! Censor away. Your colors are shocking, stunning and jaw-dropping. :razz:

      • .. and so SHINE, my friend.. and watch them slip into the shade..

      • Censor Lyn, censor. See Lyn censor. Run Lyn run …

  • The comment section of this article has been raped by the BIN staff.

    • Click all the Show buttons in defiance and read with pleasure. :grin:

      • Those are the best ones to read. :lol:

        When something gets down voted to the point where you have to click “show” it’s hard to resist clicking it.

  • This comment has received too many negative votes.

    97 times, out of 124 comments? Wow. Someone had fun with the counters…….

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