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Christianity, Islam and the Return of Elijah

Sunday, April 12, 2015 8:50
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Since Christians do not believe that John the Baptist was Elijah ‘raised from the dead’, and Muslims do not believe that Mohammed was Elijah and John the Baptist ‘raised from the dead’…

Since Christianity and Islam deny that the Doctrine of “the resurrection” is a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’…
And, since there are no closed circuit television cameras on the graves of either Elijah, John the Baptist, or Mohammed…
The only way that the Prophecy of Malachi (Chapter 4, verse 23 of the Book of Malachi and Chapter 17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew) can be fulfilled with any degree of certainty at all is if Elijah, John the Baptist and Mohammed ‘fly out of the sky on (the same?) white horse (or three white horses?)’…
But before Jesus ‘flies out of sky on a white horse’.
So the first responsibility of Elijah when he ‘flies out of the sky on a white horse’ will be to say whether the next person that ‘flies out of the sky on a white horse’ is, in fact, Jesus, or the “anti-Christ”.
But now there is a problem:
What if the first person that ‘flies out of the sky on a white horse’ is not really Elijah, John the Baptist, or Mohammed; but is, in fact, lying?
Then the monotheistic religions REALLY have a problem.

Or else the Doctrine of “the resurrection” is a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’.

In which case, the monotheistic religions REALLY, REALLY have a problem.

Michael (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verse 98 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light& Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and
Sarah–>Elijah–>John the Baptist–>Mohammed–>Elizabeth (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew) for:
Seven Women, Seven Churches and Seven Sisters )

Hagar–>the apostle Mary–>Danielle (1982-1987)

(March, 1987—the

Isaac–>the apostle John–>Robin (1986)

Ishmael–>the apostle Peter–>Cindy (1992)

Jacob–>the apostle Thomas–>Linda (1987-

Esau–>the apostle, Judas–>Susan (1970)

Isaiah’s wife–>the apostle James–>Kimberly (2000-




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  • Pix

    “And, since there are no closed circuit television cameras on the graves of either Elijah, John the Baptist, or Mohammed”

    That’s because they don’t have graves, there is zero evidence that any of them existed.


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