(Before It's News)
This is the issue:
Iran has stated in NO uncertain terms, and on more than one occasion, that merely the possession of nuclear weapons is an egregious violation of the monotheistic Revelations; in other words, the Teaching of not only the prophet Mohammed; but, also, the Jewish prophets and Jesus the messiah.
But this is an offense to the pride of the both the Christian countries and the Zionist state of Israel; because, rather than acquiring nuclear weapons, they should have been, like Iran, condemning the mere possession of nuclear weapons as being a violation of either the Torah and/or the Teaching of Jesus.
The result being that Iran is perceived as taking a ‘holier than thou’ stance in relation to both the Christian countries and Israel; when, in fact, they are merely adhering to the fundamental Teaching of the monotheistic Revelations themselves.
And it is for this reason that Iran, of all of the Muslim nations in the world—there are, of course, other Muslim nations, such as Pakistan, who do NOT recognize the possession of nuclear weapons as being a violation of the monotheistic Revelations—has been singled out for relentless persecution, and accusations of evil and deception.
But, as clearly stated in the Quran, “Allah will hurl Truth at falsehood until only Truth reigns supreme.”
Michael (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verse 98 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and
Sarah–>Elijah–>John the Baptist–>Mohammed–>Elizabeth (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew) for:
Seven Women, Seven Churches and Seven Sisters )
Hagar–>the apostle Mary–>Danielle (1982-1987)
(March, 1987—the http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap960705.html)
Isaac–>the apostle John–>Robin (1986)
Ishmael–>the apostle Peter–>Cindy (1992)
Jacob–>the apostle Thomas–>Linda (1987-
Esau–>the apostle, Judas–>Susan (1970)
Isaiah’s wife–>the apostle James–>Kimberly (2000-
Skype ID: deadseascrolls12
Twitter @michaelizabeth