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RoJava “new Born country”-Break Syria into Separate States

Thursday, April 9, 2015 5:12
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WIBR/WARN Radio and Internet ministry is “an Prophetic end time, teaching, preaching, and warning agency”. Our shows are heard via Satellite, Warn Radio network, and world wide via the Internet.

RoJava “new Born country”-Break Syria into Separate States

Kobana Rojava


Rojava “new Born country”-Break Syria into Separate States

The call is loud and clear. I first heard the call when covering the onslaught of ISIS against the area known as Kobani. In this small town and surrounding area lived the Kurds. They along with their counterparts in Turkey, Syria, and also some scattered in Iran have wanted independence. The Kurds have suffered persecution over the years and history is proof to that. When ISIS came calling they were met by a fighting womens corp which was not new to fighting. Over the years the Kurds had to use all available help. When the men fought, alongside were women. Now in this new war with ISIS came Women, young and old; all fighting against the odds.

ISIS was better equipped and at first the world stood and watched as the inevitable happened. Kobani would fall and there would be a slaughter. But to the surprise of the world, Kobane did not fall! In fact as the ‘FSA, Free Syrian Army’ helped them, there were others. Eventually; other fighters joined from other nations including America, Christians, and the Iraq Kurds known as the Peshmerga.

But they fought against ISIS as they had fought Turkey and other nations who oppressed them. This new war against ISIS was a fight for all people, not just Kurds. They fought for a region, for peace, for a nation called Rojava, “a new born country”!  They fought to put down ISIS and allow other groups: Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities living in both Iraq and Syria to live free and safe.


Above, the Film “Rojava, Syria’s Secret Revolution”

Is the Middle East’s newest country a territory called “Rojava”? Out of the chaos of Syria’s civil war, mainly Kurdish leftists have forged an egalitarian, multi-ethnic mini-state run on communal lines. But with ISIS Jihadists attacking them at every opportunity — especially around the beleaguered city of Kobane, how long can this idealistic social experiment last? From the frontlines to the refugee camps, Mehran Bozorgnia filmed in Rojava for the BBC’s Our World and has gained exclusive access and a revealing snapshot of Syria’s secret revolution.

Eventually Pres. Obama got a coalition together and they helped the Kurds by bombing ISIS. Eventually after a period of over 100 plus days, ISIS was pushed out. But the fighting was not over and is not over today!

But in Iraq, ISIS is also being pushed out of areas. Yet the battle is not over.

For the Kurds in Syria, the hope was and is Rojava.. I know, I covered it “from the outside looking in“!

The Battle At Kobani tops our 2014 list of stories and responses!

WIBR/WARN Radio Commentary on Rojava

Currently Sherkoh Abbas who is the Chairman of the Kurdistan National Assembly is a lobbyist. He currently resides in Washington D.C. and works to bring in Rojava; aka Syrian Kurdistan.  You can read more from our other post which has an addendum article on his work and Rojava.  Find it here>

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