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By Lisa Haven
“Nuclear Fallout is the residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast or a nuclear reaction conducted in an unshielded facility, so called because it “falls out” of the sky after the explosion and shock wave have passed. It commonly refers to the radioactive dust and ash created when a nuclear weapon explodes, but this dust can also be originated in a damaged nuclear plant. This radioactive dust, consisting of material either directly vaporized by a nuclear blast or charged by exposure, is a highly dangerous kind of radioactive contamination….It can lead to the contamination of aquifers or soil and devastate the affected ecosystems years after the initial exposure…. A wide range of biological changes may follow the irradiation of animals. These vary from rapid death following high doses of penetrating whole-body radiation, to essentially normal lives for a variable period of time UNTIL the development of delayed radiation effects, in a portion of the exposed population, following low dose exposures.“ Wikipedia (Nuclear Fallout)
There you have it! The effects of nuclear fallout from Fukushima will have diverse effects on the population following a series of low dose exposures.
I know many of you have been hearing about Fukushima for a long time but the truth is its effects are still very potent and reports are just now beginning to surface about humans having complications likely due to the Fukushima crisis including: birth defects, sterilization, and spikes in cancer rates.
This is not something we can continue to push under the run; the truth needs to come out and fast. In the video below top expert Jerry Petermann, talks with Alex Jones on Infowars and exposes the real truth behind Fukushima….
Radiation hot spots have popped up periodically all across the West coast. Concerned citizens have taken it upon themselves to purchase Geiger counters to take daily readings. The media continues to turn a blind eye to Fukushima leaving the average Joe in the dark.
They lied about Chernobyl and they are lying about Fukushima! Wildlife and sea life continue to experience massive die-offs. There have been reports of mutated marine life, melting starfish, bird deaths, and now sea lions are dying because the crayfish and sardines are MIA!
“California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are considered a sentinel species, meaning they’re seen as indicators of ocean health. Generally, if sea lions are suffering, something is wrong offshore. In this case, scientists still don’t really know what that something is.” National Geographic
I URGE you with everything in me to watch the video below in its entirety. In it Scientists are finally revealing the truth of how bad it really is and exposing the fact that major changes have hit our oceans…
What can you do in the meantime about being radiated?
The most extreme precaution would be to move to the southern hemisphere, but that’s farfetched and probably not likely for a majority of the public, and chances are radiation will eventually make its way their also.
Probably the worse area for ‘fallout’ is the West Coast: California, Alaska, and Hawaii. Current Geiger counter readings are showing up to 1400x normal radiation level readings in some coastal areas; which can eventually cause cancer, tumors, and problems with the thyroid to those repeatedly exposed. The bad part is a majority of the food is grown in the west, which is also bad news for the east side of the US. If you live in the east, I’d suggest buying food produced in the east or southern hemisphere when possible. For those on the west probably the best solution would be to grow your own food in a greenhouse environment with soil that has been scraped from a depth of at least 4″ below the topsoil. I know it’s not possible to grow all your food, but at least this will reduce some of the radiation in food products being consumed. If thats not possible, then try not to purchase products made in California: milk, dairy, vegtable, fruit, and poultry; due to potential contaminates; try more locally grown.
For all persons in the US I’d suggest abstaining from ingesting any sea food from the Pacific Ocean, this is probably one of the worst sources of radiation you can expose yourself too. There are massive fish die-offs and many animal mutations. Eat fish from the Atlantic if you have to eat sea food.
For those in the West it’s possible that your drinking water has radioactive particles. I suggest purifying your water with a top-notch water filter system.
For those in coastal cities, I’d also recommend taking iodine pills. This will ultimately prevent your thyroid from long-term damage.
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Hello Angle#1,
Charlie here. Maybe Japan is getting its revenge for being nuked in WW2? It does seem strange for such a technologically advanced country they are doing lo-tech (and slo-tech) recovery.
This is something you might expect in Russia or Africa but not Japan. Charlie is bewildered but suspicious and so far no major news outlet is reporting of mass die-off in the Pacific. Only small websites that Charlie cannot confirm the news stories.
You need to be out in the field more often. Armchair analysis is not cutting it with my Angles.
Charlie (who does not believe in cutting doughnuts)
Is that supposed to be “Angel” or “Angle” . . coz they are a bit different.
In fact using either one, it still doesn’t make any sense at all – must be an American thing . . .
Bilderberg and Big Banksters says “NO” to helping fund the Fukushima Cleanup because Big Banksters Bilderberg says money would be wasted and Bilderberg won’t make profit of the cleanup as Japanese people become extinct. Banksters think Japan is black people.
Now Eat my GMO My squishy Tumor GMO Millionaire Celebrity Scientists high salary pay says SAFE and deliciOUS to eat GMO all day everyday.
Something has to kill all of us, it may not be the fallout, but it could be the fear porn that causes some to run scared and hurt themselves.
Who can you trust?
When you eat fish you throw the bones away or you choke.
Look at 32:30 that is not the same Alex Jones and all the pictures of a fit AJ could as well be photo-shopped?
Then I listened to VT and Gordon Duff, he said Hitler (Austrian) was not like a real German, brown eyed and dark haired,
then he claims that global warming is real and that Benjamin Fulford is a truther and a friend, last time i listened to Fulford he said that the british Royals did good
according to the global warming, …then remember BP, Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010, and the deadly “CLEANUP” – MORE OF A DEPOP agenda 21.
Then i remembered what Thomas Sheridan said (Hitler Blue Eyed)
Thomas Sheridan explains the Psychopathic Control Grid [FULL VIDEO]
Global warming actually is global cooling; caravan-to-midnight. (I dedicate that truth to Karl Marx his only truth among otherwise basically lies)
Episode 234 – Today we speak with former space program advisor, shuttle engineer, and author John L. Casey, to uncover the truth about “global warming” and clarify
details regarding past and upcoming ice ages.
Only if you are weak and don’t have a strong electromagnetic energy field. It varies a huge amount how much radiation people can take before being affected adversely. Some very close to nuclear explosion epicenters were hardly affected, others a good distance away died very quickly. It depends on the strength of your energy field, exactly the same as Earth protects all life from harmful space and solar radiations by blocking it with the electromagnetic energy field. When it’s weak it allows more it, when strong it blocks nearly all.