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Jurors now will decide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s fate Punishing all those lost souls because they know nothing of their overpowering cosmic identities will not stop this dance of evil and the next terrorist act!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 16:06
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(Before It's News)


Jurors now will decide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s fate – Life or death?
“Convincing them to spare the Boston Marathon bomber will be like “climbing Mount Everest.”

While I despise any criminal act I realize also the jury is part of the 99.999% of a cosmic unconscious mass punishing criminals not realizing, like Adam Lanza and others lost souls, they are the victims of the educational system, religious institutions and/ or dry atheism.

Punishing all those lost souls because they know nothing of their overpowering cosmic identities will not stop this dance of evil and the next terrorist act!

Teaching children all about their inherited UCI, (spiritual DNA) will allow them to control the inherited sins and stimulate the virtues instead. But when adults, parents, teachers, jurors, politicians and Presidents are themselve cosmic unconscious and unwilling / unable to build cosmic consciousness there is no end to such dramatic news.

One must remember all those cold criminals were once upon a time reachable innocent children that could have turned out productive members of our society. Sending them to rot in prisons or killing them is NOT the answer.

Cosmic education, before, during or just after puberty is the only answer and the critical time in the developing psyche to acknowledge and control a very emotional, wild and powerful *UCI

The perpetrators and the victims are all under the jurisdiction of the Cosmic Code and their natal stars, something humanity is slowly uncovering with the grace of God cosmic divinity. Join us for more Please share!

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Total 2 comments
  • Sure, you despise criminality. Ripping of superstitious people must not count.

    • Would love to put turi and KOS in a sealed room…see who’s ego explodes first.
      KOS- Obama’s the ac!!!!!
      turi- I said that six months ago.

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